Office of Operations
21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

A Methodology and Case Study: Evaluating the Benefits and Costs of Implementing Automated Traffic Signal Performance

List of Acronyms

AASHTO American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials
ACS adaptive control system
ADT average daily traffic
ADOT Arizona Department of Transportation
a.m. peak morning peak
ATC adaptive traffic control
ATSPM automated traffic signal performance measures
ATMS active traffic management system
AZ Arizona
CAV connected and automated vehicle
CCTV closed-circuit television
CHIPR County Highway Improvement Program Request
CIP Corridor Improvement Program
CMAQ congestion mitigation and air quality improvement
CMM capability maturity model
ConOps concept of operations
CPU central processing unit
CR crash reduction
CV connected vehicle
DOT department of transportation
EV emergency vehicle
FHWA Federal Highway Administration
FTE full-time employee
FYA flashing yellow arrow
GcOST goals, context, objectives, strategies, and tactics
GDOT Georgia Department of Transportation
h hour
h/wk hours per week
I–76 Interstate 76
I–79 Interstate 79
IDOT Illinois Department of Transportation
IL Illinois
IL–22 Illinois Route 22
IN Indiana
INDOT Indiana Department of Transportation
IP internet protocol
IT information technology
ITE Institute of Transportation Engineers
ITS intelligent transportation systems
LCDOT Lake County Department of Transportation
LOS level of service
MAG Maricopa Association of Governments
MARK 1 Measurement, Accuracy, and Reliability Kit
MCDOT Maricopa County Department of Transportation
MOE measure of effectiveness
mi miles
mo month
NCHRP National Cooperative Highway Research Program
NPV net present value
OSADP Open Source Application Development Portal
PCD Purdue Coordination Diagram
PDO property damage only
PS&E plans, specifications, and estimate
PE professional engineer
PennDOT Pennsylvania Department of Transportation
PM performance measures
PTOE professional traffic operations engineer
PTZ pan, tilt, zoom
qtr quarter
RTOP Regional Traffic Operations Program
RTSO Regional Traffic Signals Program
RFP request for proposal
ROW right of way
SBIR small business innovation research
SCAT signal coordination and timing
sec/h seconds per hour
sec/veh seconds per vehicle
SPat signal phasing and timing
SR 37 State Road 37
STIC State Transportation Innovation Council
STORM Statewide Traffic Operations and Response Management
mi2 square miles
TMC traffic management center
TOD time of day
TSMP traffic signal management plan
TT travel time
UDOT Utah Department of Transportation
US United States
US 421 US Route 421
veh vehicle
veh/day vehicles per day
VM virtual machine
WA Washington
WSDOT Washington Department of Transportation
WisDOT Wisconsin Department of Transportation
wk week
wk/yr week per year
yr year