Office of Operations
21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

Expanding Traveler Choices through the Use of Incentives: A Compendium of Examples

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U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
Office of Operations
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20590


December 2018


[ Notice and Quality Assurance Statement ] [ Technical Report Documentation Page ] [ List of Abbreviations ]

1. Introduction
2. Applying Incentives to Modify Travel Routes
Rebalancing Shared Electric Vehicles In San Diego
3. Applying Incentives to Shift Time of Travel
Encouraging a Shift to Off-Peak Travel Times
Commuter Connections Flextime Rewards Program
Instant (Infosys-Stanford Traffic) Program: A "Nudge System" in Bangalore, India
Stanford University's Congestion And Parking Relief Incentives (CAPRI) Study
Spitsmijden ("Peak Avoidance")
Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) Perks
4. Applying Incentives to Shift Mode of Travel
Incentivizing Mode Shift Options through Smartphone Applications
Incentive Services To Reduce Environmental Impacts of Trips
European Empower Project To Reduce Use of Conventionally Fueled Vehicles
"One-Less-Car" Demonstration Study, Seattle Department of Transportation
Shifting to Transit: Boulder, Colorado Neighborhood Eco-Pass Program
Bella Mossa In Bologna, Italy
Flexpass Program, University of California, Berkeley
Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Access MIT Program
5. Applying Incentives to Eliminate Trips
Florida Idriveless Research Program
6. Summary
7. Resources

List of Figures

Figure 1 Illustration. Active transportation and demand management strategies work to dynamically influence multiple traveler decisions across the trip
Figure 2 Maps. Compound figure depicts the car2go incentive zones in San Diego
Figure 3 Screenshot. Rewards from Metropia program
Figure 4 Screenshot. Chutes-and-ladders game for redeeming cash reward in CAPRI
Figure 5 Screenshot. Interface for "My Beats" smartphone app for this CAPRI
Figure 6 Graph. Number of detected travelers from Zoetermeer during morning peak
Figure 7 Screenshot. Promotional flyer for BART Perks
Figure 8 Chart. The three phases of the EMPOWER implementation
Figure 9 Photo. The NECO Pass is offered by RTC and the City of Boulder as an incentive for residents to shift their mode of travel to transit
Figure 10 Chart. Bella Mossa by the numbers
Figure 11 Screenshots. FlexPass smartphone application interface
  Last modified: November 19, 2019  
Office of Operations