Office of Operations
21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

Expanding Traveler Choices through the Use of Incentives: A Compendium of Examples

7. Resources

Abadi, H.K., C. Mandayam, J.S. Yue, C. Zhu, D. Merugu, and B. Prabhakar. "CAPRI: Congestion and Parking Relief Incentives: Decongesting campus road networks using incentives." Poster. (n.d.). Available at:

Amadori, M., G. Liguori, and C. Bristow. "Game of Phones," Thinking Cities 4, is. 2 (December 2017): 48-51. Available at:

ARS Traffic and Transport Technology. "ARS T&TT successfully completes Spitsmijden A2 Nederweert-Eindhoven project." April 12, 2018. Available at:

Avineri, Erel. "Changing travel behavior: Lessons from 'behavioral economics." Transportation Professional. July/August 2009.

Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART). "Incentives shift BART riders out of the morning rush." March 8, 2017. Available at:

Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART). "New test program rewards BART riders for travelling outside the morning rush." (n.d.). Available at:

BetterPoints. "Bella Mossa programme wins CIVITAS Bold Measure Award for pioneering work in Bologna" by Michael Grimes. October 3, 2017. Available at:

Bliemer, Michiel, Matthijs Dicke-Ogenia, and Dick Ettema. Rewarding for Avoiding the Peak Period: A Synthesis of Three Studies in the Netherlands. February 3, 2015. Available at:

City of Boulder, Colorado. "Neighborhood EcoPass Program (NECO Pass Program)." Available at: Last accessed on October 11, 2018.

CIVITAS. "Awarding Europe's sustainable urban mobility pioneers: CIVITAS Awards 2017 winners revealed" by Richard Adams, September 29, 2017. Available at:

Commuter Connections. "Commuter Connections Flextime Rewards Program." Available at:

Crump, Allison. "City of Boulder's NECO Pass Program." Telephone interview. May 1, 2018.

Donovan, Stuart. Introducing Spitsmijden–Experiments with peak avoidance incentives in the Netherlands. McCormick Rankin Cagney. (n.d.). Available at

EMPOWER. "EMPOWER Rewarding Change." Available at: Last accessed October 11, 2018a.

EMPOWER. EMPOWER Toolkit. Available at: Last accessed October 11, 2018b.

Farivar, Cyrus. "Want to fix traffic? Pay people to get up and go earlier. Lure of cash prizes has some shifting the time of their Stanford commutes." Ars Technica. July 30, 2012. Available at:

Federal Transit Administration. "Mobility on Demand (MOD) Sandbox Program," last modified September 17, 2018. Available at:

Golden, Mark. "Stanford study to try cold cash and social game to relieve rush hour traffic." Stanford Report. April 2, 2012. Available at:

Gomes, N., D. Merugu, et al. "Steptacular: an Incentive Mechanism for Promoting Wellness." NetHealth, Comsnets, Workshop on Networked Healthcare Technology. January 2012.

Greenfield, Barry. "Paying drivers to avoid traffic; new program offers incentives," EfficientGov. June 20, 2012. Available at:

Guilleman, Andre. "New Access MIT program offers free public transit to MIT employees – Plan gives commuters flexibility to choose, day-to-day, how they get to campus." MIT News on Campus and Around the World, June 14, 2016. Available at:

Hof, Tineke, Tiago Fioreze, Tom Thomas, and Remco Wijn. "Review of previous use of incentives," Workshop: Designing positive incentives: practical insights and sharing knowledge with the EMPOWER Project, March 29, 2017.

Houston Style Magazine. "H-E-B Commuter Challenge Delivers Huge Reductions in Driving," February 16, 2010. Available at:

Hu, Xianbiao, Yi-Chang Chiu, and Lei Zhu. "Behavior Insights for an Incentive-Based Active Demand Management Platform," International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology, 4 No. 2, (2015): 119-133. Available at:

Johnston, Theresa. "Balaji Prabhakar: 'Doesn't Anybody Care About This Traffic?!'" Insights, Stanford Graduate School of Business. April 16, 2014. Available at:

Keeton, Andy, Allison Crow, Lynn Daniels, Tim Karfs, and David Levy. Mapping Incentives to Change: How Commutifi's Commuter Score Can Influence Sustainable Commuting, Rocky Mountain Institute (Basalt, CO: July 2018). Available at:

Lee, Chanyoung, Phil Winters, Joan Pino, and Debbie Schultz. Improving the Cost Effectiveness of Financial Incentives in Managing Travel Demand Management (TDM), BDK85 977-41 (Tallahassee, FL: October 2013). Available at:

Luum Commute Management Platform. Website. Available at:

Luum. "Luum Plays Key Role in Successful Commute Reduction for Delta Dental of Washington Seattle Employees." Press release, October 23, 2017. Available at:

Massachusetts Institute of Technology. "About MIT." Available at:

Meeuwissen, Marcel, Tiago Fioreze, and Tom Thomas. EMPOWER Dissemination Strategy. Deliverable 7.1. EMPOWER. October 30, 2015. Available at:

Merugu, D., B. S. Prabhakar, and N. S. Rama. "An Incentive Mechanism for Decongesting the Roads: A Pilot Program in Bangalore." NetEcon, ACM Workshop on the Economics of Networked Systems. July 2009. Available at:

Metcalfe, John. "The Results of America's First Transit-Incentive Program." CityLab. Mar 13, 2017. Available at:

Metropia. "Applying MODE to Enhance Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS) Delivery." Available at:

Metropia. Metropia: Driving a Better City. Website. Accessed June 5, 2018. Available at:

Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments. "New Commuter Connections rewards program gives commuters information to avoid traffic delays and congestion." Available at:

Moniz, Ernest J. and Robert C. Armstrong. "The MIT Energy Initiative: One Year Later" Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT Faculty Newsletter. November/December 2007. Available at:

Moore, Bill. "One Less Car in Seattle." EV World. August 28, 2004. Available at:

National Research Center, Inc. Modal Shift in the Boulder Valley: 1990 to 2015. Boulder, CO: 2016. Available at:

NuRide. Website. Accessed June 5, 2018.

Pluntke, C. and B. Prabhakar. "INSINC: A Platform for Managing Peak Demand in Public Transit." JOURNEYS. (Singapore: Land Transport Authority Academy of Singapore, 2013) pp. 31-39.

Rijkswaterstaat, Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Waterstaat. "Spitsmijders A2 houden goed reisgedrag vast," April 4, 2018. Available at:

Seattle Department of Transportation. "One More Reason for One Less Car." SDOT Blog (blog), November 23, 2009. Available at

Shaheen, Susan A., Ph.D, Elliot Martin, Ph.D, and Apaar Bansal. One-way Electric Vehicle Carsharing in San Diego: An Exploration of Behavioral Impacts and the Impact of Pricing Incentives on Improving Operational Efficiency, Report no. CA18-2499 (Sacramento, CA: January 2018. Available at:

SmartWayz, Netherlands. "Spitsmijden A2" web page. Available at:

Stemerding, Marc and Tineke Mateboer. Onderzoek optimaal spitsmijden Amsterdam ("Optimal peak avoidance research – Amsterdam"), under contract to the Municipality of Amsterdam. November 14, 2017. Available at:

Tang, Dounan, Ziheng Lin, and Raja Sengupta. A Casual Analysis of FlexPass: Incentives for Reducing Parking Demand. Report. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California, Berkeley. Transportation Research Board 2016. November 15, 2015. Available at:

Zhu, C., J.S. Yue, C. Mandayam, D. Merugu, H.K. Abadi, and B. Prabhakar. "Reducing Road Congestion through Incentives: A Case Study" (paper presented at the 94th Annual TRB Meeting, Washington, DC, November 2015).

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  Last modified: November 19, 2019  
Office of Operations