Office of Operations
21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

Traffic Analysis Toolbox Volume III: Guidelines for Applying Traffic Microsimulation Modeling Software 2019 Update to the 2004 Version


The authors would like to acknowledge the following individuals for their contributions to this document:

  • Expert Panel Members, for their participation and insights: Thomas Bauer, Alex Gerodimos, Michael Mahut, Shawn Birst, Kaan Ozbay, David Hale, Vincenzo Punzo, Mark Blackstone, and Alex Skabardonis.
  • Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) and the University of Washington, for contributing data and models used in the I-405 Case Study.
  • Syihan Muhammad from Noblis for formatting this document to be 508-compliant HTML format.
  Last modified: November 18, 2019  
Office of Operations