Office of Operations Freight Management and Operations

Freight Demand Modeling and Data Improvement Handbook

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United States Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration

U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
Office of Operations
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20590


December 2017

Table of Contents

[ Notice and Quality Assurance Statement ] [ Technical Report Documentation Page ]

Chapter 1. Background
Freight Demand Modeling and Data Improvement Strategic Plan
Handbook Users and Purpose
Data and Modeling Best Practices—An Overview
Decisionmaking Needs and Gaps
Implementation Assistance Program Overview
Pilot Projects and Case Study Overview
Chapter 2. Data Innovations
Principles and Considerations for Local Data Collection
Capital District Transportation Committee—New York
Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission—Pennsylvania
Florida Department of Transportation
Mid-America Regional Council—Missouri
South Dakota Department of Transportation
Washington State Department of Transportation
Winston-Salem Metropolitan Planning Organization—North Carolina
Chapter 3. Modeling Innovations
Principles and Considerations for Freight Modeling Improvement
Maricopa Association of Governments—Arizona
Maryland State Highway Administration and Baltimore Metropolitan Council
Metro – Oregon
Wisconsin Department of Transportation
Chapter 4. Conclusions
Principles and Considerations for Data and Modeling
Issues and Lessons Learned

Strategic Highway Research Program 2 Solutions

The second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP2) is a partnership of the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), and the Transportation Research Board (TRB). TRB completed the research, and now FHWA and AASHTO are jointly implementing the resulting SHRP2 Solutions that will help the transportation community enhance productivity, boost efficiency, increase safety, and improve the reliability of the Nation's highway system.


Jeffrey Purdy
Federal Highway Administration
Office of Freight Management and Operations
Phone: 202-366-6993

Learn more about the SHRP2 program, its Capacity focus area, and Freight Demand Modeling and Data Improvement (C20) products at

U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration
American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials – Transportation Research Board

  Last modified: June 15, 2018  
Office of Operations