Office of Operations
21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

Approaches to Presenting External Factors with Operations Performance Measures


This chapter summarizes a statistical analysis that was conducted to identify external factors that are closely correlated with actual system performance measures. The objective was to identify these key external factors, such that State and local agencies can include their corresponding external factor data in their own performance monitoring and reporting efforts.


The project team identified a list of possibly influential external factors for which data was available on a recurring basis. This list of possibly influential external factors included the following general categories:

  • Travel demand.
  • Economic, employment, and price indicators.
  • Population and housing indicators.
  • Weather conditions.

Table 1 lists 32 possibly influential external factors (grouped in the above four categories) that were included in the statistical analysis. Table 1 also lists the agency source for external factors data, as well as the reporting frequency. The following sections contain more detailed information on each of the 32 possibly influential external factors, including hyperlinks for obtaining the original source data.


In the statistical analysis, these 32 possibly influential external factors were compared to three system performance measures as calculated in FHWA's Urban Congestion Report (UCR) program: 1) travel time index; 2) planning time index; and 3) congested hours. More details on these performance measures (including data sources and calculation procedures) can be found at

The objective of the analysis was to identify those external factors from among the list of 32 (Table 1) that were most highly correlated with these system performance measures. The project team recognized that highly correlated external factors does not mean that these external factors are influencing system performance. In fact, the opposite could be happening—system performance could be influencing external factors (such as economic or employment indicators). Regardless of a proven causation, the project team determined that high correlation was a sufficient reason to recommend including key external factors in an agency's self-directed performance reporting (i.e., not the reporting required in 23 USC 150(e)).

Table 1. List of Possibly Influential External Factors.
External Factor Category External Factor Data Source Reporting Frequency
Travel Demand Average Daily Traffic Volumes Federal Highway Administration Travel Monitoring Analysis System (TMAS) Monthly
Economic, Employment, and Price Indicators Gross Domestic Product (GDP) - All Industries Bureau of Economic Analysis, U.S. Department of Commerce Quarterly for States, annual for metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs)
GDP - Construction
GDP - Manufacturing
GDP - Real Estate
GDP - Retail Trade
GDP - Transportation
Per Capita Income
Personal Income (PI)
Economic Conditions Index Federal Reserve Bank Monthly
House Price Index Federal Housing Finance Agency Monthly
Consumer Price Index (CPI) Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor Monthly, Semi-annual, Annual
CPI - Rent Price Index
CPI - Fuel Price Index
Number of Employed Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor Monthly
Number of Unemployed
Percentage of Unemployed
Population and Housing Indicators Population Estimate U.S. Census Bureau Annual
Population Change
Natural Increase - Births
International Migration
Domestic Migration
Net Migration
Rental Vacancy Rate U.S. Census Bureau Quarterly
Homeowner Vacancy Rate
Homeownership Rate
Total Building Permits U.S. Census Bureau Monthly
Single Family (SF) Permits
Number of Structures
Weather Conditions Total Monthly Precipitation National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Monthly
Total Monthly Snowfall
Average Monthly Temperature

The statistical analysis used principal components analysis (PCA) to reduce the dimensions of the multivariate data. The Granger causality method was then used to identify the most influential and highly correlated external factors. Details on both of these analysis methods are included in the Appendix.

Travel Demand

Average daily traffic volumes were obtained from the Traffic Monitoring Analysis System (TMAS) at TMAS data are collected by FHWA from the State Departments of Transportation (DOT)s. Researchers obtained the MSA traffic volume data from the TMAS stations using ArcGIS tools (Figure 1).

This figure shows a United States map of traffic monitoring locations included in FHWA TMAS, and also shows the 51 selected metropolitan areas included in the analysis.

Figure 1. Graphic. TMAS Stations located at the selected 51 MSAs.

After obtaining the station volume data, monthly average daily traffic (MADT) was calculated using the following equation (2016 Traffic Monitoring Guide, page 3-30):

The monthly average daily traffic is calculated as the arithmetic average of daily traffic volumes.


  • m is the month index.
  • j is the day of week index.
  • h is the hour index.
  • i is the index for occurrence of particular hour h within a particular j day of the week in a particular month m for which there is a volume data
  • MADT subscript m is monthly average daily traffic for month m.
  • VOL subscript ihjm is the recorded volume at the given hour, day and month at the given station.
  • n subscript hjm is the number of times the hth hour of jth day on mth month occurs for which there is volume data (n subscript hjm is less then or equal to 5 , e.g. the volume data for Monday 13:00 will be recorded at most five times in a given month)
  • w subscript jm the weighting factor for the number of the times the jth day of the week occur during the month m (w subscript jm equals either 4 or 5 since every weekday will be repeated either four or five times in a given month).

The volume data were available from TMAS for January 2013 to December 2015. Partial volume data was available until June 2016; however, this data did not include the volume data from all stations. Therefore, to obtain the 2016 volume data the MADT were predicted using autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) models. To obtain the missing data values for 2016, TRAMO (Time Series Regression with ARIMA Noise, Missing Observations, and Outliers) and SEATS (Signal Extraction in ARIMA Time Series) was used.(1)  TRAMO/SEATS is an ARIMA model based on a seasonal adjustment method. TRAMO/SEATS, together with the X-12-ARIMA, are recommended by Federal Reserve Bank, European Statistical System (ESS) Guidelines on Seasonal Adjustment and officially used by Eurostat and the European Central Bank.

Economic, Employment, and Price Indicators

Gross Domestic Product and Personal Income

The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and Personal Income (PI) of MSAs and States are released by the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA), U.S. Department of Commerce at  The State data are released on a quarterly basis while the MSA data are released on an annual basis. Annual GDP/PI of the State is calculated as the average of quarterly GDP/PI. The quarterly MSA data were extrapolated from the State data. The following BEA datasets were used to calculate the quarterly GDP/PI:

  • Quarterly State GDP and PI until 2016.
  • Annual State GDP and PI until 2016.
  • Annual MSA GDP and PI until 2016.

A linear regression model is applied to estimate the relationship between the annual GDP of the MSAs (GMP, or Gross Metropolitan Product) with the annual GDP of the States they belong to. Then using the estimated coefficient, the quarterly GMP was calculated by multiplying the coefficient with the quarterly GDP's.

The Gross Domestic Product for each state is calculated as the product of the Gross Metropolitan Product multiplied by the estimated coefficient, then adding the unobserved errors.

The Gross Metropolitan Product is calculated as the product of the Gross Domestic Product for each state multiplied by the inverse of estimated coefficient.


  • GDP subscript state a is the annual state GDP.
  • GMP subscript MSA a is the annual GMP.
  • GDP subscript state q is the quarterly state GDP.
  • Estimate of GDP subscript MSA q is the estimated quarterly GMP.
  • Estimate of beta is the estimated coefficient.
  • Epsilon sub a is the unobserved errors.

To calculate the coefficient, 10 years of annual GDP data were used (2005-2015). For this analysis, the researchers included the following GDP components:

  • GDP – All Industries.
  • GDP – Construction.
  • GDP – Manufacturing.
  • GDP – Real Estate and Rental.
  • GDP – Retail Trade.
  • GDP – Transportation and Warehousing.

The analysis was conducted for each MSA separately. The same methodology was used to obtain the quarterly PI data for the MSAs.

Economic Conditions Index

The Federal Reserve Bank (FRED) reports the business cycle or Economic Conditions Indices (ECI) for the MSAs on a monthly basis at This is one of the important economic indicators used to describe the economic health of MSAs. ECI is calculated using the 12 most influential economic indicators that are assumed to determine the economic condition of the MSA. For more information, one may refer to the following document:

House Price Index

House Price Index (HPI) is the broad measure of the movement of Single-Family (SF) house prices. HPI is reported on a monthly and quarterly basis by the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) at The HPI includes house price figures for the nine divisions, 50 States and the District of Columbia, and the MSAs.

Consumer Price Index

Consumer Price Index (CPI) of All Consumers, Rent Price, and Fuel Price are obtained from Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor (BLS) at (note that this hyperlink is only available when using a Java browser).  BLS publishes CPI information for 26 metropolitan areas (Table 2). Some of these metropolitan areas, as defined by the U.S. Census Bureau, include suburbs or counties that extend across State boundaries. The CPI for the rest of the MSAs were calculated using the neighboring and closest MSAs as the reference point (Table 3).

Table 2. Frequency of Available CPI data (2007-2017).
Area Frequency
Chicago-Gary-Kenosha, IL-IN-WI (CMSA) Monthly
Los Angeles-Riverside-Orange County, CA (CMSA) Monthly
New York-Northern New Jersey-Long Island, NY-NJ-CT-PA (CMSA) Monthly
Atlanta, GA (MSA) Bimonthly
Boston-Brockton-Nashua, MA-NH-ME-CT (MSA) Bimonthly
Cleveland-Akron, OH (CMSA) Bimonthly
Dallas-Fort Worth, TX Bimonthly
Detroit-Ann Arbor-Flint, MI (CMSA) Bimonthly
Houston-Galveston-Brazoria, TX (CMSA) Bimonthly
Miami-Fort Lauderdale, FL (CMSA) Bimonthly
Philadelphia-Wilmington-Atlantic City, PA-NJ-DE-MD Bimonthly
San Francisco-Oakland-San Jose, CA (CMSA) Bimonthly
Seattle-Tacoma-Bremerton, WA (CMSA) Bimonthly
Washington-Baltimore, DC-MD-VA-WV(CMSA) Bimonthly
Anchorage, AK (MSA) Semi-annual
Cincinnati-Hamilton, OH-KY-IN (CMSA) Semi-annual
Denver-Boulder-Greeley, CO (CMSA) Semi-annual
Honolulu, HI (MSA) Semi-annual
Kansas City, MO-KS (MSA) Semi-annual
Milwaukee-Racine, WI (CMSA) Semi-annual
Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN-WI (MSA) Semi-annual
Pittsburgh, PA (MSA) Semi-annual
Portland-Salem, OR-WA (CMSA) Semi-annual
St. Louis, MO-IL (MSA) Semi-annual
San Diego, CA (MSA) Semi-annual
Tampa-St. Petersburg-Clearwater, FL (MSA) Semi-annual

Note: CMSA = Consolidated Metropolitan Statistical Area

Table 3. Substitution of CPI Data for Missing MSAs.
MSA State Notes
Austin TX Use Houston data
Birmingham AL Use Atlanta data
Charlotte NC Use Washington DC data
Columbus OH Use Cincinnati data
Hartford CT Use Boston data
Indianapolis IN Use Cincinnati data
Jacksonville FL Use Tampa data
Las Vegas NV Use Los Angeles data
Louisville KY Use Cincinnati data
Memphis TN Use Atlanta data
Nashville TN Use Atlanta data
New Orleans LA Use Houston data
Oklahoma OK Use Dallas data
Orlando FL Use Tampa data
Providence RI Use Boston data
Raleigh NC Use Washington DC data
Richmond VA Use Washington DC-Baltimore data
Sacramento CA Use San Francisco data
Salt Lake City UT Use Portland data
San Antonio TX Use Houston data
Virginia Beach VA Use Washington DC-Baltimore data
Employment Indicators

MSA employment statistics are released by Bureau of Labor Statistics at The following estimates are published on a monthly basis:

  • Civilian labor force.
  • Number of unemployed.
  • Percentage of unemployed.

Population and Housing Indicators

Population and Migration

Population, demographics, and tourism data were obtained from the U.S. Census Bureau at  Population estimates indicate the population changes and the migration in the MSAs. This is annual data and includes the following population estimators:

  • Population Estimate: Total population estimate.
  • Population Change: numeric change with respect to the previous year.
  • Natural Increase: natural increase in the given period (births).
  • International Migration.
  • Domestic Migration.
  • Net Migration.
Homeownership and Rental Rates

Homeownership and vacancy rates provide current information on the rental and homeowner vacancy rates, and characteristics of units available for occupancy. Rental and homeowner vacancy rates, and homeownership rates are reported for the U.S., regions, States, and for the 75 largest MSAs at Public data for the three indicators were obtained from U.S. Census Bureau at

  • Homeownership Rates: The proportion of households that are owners is termed the homeownership rate. It is computed by dividing the number of households that are owners by the total number of occupied households
  • Homeowner Vacancy Rates: The homeowner vacancy rate is the proportion of the homeowner inventory that is vacant for sale.
  • Rental Vacancy Rates: The rental vacancy rate is the proportion of the rental inventory that is vacant for rent.
Building Permits

The Building Permits Survey shows the monthly number of the new housing units in MSAs authorized by building permits. Data are obtained from the U.S. Census Bureau at The indicators are available for the following:

  • Total Building Permits.
  • Single Family (SF) Building Permits.
  • Number of Structures.

Weather Conditions

Monthly weather and precipitation data are obtained from National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) at The data are collected from weather stations located at the airports and other locations. The following weather condition variables are used to analyze the performance measures:

  • Monthly Precipitation (Rainfall).
  • Monthly Snowfall.
  • Average Monthly Temperature.


The statistical analysis (detailed in the Appendix) found the most important external factors correlated with system performance were as follows:

  1. Traffic volume levels.
  2. Number of employed persons.
  3. Number of building permits.
  4. Rental vacancy rate.
  5. Fuel price index.
  6. Economic conditions index (1 month of leading effect).

The extent to which these external factors affect or are affected by transportation system performance is still unknown, but tracking these and other external factors may provide insight into the relationship between transportation, the economy, and other sectors of interest. Table 4 contains hyperlinks where data for these six important external factors can be obtained online for state and local performance reporting.

Table 4. Source of Data for Highly Correlated External Factors.
Correlated External Factor Agency Source and Data Hyperlink
Traffic volumes FHWA TMAS ( or state DOT traffic databases
Number of employed persons Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Dept. of Labor (
Number of building permits U.S. Census Bureau (
Rental vacancy rate U.S. Census Bureau (
Fuel price index Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Dept. of Labor (
(note that this hyperlink is only available when using a Java browser)
Economic conditions index Federal Reserve Bank (

While these external factors are important at an aggregate national level, there may be others that are statistically significant and important to individual states or region. States and regions may also choose to track other external factors that may be of particular importance to them. Regardless, when tracking, visualizing, and publishing these external factors, states and regions should carefully consider not only the analysis in preparing the data, but also in how they present the data. The next chapter provides recommendations for presenting external factor information with performance measures.

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  Last modified: November 19, 2019  
Office of Operations