Traffic Signal Management Plans
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Contact Information: Operations Feedback at

U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
Office of Operations
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20590
November 2015
An Objectives- and Performance-based Approach for Improving the Design Operations and Maintenance of Traffic Signal Systems
Table of Contents
[ Technical Report Documentation Page ] [ Notices ] [ SI* (Modern Metric) Conversion Factors ]
List of Figures
Figure 1. Graphic. Would a traffic signal management plan be helpful for my agency? |
Figure 2. Graphic. Relationships among agency documents |
Figure 3. Graphic. Good basic service components |
Figure 4. Graphic. Notable interactions needed to achieve good basic service. |
Figure 5. Graphic. Goals, context, objectives, strategies, and tactics (GOST) pyramid. |
Figure 6. Diagram. Planner and operator approaches to traffic signal management planning. |
Figure 7. Diagram. Planner vs. operator goals, context, objectives, strategies, and tactics (GOST) perspective. |
Figure 8. Diagram. Traffic signal management plan development flow chart |
Figure 9. Diagram. Traffic signal management plan context diagram. |
Figure 10. Diagram. High-level system concept diagram. |
Figure 11. Map. Distribution of MAC Address Readers in Mesa, Arizona. |
Figure 12. Map. Location of Ygnacio Valley Road, Walnut Creek. |
Figure 13. Chart. Illustration of demand variation on Ygnacio Valley Road. |
Figure 14. Chart. Sample analysis using Bluetooth and traffic volume data |
Figure 15. Graph. Sample BlueToad™ travel time report for Ygnacio Valley Road |
Figure 16. Diagram. Sample Purdue Coordination Diagram. |
Figure 17. Diagram. Corridor arrival on green report. |
Figure 18. Graph. Using arrivals on green for optimization of offsets. |
Figure 19. Graph. Termination monitor report. |
Figure 20. Graph. Split monitor report. |
Figure 21. Graph. Phase termination by max-out at night. |
Figure 22. Graph. Split monitor helped identify problem. |
Figure 23. Graph. Split monitor shows problem cleared. |
List of Tables