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Congestion Pricing - A Primer: Evolution of Second Generation Pricing ProjectsCase StudiesSeveral projects around the country exemplify the opportunities and challenges facing second generation pricing projects. Six case studies were selected to highlight projects that are in different stages of development and illustrate a wide range of topics. The case studies are generally organized starting with those that have made some progress, gradually building to the states/regions that have progressed the farthest. Each of these six regions has achieved successful second generation pricing projects through very different means. There is a spectrum of successful approaches, ranging from Minneapolis, which is using minimal new infrastructure, to Houston, which has built substantial capacity increases. One common feature in each case study is the emphasis on providing more reliable transit service within the corridor or region. ![]() Figure 2. Photo. I-95 Express Toll Lanes in Florida Photo source: Florida DOT Each of the following case studies describes the evolution of managed lanes, highlights key lessons learned, and defines the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) role in implementing the projects.
ETL = express toll lane
FDOT = Florida Department of Transportation HOT = high-occupancy toll HOV = high-occupancy vehicle TSP = transit signal priority WSDOT = Washington State Department of Transportation Southeast FloridaFlorida's first managed lane (1976) was a 14-mile segment of I-95 that operated as a concurrent flow high-occupancy vehicle (HOV) lane during peak periods. It was eventually expanded to 21 miles between I-395 and I-595. Over the years, this lane struggled with performance due to the high level of HOV 2+ vehicles, high violation rates in the HOV lanes, and congestion on the I-95 general purpose lanes. Highlights
In 2002, the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) began to study the idea of converting the HOV lanes on I-95 to high-occupancy toll (HOT) lanes. The study estimated the project would be feasible, so FDOT received a grant from the Value Pricing Program for funds to conduct public outreach and a tolling and revenue study, which was finalized in 2006. This ultimately led to FDOT's successful proposal under the Urban Partnership Agreement. The resulting 7-mile I-95 express facility converted a single HOV lane each way into two HOT lanes in each direction. The extra lane was created by narrowing the travel lanes from 12 feet to 11 feet and narrowing the shoulders. Additionally, the existing HOV lane buffer was reduced to 1 foot of separation between the general use lanes and the proposed managed lanes. Construction also included some bridge and interchange improvements to maintain continuity of the dual managed lane facility. The design included pylon separation rather than concrete barriers, because of limited right of way. Innovative operational aspects of the project included shifting from HOV-2 to HOV-3 eligibility and requiring eligible carpools to register with the local ride-sharing agency. These characteristics differentiate I-95 from a conventional HOV to HOT conversion project. The I-95 project was the first step in creating a two-county network of express toll lanes. Phase 1-A of the project, the southern half of northbound lanes, opened in 2008. Phase 1-B opened in 2010. Phase 2, extending the lanes 14 miles northward, will be opened in 2015. Given the success of the 95 Express project, FDOT and its partners developed a plan to construct multiple Express Lane (EL) corridors across the Southeast Florida region to create an EL network. Four entities – FDOT District 4, FDOT District 6, FDOT Florida's Turnpike Enterprise (FTE) and the Miami-Dade Expressway Authority (MDX) – will be involved in the EL network deployment. The roles and responsibilities of these agencies and specific design and operational guidance were prepared during the Southeast Florida Express Lanes Network Regional Concept for Transportation Operations (RCTO) project. The RCTO that was developed using Value Pricing Pilot Program (VPPP) funding is one of the first of its kind and has been instrumental in making it possible for the region to move ahead with future corridors. The Federal Highway Administration Role Florida was awarded congestion pricing funds under the original program to vary the toll on two bridges in Lee County. That original project led to several follow-on studies in Lee County in addition to other parts of the state. Miami's first project was a project on the Florida turnpike in 2000. In 2003, the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) was awarded Value Pricing Pilot Program (VPPP) funds to evaluate HOT lanes on I-95 in Miami-Dade County. In 2004, they received additional VPPP funding to conduct outreach. Fort Myers and Orlando have also been awarded VPPP funds to examine pricing-related strategies. Ongoing Work FDOT is moving ahead with an express toll lanes network in South Florida. Since the opening of the I-95 project, FDOT has completed efforts to add three reversible express toll lanes on I-595 in Ft. Lauderdale, and work is under way on extending the I-95 managed lanes north to Ft. Lauderdale. Other ongoing work includes adding priced managed lanes in the median of I-75 and on the north-south portion of the Palmetto Expressway in Miami. The Florida Turnpike is also adding managed "premium toll" lanes to the southern portion of its Homestead Extension in South Miami-Dade and to the Veterans Expressway in the Tampa Bay Region. These would be the first managed lanes on a toll road in the United States. FDOT's vision is to deploy express toll lanes and networks throughout the State. Work is underway in Jacksonville (I-295), Orlando (I-4 Ultimate Project), and the Tampa Bay region (I-4, I-75, and I-275). The FHWA VPPP also funded a Bus Toll Lanes Proof-of-Concept study in the Tampa- Hillsborough County region. The bus toll lane concept envisions premium transit service operating on newly built priced-managed lanes that would function as the "fixed guideway" component of a BRT network. The bus toll lane is not a HOT lane in that in would not give toll discounts based on vehicle type or occupancy. The bus toll lane concept could be considered a second or third generation priced managed facility if it moves ahead to implementation.
HOT = high-occupancy toll, HOV = high-occupancy vehicle
Websites 95 Express Managed Toll Lanes In Miami Dade & Broward Counties: http://www.95express.com/ South Florida Express Lanes Network: http://www.95express.com/pages/related-info/south-florida-express-lanes-network
Figure 3. Map. The Current and Planned Express Toll Lane Network in the Greater Miami Area. ![]() (Source: Florida Department of Transportation)
HOT = high-occupancy toll, HOV = high-occupancy vehicle
Northern VirginiaHighlights
Northern Virginia was one of the first regions to implement high-occupancy vehicle (HOV) lanes, which eventually developed into a system of HOV lanes on I-395, I-66, and I-95. A missing piece to the HOV system was the Capitol Beltway (I-495), which provides a cross-county connection between the radial freeways. In response, the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) initiated a large planning process along I-495 focused on adding HOV lanes. During the Environmental Impact Study (EIS), an opportunity was created through a private sector proposal (see text box) that changed the focus of the managed lanes project. VDOT signed a contract with the concessionaire in December 2007, and construction began on the 495 Express Lanes, rebranded as the E-ZPass Express Lanes. Opened in 2012, the 14-mile priced managed lanes segment of I-495 extended from the Springfield Interchange to a point north of the Dulles Toll Road. The design added two express toll lanes in each direction, replaced more than 50 overpasses and bridges, reconstructed ten interchanges, and added direct HOV/high- occupancy toll (HOT) connections to the I-95/I-395 HOV lanes. The HOT lanes allow HOV 3+ and transit vehicles to travel free, while dynamic tolls are used to manage the other traffic. The public-private project created several institutional challenges for VDOT. While the State already had public-private partnership authority with the Public-Private Transportation Act (PTA) of 1995, the Legislature was reluctant to relinquish control over the public-private partnership projects. Also, since the HOT lane proposal from the private sector was unsolicited, there initially was no project champion from a public agency or the political sectors. The State appointed an independent review panel, which ended up voting in favor of the private consortium proposal. Once the design with HOV/ HOT lanes and transit provisions was clarified, the Virginia Secretary of Transportation supported the project. VDOT also created the Office of Transportation Public Private Partnerships (OTP3), renamed the Virginia P3 Office, or VAP3, effective in 2014. Both the public and private sector partners were integrated into a team to deliver the project successfully. Injecting Private-Sector Initiatives to Create a Priced Managed Roadway In Northern Virginia, a complex planning process was already underway for the Capital Beltway (I-495) expansion when the unsolicited high-occupancy toll (HOT) lane proposal arrived from the concessionaire. At that time, the I-495 alternatives being considered would result in substantial right-of-way acquisitions and high capital cost. The concessionaire proposal promised a smaller project footprint with a much lower price tag. It also brought high-occupancy vehicle (HOV)/HOT lanes and transit benefits into the corridor. After substantial review, this design concept was added as a new alternative and the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) process was restarted and completed. Having the EIS process already underway streamlined the approvals and was seen as a positive factor by the private applicant, the Fluor Corporation/Transurban team. While the 495 Express Lanes were being implemented, the topic of converting other high-occupancy vehicle (HOV) lanes was explored. This led to the creation of the I-95 Express Lanes project, which is a separate public-private partnership. The project proposed to construct and operate HOT lanes along a 29-mile portion of the existing, reversible, HOV-3 facility on I-95 and I-395. A third reversible lane was also added from the Prince William Parkway to the project's northern terminus between Duke Street and Edsall Road. To the north of this point, the reversible facility will continue to operate as an HOV 3+ facility. New HOV ramps were constructed, park-and-ride lots were expanded and funds were used to make other local transit improvements. The Federal Highway Administration Role Value Pricing Pilot Program (VPPP) awarded funds to the Virginia Department of Transportation to study high-occupancy toll (HOT) lanes in 2003. However, the funds were redirected to evaluate HOT lanes in the Hampton Roads area. In 2011 VPPP awarded the state funds to examine the public acceptability of pricing in the Washington, DC, region (project conducted by the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (MWCOG) Transportation Planning Board). VDOT is currently studying the possibility of implementing HOT lanes along I-66 outside the Beltway for a distance of about 25 miles, to US 15 in the Haymarket area. The State is looking for approval in 2015 with an opening possibly by 2021. In addition, VDOT is studying I-66 inside the Beltway for conversion during peak periods only from HOV to HOT as a VDOT owned and operated managed lane facility.
HOT = high-occupancy toll, HOV = high-occupancy vehicle
Websites Virginia Megaprojects – I-495 HOT Lanes: http://www.vamegaprojects.com/about-megaprojects/i495-hot-lanes/ I-495/I-95 Express Lanes: https://www.expresslanes.com/ ![]() Figure 4. Map. The Northern Virginia Managed Lanes Facilities. (Source: Virginia Department of Transportation)
HOT = high-occupancy toll, HOV = high-occupancy vehicle, VDOT = Virginia Department of Transportation
![]() Figure 5. Photo. Construction of the I-495 Express Lanes in Northern Virginia. Puget Sound, WashingtonThe Puget Sound region in Washington State has had one of the Nation's largest regional high- occupancy vehicle (HOV) systems for many years. It features 235 miles of managed facilities. The Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) first considered a priced managed roadway system in 2006 when the Washington State Legislature asked WSDOT to conduct a study on the feasibility of adding up to two express toll lanes to I-405 that would connect with existing high-occupancy toll (HOT) lanes on SR 167. This would form a seamless 50-mile Eastside Corridor.5 The first phase is scheduled to open in late 2015. It will include a dual express toll lane system from downtown Bellevue to Bothell/ Woodinville, and an existing carpool lane from SR 522 to I-5 will be converted to a single express toll lane. The remaining sections south of Bellevue will be added as funding becomes available to increase capacity along I-405. Highlights
The other major priced managed roadway currently under construction is the SR 520 Bridge Replacement Project. This project is being partially funded with toll revenues generated by the SR 520 full-facility pricing project, which was funded as part of FHWA's Urban Partnership Agreement (UPA) grant program. The SR 520 full-facility pricing project charges variable tolls on all lanes of the existing floating bridge across Lake Washington. This project is unique because it initiated pricing on an existing bridge. The project was designed to manage demand and generate revenue to help fund the new bridge prior to completion of the replacement bridge, which is under construction. An underlying objective of the managed lane program is to ensure ongoing reliability for transit, which relies strongly on the regional managed lane network to maintain efficient transit operations. Pricing provides WSDOT with another demand management tool to enable reliable speeds to be achieved on the managed lanes throughout the day. Building a network of priced managed lanes creates design and operational challenges. Since most of the actions include converting and expanding the existing HOV lane system, the design needs to integrate those features without needing to totally rebuild the freeway infrastructure. For example, there are several HOV direct-access ramps along I-405 that are being retrofitted to better accommodate added toll traffic while maintaining reliable access for HOVs and transit. There are also different HOV eligibility rules that may be in place for each corridor. These will need to be reconciled as part of the concept of operations and public outreach process. A key feature of the Puget Sound program is continuous interagency planning and collaboration. For example, the SR 520 Bridge tolling project has been a joint effort between WSDOT, King County Metro (transit service provider), and the Puget Sound Regional Council (PSRC). These agencies collaborated on the Urban Partnership proposal and have remained active partners during implementation of the pricing project. WSDOT is the overall lead for the project, requiring coordination between Washington State Department of Transportation's (WSDOT) Toll Division, the Northwest Region, and the SR 520 mega-project office,6 which is constructing the new 520 floating bridge. Local agencies on both ends of the bridge are also actively engaged. A Vision for Regional Pricing The Puget Sound Regional Council (PSRC) Vision 2040 plan (adopted in 2010) envisions priced freeways throughout the region. The intent is to manage and finance the highway network as a system of fully tolled facilities. The creation of priced managed lanes using the high-occupancy vehicle (HOV) lane system as a backbone is the first step towards future fully priced roadways. A strong public process has helped to build support for roadway pricing. A tolling implementation committee was established in 2010 to gauge and build public support and to provide guidance to the legislature. WSDOT also identified pricing champions in both the public and private sectors. The Secretaries of the WSDOT, past and present, have been stalwart supporters of the implementation of pricing to achieve the many PSRC regional policy goals. The following projects fit within those policy goals: the SR 520 Bridge (i.e., a fully tolled facility), priced managed lanes on SR 167, and forthcoming express toll lanes on I-405. Also important is the leadership provided by major businesses such as Boeing and Microsoft, whose employees commute along these roadways. The private sector leadership has helped bolster legislative support to continue the pricing program. The Federal Highway Administration Role The State's early Value Pricing Pilot Program (VPPP) awards were focused on non-toll strategies (parking cash out and GPS-based pricing). In 2003, the State received funds to study high-occupancy toll (HOT) lanes on SR 167. The project was implemented in 2008. Subsequently, VPPP funded projects to evaluate the express toll lanes concept were undertaken in 2009 and they are currently piloting continuous access on SR 167. Full facility pricing began on the existing SR 520 bridge in December 2011. The facility is tolled by time of day, and toll revenue generated will be used to pay for part of the construction costs of the new floating bridge. ![]() Figure 6. Map. Existing and Proposed Priced Managed Lanes for SR 167 and I-405 in the Puget Sound Region. Source: Washington State Department of Transportation)
HOT = high-occupancy toll, HOV = high-occupancy vehicle
Websites WSDOT – I-405 Express Toll Lanes: http://www.wsdot.wa.gov/Tolling/405/ WSDOT – High-occupancy Vehicle (HOV) Lanes: http://www.wsdot.wa.gov/HOV/ ![]() Figure 7. Photo. Existing SR 520 Bridge in Washington Prior to Replacement Photo source: WSDOT
FTA = Federal Transit Administration
HOT = high-occupancy toll HOV = high-occupancy vehicle UPA = Urban Partnership Agreement USDOT = United States Department of Transportation WSDOT = Washington State Department of Transportation Minneapolis/St. Paul, MinnesotaThe greater Minneapolis-St. Paul region has implemented two managed lane projects on I-394 and I-35W. Both of these facilities started as high- occupancy vehicle (HOV) lanes and were subsequently converted to high-occupancy toll (HOT) lanes under the MnPASS program. The HOT lanes allow HOV 2+ and transit to travel free, while single-occupancy vehicles (SOV) can buy into the lanes using dynamic pricing. Highlights
The MnPASS project objectives, first applied to I-394, were as follows:
The I-394 conversion resulted when the facility's under utilized HOV lane came under increased political and public scrutiny. The new MnPASS managed lanes were opened along the 11-mile corridor in 2005 and featured dynamic pricing. These were the first HOT lanes to use double-striped lines rather than physical barriers. The I-35W MnPASS lanes, supported under the Urban Partnership Agreement (UPA) program, were opened in 2009 and included 8 miles of an HOV to HOT conversion project, plus a 3 mile priced dynamic shoulder lane. The dynamic shoulder lane is used as a priced managed lane during peak periods, and then returned to a shoulder during off-peak periods. The priced dynamic shoulder lanes were an outgrowth of the region's system of bus-only shoulders and were considered a better way of utilizing existing infrastructure as an interim solution. Both the I-394 and I-35W MnPASS lanes could be considered first generation priced facilities in that they converted existing HOV lanes into HOT lanes, and in the case of I-35W, converted an existing shoulder into a peak period HOT lane. The move into second generation priced facilities will occur in 2015, when MnPASS will add new lanes to a 4-mile section of I-35E, north of St. Paul. In 2016, the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) plans to extend the I-35E MnPASS lanes further north through a combination of lane additions and an innovative approach through the I-35E/I-694 commons area. Because there was no need to add lanes through this recently reconstructed commons area, MnDOT decided to convert the inside southbound general purpose lane to a HOT lane during the morning peak period. In the northbound direction through the commons, there will be no HOT lane designation. This approach will be evaluated for a 1-2 year period, and modifications could be made depending on the evaluation results. MnDOT and the Metropolitan Council (the region's metropolitan planning organization (MPO) have a vision for a MnPASS system throughout the Twin Cities area. There are plans to extend the MnPASS lanes on I-35W south of Minneapolis, add MnPASS lanes on I-35W north of Minneapolis, and add MnPASS lanes on I-94 between Minneapolis and St. Paul. MnDOT is also evaluating and developing several other corridors for MnPASS lanes should additional funding become available. The Federal Highway Administration Role The first pricing funds were awarded in 1999 to conduct a regional study and public outreach. The Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) was awarded Value Pricing Pilot Program (VPPP) funds the next 6 years to study both toll- and non-toll-pricing applications. In 2007, MnDOT obtained UPA funding to test several innovations to managed lanes along I-35W. In 2012, MnDOT received a VPPP grant to conduct a pre-implementation study of high-occupancy toll (HOT) lane options on I-35E.
HOT = high-occupancy toll, HOV = high-occupancy vehicle
![]() Figure 8. Photo. I-35W MnPass Express Lanes in Minnesota Photo source: FHWA Websites Regional Transportation Management Center (RTMC) – Reports – MnDOT: http://www.dot.state.mn.us/rtmc/reports.html
HOT = high-occupancy toll
HOV = high-occupancy vehicle MnDOT = Minnesota Department of Transportation MPO = metropolitan planning organization UPA = urban partnership agreement ![]() Figure 9. Map. The Existing and Future Managed Lanes in the Minneapolis/St. Paul Region. (Source: Minnesota Department of Transportation) Houston, TexasHouston's experience with managed lanes started in the late 1970's with the North Transitway (I-45) contraflow lanes. Subsequently, transitways (i.e. reversible managed high-occupancy vehicle (HOV) lanes) were developed along I-45 North (North), I-45 South (Gulf), I-10 (Katy), US 59 South (Southwest), US 59 North (Eastex) and US 290 (Northwest). Highlights
The transitways were primarily one-lane, reversible, barrier-separated facilities located in the median of a freeway. Houston Metropolitan Transit Authority of Harris County (Metro) and Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) jointly funded these projects under various agreements, which also involved Federal funding (Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and Federal Transit Administration (FTA) for the Gulf, North, Eastex, Southwest and Northwest corridors. As this radial network of transitways was completed in the late 1990's, usage grew and several of the managed lanes started to have capacity problems due to high HOV usage. The region was also facing severe congestion on most of the general purpose lanes, leading to plans for freeway reconstruction and expansion on some corridors. The decisions that came next led to the development of second- generation managed lanes that also brought in pricing characteristics. The Katy Freeway (I-10) serves as a good illustration of this evolution. The Katy HOV lane opened in 1984, and vehicle eligibility for the HOV lane gradually decreased from only transit and vanpools to all vehicles with two or more occupants. Growing travel demand led to overcrowding and slower speeds on the HOV lane during peak periods. In response, the Katy HOV lane was restricted to HOV 3+ during the peak hours, leading to "empty lane" syndrome. In January 1998, the QuickRide pricing program began. The primary goal of this program was to increase the person throughput on the Katy HOV lane and in the Katy freeway corridor. The plan added pricing to allow HOV 2 users to "buy into" the HOV lane during the morning and evening peak periods—hence the name QuickRide. A post- implementation study that evaluated the QuickRide program found that demand for paid HOV-2 was relatively low and did not lead to significantly better freeway operations. During this time, TxDOT conducted an evaluation process to assess the current condition and future needs of the Katy Freeway corridor including the general-purpose lanes, the HOV lane, and local access roads. The study recommended a full reconstruction of the Katy Freeway. Due to the need for substantial capacity above what could be environmentally approved, two lanes in each direction were reserved as special use lanes. The Harris County Toll Road Authority (HCTRA) made a proposal to finance the construction of the four special-use lanes in the median of the Katy Freeway between I-610 and SH 6 with the stipulation that the agency could operate them as a priced managed lane facility. The proposal by HCTRA to build, operate, and maintain the managed lane portion of the highway allowed the construction of the facility to be completed sooner. In turn, this action allowed TxDOT to prioritize funding for other managed lane corridors in the region. Snapshot of other Houston Managed Lanes NOTE: These are all considered first generation priced managed lanes. Northwest Freeway (U.S. 290) QuickRide - Converted a reversible high-occupancy vehicle (HOV) lane to a high-occupancy toll (HOT) lane facility. The US 290 Northwest Freeway QuickRide conversion occurred in 2000 and was replaced in 2012 with a more advanced, dynamically priced ETC operation that allowed single occupant vehicles to pay to use the facility. This project is now in the process being replaced by an expanded, multilane, second-generation facility. Gulf Freeway (I-45S) - Converted one reversible HOV lane to a HOT, HOV2+ free, time variable tolling (no tolling 7-8am / 4-6pm) lane with occupancy declared via declaration lanes at entrances. North Freeway (I-45N) - Converted one reversible HOV lane to HOT (A1-33), HOV2+ free, time variable tolling lane with occupancy declared via declaration lanes at entrances. Eastex Freeway (US-59N) - Converted one reversible HOV lane to HOT, HOV2+ / motorcycles ride free (5-11am / 2-8pm) lane. Southwest Freeway (US-59S) - Converted one reversible HOV lane to HOT, time variable tolling, HOV2+ / motorcycles ride free (5-11am / 2-8pm) lane. Outer portion now transitions to one concurrent lane in each direction. While Harris County Toll Road Authority (HCTRA) would operate the managed lanes, the general- purpose lanes remained under the jurisdiction of Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT). A later pact with Metro was made in a tri-party agreement to allow transit vehicles to use the managed lanes for free as an effort to improve mobility on the corridor. This innovative delivery process provides a model for funding, operating, and maintaining the managed lanes. The tri-party agreement between TxDOT, HCTRA, and Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) was also innovative because it included components not commonly involved in the delivery of major transportation investments: These include (1) having a shared operating agreement, (2) financing the construction of managed lanes on an Interstate Highway through a county-based toll operator, and (3) using open road electronic tolling The Katy Freeway Managed Lanes on I-10, also referred to as the Katy Tollway, became fully operational in 2009. Two managed lanes operate (HOV 2+ discount) in each direction in the median of the facility, bounded by at least four general- purpose lanes in each direction and three or more frontage road lanes. The managed lanes terminate at the west end into a concurrent-flow HOV lane. It was the first newly constructed managed lane project in Texas that included variably priced operations. The priced managed lanes occupy four lanes within the center of the freeway and contain channelized slip ramps with the general purpose lanes as well as flyover ramps with transit facilities and local streets. In 2014 HCTRA formally announced that they were no longer going to co-sponsor managed lane operations on the Katy Freeway Managed Lanes nor be a sponsor to the new US 290 Managed Lanes. TxDOT will likely take over sponsorship of these projects in 2015. The Federal Highway Administration Role Houston's first congestion pricing project was awarded under the Congestion Pricing Pilot Program in the late 1990s. Between 2002 and 2005, the Value Pricing Pilot Program (VPPP) funded pricing feasibility studies in Austin, Dallas, Houston and San Antonio to evaluate the feasibility of dynamic pricing. The Dallas-Fort Worth area performed one of the first evaluations of pricing from a regional perspective. The Katy managed lanes helped to test the design for multilane treatments that have since been implemented on corridors in Texas and elsewhere. ![]() Figure 10. Diagram. The Katy Freeway Managed Lane Facility in Houston. (Source: Harris County Toll Road Authority) ![]() Figure 11. Photo. Gulf Freeway High-Occupancy Vehicle and High-Occupancy Toll Lanes at the Eastwood Transit Center in Texas. Photo source: Houston Public Media.org
HOT = high-occupancy toll, HOV = high-occupancy vehicle
HCTRA = Harris County Toll Road Authority
HOT = high-occupancy toll HOV = high-occupancy vehicle TxDOT = Texas Department of Transportation San Diego, CaliforniaThe I-15 Express Lanes facility in San Diego offers an example of a priced managed lane project that contains an integral transit component. The I-15 facility, located northeast of downtown San Diego, started as a reversible, two-lane high-occupancy vehicle (HOV) facility that extended for 8 miles. Opened in 1988, the HOV lanes were underutilized for several years, with demand decreasing during the early 1990s. Also during this time, agencies sought to expand peak commuter transit service to the northeastern San Diego region. Highlights
Using a Value Pricing Pilot Program (VPPP) grant from Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), San Diego converted the HOV lanes into a high-occupancy toll (HOT) facility. Renamed FasTrak, the I-15 HOT lanes' purpose was to better utilize the HOV lanes and ensure fast, reliable transit service. The managed lane operation was simple in that there was only one entry and exit point. Revenues from the HOT lanes were allocated to new corridor transit service, providing an additional travel choice to commuters. The success of the HOT lane conversion led to a major freeway reconstruction/expansion effort in 2012 between SR 163 and SR 78. This project added two HOT lanes in the existing section to create a bi-directional, four-lane facility and extended the project north by 12 miles, completing a 20-mile barrier-separated HOT facility. The managed lanes have a movable barrier that can allow various combinations of operations for the 4 combined HOT lanes and multiple access points to the general purpose highway lanes. In addition, direct access ramps, park-and-ride lots, and transit stations were added along the HOT lane section. The HOT lanes allow HOV 2+ and transit to travel free, while single-occupancy vehicles (SOV) can buy into the lanes using dynamic pricing. This operation allows demand to be fully managed throughout the HOT lane facility. The initial HOT Lane project included a new express bus service. Further expanded as part of the second- generation project, a 35-mile all-day bus rapid transit (BRT) line was implemented in 2014 connecting Escondido to downtown San Diego via the I-15 Express Lanes (branded as "Rapid"). Five direct connector ramps allow BRT vehicles (and carpools/ vanpools/SOV toll users) access to off-line BRT stations and park-and-ride facilities. These connector ramps and stations are spaced roughly every 4 miles. I-15 FasTrak currently generates toll revenues of nearly $1 million per year for BRT service in the I-15 corridor. After covering operating expenses, the remaining revenues are earmarked to be spent on improving corridor transit service, an arrangement that helped to gain political and public acceptability of the project. The Federal Highway Administration Role The FasTrak project was originally funded under the Congestion Pricing Pilot Program (CPPP). Future aspects of the project (exploring variable and dynamic pricing and enforcement) were funded under the Value Pricing Pilot Program (VPPP). Due to the success of the FasTrak project, the San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) is working to expand the express toll lane network to I-5, I-805, and SR 52. Each facility will have unique character and design features but will have common branding and basic operating rules. ![]() Figure 12. Screenshot. The San Diego 1-15 Corridor Express Lanes. (Source: San Diego Association of Governments)
HOT = high-occupancy toll, HOV = high-occupancy vehicle
Websites SANDAG, I-15 Express Lanes: http://www.sandag.org/index.asp?projectid=34&fuseaction=projects.detail
BRT = bus rapid transit
HOT = high-occupancy toll HOV = high-occupancy vehicle SANDAG = San Diego Association of Governments ![]() Figure 13. Photo. I-15 Express Lanes in California Photo source: UTSandiego.com 5 Priced managed lanes on I-405 were initially considered in 2002 as part of a programmatic Environmental Impact Study for the I-405 Master Plan. This concept was further studied and then supported with state legislation. Priced managed lanes were successfully tested along SR 167, helping to build support for the I-405 express lanes project. [ Return to note 5. ] 6 The mega-project office reports directly to WSDOT headquarters in Olympia, WA. [ Return to note 6. ] |
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United States Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration |
Last modified: May 15, 2020 |