Office of Operations
21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

Transportation Systems Management and Operations Benefit-Cost Analysis Compendium


# Case Name Benefit-Cost Analysis (BCA) Model Actual or Hypothetical Case
6.1 Hypothetical Centrally Controlled Ramp Metering Deployment TOPS-BC Actual
6.2 Florida DOT Road Ranger Program Custom Stand Alone BCA Model Focused on Safety Benefits Actual
6.3 Metropolitan Area Transportation Operations Coordination Program Custom Stand Alone BCA Model Actual
6.4 Regional Traffic Management Center, Ft. Lauderdale, FL Custom Stand Alone BCA Model Actual
6.5 Coordinated Highways Action Response Team, Maryland Custom Stand Alone Benefit Analysis Actual
6.6 Georgia NaviGator Traffic Incident Management System Custom Stand Alone Benefit Analysis Actual

Case Study 6.1 – Hypothetical Centrally Controlled Ramp Metering Deployment

Strategy Type: Freeway Management
Project Name: Hypothetical Centrally Controlled Ramp Metering Deployment
Project Agency: State Department of Transportation or Transportation Planning Agency
Location: Urban and Rural
Geographic Extent: Statewide, Corridor or Segment
Tool Used: TOPS-BC

Note: Chapters 2, 3, and 4 of this Compendium contain a discussion of the fundamentals of benefit-cost analyses (BCA) and an introduction to BCA modeling tools.  These sections also contain additional BCA references.

Project Technology or Strategy

Ramp metering involves the placement of a traffic signal on freeway on-ramps to meter the flow of traffic entering the mainline facility and smoothing the flow of traffic in the merge area. Ramp metering may be implemented with minimal cycle lengths designed to simply break up platoons of vehicles entering the facility to smooth the merge operations, or may be operated more aggressively with longer cycle lengths designed to hold traffic on the on-ramp to maintain lower volumes and higher speeds on the mainline facility. Ramp meters may be deployed at single isolated locations, or may be deployed region-wide to improve merge operations and reduce bottlenecks at on-ramp locations, thus improving corridor travel times and safety. Similar to arterial signal systems, the sophistication of the timing patterns may be determined according to preset, traffic actuated, or centrally-controlled patterns.

Project Goals and Objectives

A Midwestern traffic management agency deployed ramp metering on seven interchanges along a 5-mile corridor of a major Interstate. Ramp metering was selected as the most cost effective option, as increasing capacity or adding lanes would be expensive and difficult given limited right of way. The meters were installed at a cost of approximately $30,000 per on-ramp. The overall goal of the ramp metering program was to help decrease congestion by maximizing the flow of traffic and increasing merge safety on the freeway.

Data Requirements

Data was collected and analyzed prior to and after deployment of the ramp metering system to evaluate effectiveness.

The data used for the analysis consisted of loop detector speed and volume data and accident and incident management data. The study focused on morning peak period (6am to 8am) and afternoon peak period (4pm to 6pm). For the 2010-2011 initial evaluation, data was compiled for a 24-month period (March 2008 to March 2010) prior to the implementation of the metering system and for a 12-month period (April 2010 to March 2011) following the activation. For the 2011-2012 Long Term Impacts Evaluation, the data used was archived data from morning and afternoon peak hours for the all no-holiday weekdays following the activation of the system in April, 2010 through September, 2012.

The results of the evaluation indicated that the ramp meters were benefitting traffic flow on the Interstate and were meeting or exceeding the objectives for the system that were initially identified.

Benefit Cost Evaluation

A benefit cost evaluation could be used to determine whether to implement ramp metering technology. TOPS-BC provides input defaults for most variables that would be used in the evaluation of a new ramp meter system. If a planner was looking at a system similar to this ramp meter example, he or she could use the TOPS-BC defaults, or generate new data to make the example as realistic as possible by applying local data in place of the defaults. This also allows the user to test the impact of changes in selected input data. For example, the analysis can be carried out for cases that highlight local or recent information for the project using different technology costs, traffic levels, wait times, etc. Each of the items shown in Table 23 are included in the default input data set, but may be replaced with user supplied data as shown. If user supplied data is entered, it will override the default value and be used by TOPS-BC in all calculations that call for that input data.

In addition to the characteristics that describe your project such as technology specific costs, roadway descriptions, number of installations, etc., you may also want to input values different from the TOPS-BC defaults for economic parameters related to the measures of benefits for the project. Examples may be the value of time or reliability. Others include the price of fuel, the cost of crashes or dollar value of other benefits you may have calculated such as vehicle emissions.

Entering your own data allows you to make the analysis as specific as you can for your project. In addition, it provides a simple process for testing the sensitivity of the results to a particular variable or set of variables. Table 23 illustrates both user supplied data inputs and TOPS-BC supplied inputs.

TOPS-BC calculates a default Freeway Link Capacity based on the HCM and the default or user inputs peak hours and lanes for this case. Here the default capacity is 26400 vehicles per hour. TOPS-BC uses 2200 vehicles per hour per lane times 4 hours times three lanes. If the user felt that the free flow capacity were different for this facility, say 2000 vphpl, the calculation can be redone as 2000 times 4 hours times 3 lanes or 24000. Entering 24000 in the User Supplied Data Input for Freeway Link capacity cell would override the default in all future TOPS-BC calculations.

In this case we have some specific site characteristics including length, number of lanes, number of metered ramps, average speed and other characteristics. We also enter specific data about the performance of the facility we are analyzing. TOPS-BC has already done a literature review for the range of impacts of traffic centrally controlled ramp meters and provides a reasonable default value. However, in this case we have specific facility impacts and can input them into the system. We have chosen not to change the value of time, the value of reliability, energy prices or the value of crash avoidance for this example. In this run we are accepting the TOPS-BC default values found in the right column or on the Parameters page in the TOPS-BC model.

Table 23. Input Variables and User-Supplied Data for Ramp Metering Example.
Required Input Variables User-Supplied Data Inputs TOPS-BC-Supplied Inputs
Facility Characteristics
Link Length (Miles) 5
Total Number of Lanes 6 2
Freeway Link Capacity (All Lanes - for the time period of analysis) 26400
Free Flow Speed (MPH) 65 55
Number of Metered Ramps 15 1
Average Link Length (Miles) 0.25 0.25
Average Ramp Number of Lanes 1.5 1
Average Ramp Link Capacity (All Lanes - for the time period of analysis) 4800
Average Ramp Free Flow Speed (MPH) 35
Facility Performance
Freeway Link Volume (during time period of analysis, 3-hour peak)) 21,120 14,000
Average Ramp Link Volume (during time period of analysis, 3-hour peak) 3,840 5,200
Impacts Due To Strategy
Change in Freeway Link Capacity (%) 20 12%
Change in Ramp Link Capacity (%) -35%
Reduction in Freeway Crash Rate (%) 20 12%
Reduction in Freeway Crash Duration (%) 0%
Reduction in Fuel Use (%) 10%

In this example, we are running TOPS-BC and we would like to modify the inputs to reflect new data. We might do this because of the similarity of this particular deployment to the one we are considering. We know in previous deployments that the freeway travel speeds increased by 20 percent and the crash rate also decreased by 20 percent. However the TOPS-BC default for both these values was 12 percent. By using the navigation column we can go to the benefit inputs page and input the new percent for volume increases and crash reductions. These values will be used in all calculations calling for these inputs in TOPS-BC.

The user can also test the inputs to see where additional benefits may be realized. This can be accomplished by modifying assumptions about the project costs, size or other dimension. One can also test the value assumptions. For example, an alternative set of crash costs by type (fatality, injury or property damage only (PDO)) that reflects local crash cost experience would improve the applicability of this tool for your project.

The three primary benefits of ramp metering deployments are improvements in travel time, travel time reliability, and crashes. In addition, the smoother traffic flow results in improved vehicle fuel efficiency and reduced emissions for most pollutants. Each project plan is different and the realized benefits can be impacted by the plan. By varying the assumptions in the plan, BCA models allow you to see how plan assumptions will impact the expected benefits.

Travel Time. Mainline and ramp delays increase travel time. Reducing delay and travel time is a benefit that accrues to the freeway user. Travel Time is usually calculated based on estimated link speeds in the corridor, both for the freeway and ramp links. Speeds may be estimated using the speed-flow relationship from the Highway Capacity Manual where a speed factor (to be applied to free flow speed) for varying degrees of congestion (as measured by volume/capacity ratio) can be found.

Speed is estimated for the baseline (without improvement) scenario by determining the correct speed-flow factor to apply based on your inputs for capacity and volume and applying the factor to the free flow speed you provided. These analyses must be performed separately for the freeway and ramp links. For the improvement scenario, average capacities are adjusted based on default impact percentages. BCA models usually provide these defaults or the user can supply impact values if available. These default impact values are sensitive to the Level of Timing Sophistication. The adjusted capacity value is used to determine an adjusted volume/capacity ratio which can be used to look up the speed-flow factor from the HCM or as a default in the model. The estimated speeds for the baseline and with improvement scenarios are used to estimate link travel time based on your inputs for link length and average volumes. The difference between the two scenarios in hours of travel time is monetized as the travel time benefit.

Travel Time Reliability. Travel time reliability can be based on the non-recurring delay estimation methodology developed for the Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP 2 projects L03 and L05). The approach uses factors (applied to VMT) representing the expected amount of incident related delay based on the number of lanes on the facility, the length of the analysis period, the facility volume and the facility capacity. This analysis is only performed on the freeway links. The impact of the ramp metering strategy on incident related delay is two-fold – it is impacted by the change in facility capacity (discussed under the Travel Time impact above) and by a reduction in the number of crashes (discussed in the Crashes section below). The change in capacity results in a different volume/capacity ratio (between the without improvement and with improvement scenarios) being used with the incident related delay factors. Incident delay factor is multiplied with the VMT estimated for the facility. Further, the resulting estimated number of hours of incident related delay for the with improvement scenario are further reduced by the percentage decrease in the default crash rate. The incremental change in hours of non-recurring travel time delay between the baseline and with improvement scenario is assigned a dollar value. Tools like TOPS-BC or similar models will do all these calculations for you with data you provide about your project and its expected effects on performance.

Reliability has been recognized as an important consideration to travelers. Improving reliability is a benefit to travelers. The SHRP 2 research project dedicated a significant portion of its resources to defining, understanding and measuring reliability. SHRP 2 has released several reports relating to the topic. Not all of this research has been added to the TOPS-BC model Version 1. TOPS-BC V1 now estimates only the benefits from reducing incident related delay. In the future, TOPS-BC will add new code to address the current reliability benefits and add these benefits to the full BCA. The latest model will be available on the FHWA, Planning for Operations web site (

Safety. Crashes represent the benefit in the reduction in crashes resulting from the smoothing of traffic conflicts in the merge area. A default crash rate factor is usually supplied by the BCA tool; however, if you have local data to support a different impact, you can usually input this project specific information in your model. For example, with TOPS-BC you can enter a factor in the "Reduction in Freeway Crash Rate (%)" cell. This impact factor will reduce the crash rates applied to all crash severities. Dollar values will be applied to the change in the number of crashes to estimate this benefit. The reduction in the number of crashes is also fed back into the calculation of incident related delay, producing a greater benefit level for travel time reliability.

Other benefits are often associated with ramp metering strategies including the reduction in vehicle emissions and fuel use. These two benefits are inherently difficult to estimate within a spreadsheet based model (e.g., spreadsheet based models are generally incapable of estimating the vehicle acceleration and deceleration profiles to accurately assess these impacts). Other models such as IDAS offer a link between the BCA and the regional TDM. In TOPS-BC, you are free to modify the analysis framework to include these benefits, or simply to add the estimated value of these benefits to the "User Entered Benefit" cell if there is data to support their inclusion.

Model Run Results

As shown in Table 24, TOPS-BC cost effectiveness analysis indicates that the first year cost for this ramp meter introduction will be $1.687 million with:

  • A continuing annual cost for a 20 year analysis period of $93,250; and
  • An additional cost every five years for software and system upgrades of $97,500.

This results in a 20 year net present value of just over $2 million or levelized annual cost of $172,600.


If the deployment was already complete, we could then use the actual cost experience in this case if it was felt that it was more accurate than the average cost shown by TOPS-BC. Costs shown in a single report may not be comparable to the default values as they may not include all deployment costs. TOPS-BC allows the user to add new cost components or to modify the cost categories. You are strongly encouraged to carefully review the default cost data and make modifications as necessary. You may change the predicted useful life, base unit cost of equipment, or continuing O&M cost for any piece of equipment. You may also delete or add pieces of equipment to better match your anticipated equipment mix for the strategy.


TOPS-BC estimates benefits from the ramp meter deployment from travel time savings, change in travel time reliability, reduced energy consumption and reduced crash events. Together they result in levelized annual benefits of about $8 million.

In this case, TOPS-BC estimates that the project benefits far exceed the costs. This results from the gain in operating efficiency for the system under study. Prior to introducing the ramp meters, insufficient freeway capacity during the morning and evening peak traffic periods led to congestion and lost time for road users. With the introduction of the ramp meters, the roadway operated at its design capacity and offered a higher level of certainty for the peak period trips. TOPS-BC also estimated a substantial reduction in energy costs due to congestion relief. The number of crashes was also reduced, which provided the added benefit of crash cost reduction.

Table 24. Benefit-Cost Analysis Summary for a Hypothetical Centrally Controlled Ramp Metering Deployment.
Discount Rate 7%
Travel Time $7,497,256
Travel Time Reliability $36,835
Energy $456,072
Safety $4,218
Other $0
User Entered $0
Total Annual Benefits $7,994,382
Total Annual Costs $172,600
Net Benefit $7,821,782
Benefit-Cost Ratio 46.32

Key Observations

This case identifies the introduction of a series of ramp meters at 15 on-ramps on an Interstate that is highly congested during the morning and evening peak periods. The peak congested periods last about two hours each on weekday. Prior to and after the deployment, the State DOT collected data on system performance to be able to compare the changes brought about by the deployment. Those performance changes revealed impacts on both freeway and ramp performance. These realized changes are what a pre-project deployment analysis needs in order to estimate the expected project benefits and costs. Once the project is deployed, performance indicators and their changes are known and can be used as an estimate of what might be expected if a similar project is deployed.

Case Study 6.2 – Florida DOT Road Ranger Program

Strategy Type: Freeway Management
Project Name: Road Ranger Program
Project Agency: Florida Department of Transportation
Location: Urban and Rural
Geographic Extent: Statewide, Corridor or Segment
Tool Used: Custom Stand Alone BCA Model Focused on Safety Benefits

Note: Chapters 2, 3, and 4 of this Compendium contain a discussion of the fundamentals of benefit-cost analyses (BCA) and an introduction to BCA modeling tools.  These sections also contain additional BCA references.

Project Technology or Strategy

A Freeway Service Patrol (FSP) program comprises the necessary funding, personnel, training, equipment, operations, maintenance, and business practices that enable agencies to reduce traffic incident duration and thereby reduce traffic congestion on freeways and arterials in their jurisdiction. An effective FSP program requires highly trained personnel who use specially equipped vehicles and tools to systematically patrol congested highways searching for and responding to traffic incidents. A FSP provides incident response services, clearance resources, and free motorist assistance services. FSP functions include performing minor repairs, assisting motorists, removing debris, providing fuel, providing first aid, pushing vehicles out of travel lanes, and assisting emergency services at vehicle crash scenes.

Project Goals and Objectives

In 1999, the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) funded a traffic incident management program called Road Ranger. This freeway service patrol program consists of roving vehicles that provide primary incident response and assistance to disabled vehicles on Interstate corridors and construction zones. The objectives of the program include:

  • Reducing incident duration;
  • Reducing cost of towing/assistants for motorists;
  • Increasing safety at incident locations;
  • Reducing traffic delay;
  • Reducing emissions; and
  • Reducing fuel consumption.

To meet these objectives, Road Rangers provide direct assistance to motorists by quickly responding, assisting, and clearing primary incidents from the travel lanes in close coordination with the state highway patrol and other law enforcement and emergency response agencies. Road Rangers also assist disabled motorists with basic services including furnishing fuel, assisting with tire changes, and helping with other types of minor vehicle repairs. From 2000 to 2010, the number of Road Ranger assists climbed from 112,000 to 351,941 per year.(4)

The FSPE model:

  • Distributes the incident types over a specified road segment during the service period proportional to the Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) in that segment during different periods of the day.
  • Uses study area traffic profiles and AADT volumes on the study segments to calculate VMT during different times of the day and assigns incidents accordingly.
  • Calculates the benefits for one average day and then multiplies it by the number of days of service to yield the total benefit.

In order to have a successful transportation systems management and operations (TSMO) deployment, you must first demonstrate that the benefits of the project exceed the costs. Your assumptions will be evaluated by decision makers so you should plan on providing sensitivity testing of your key input assumptions. BCA models like TOPS-BC allow you to quickly and easily vary input assumptions and compare results. This process lets you demonstrate a range of potential outcomes that can help you gain support from the public and the planning community.

In 2012, FDOT commissioned the Center for Urban Transportation Research (CUTR) at the University of South Florida to conduct an independent evaluation of the Road Ranger program and develop a benefit-cost analysis. The study, "Review and Update of Road Ranger Cost Benefit Analysis," presents a district- and state-level evaluation of the program's costs and benefits and provides recommendations for improvements.

This case study presents the methodology, tools and data used to analyze the benefits and costs of the Road Ranger program and discusses how they relate to TOPS-BC.

Data The study utilized a customized version of the Freeway Service Patrol Evaluation (FSPE) model. The FSPE model was developed by the Institute of Transportation Studies at the University of California, Berkeley for the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans). The model uses Microsoft Excel and it is available at no cost to the public subject to the approval of Caltrans.(5)

To apply the FSPE model to evaluate the Florida Road Ranger program, the model was calibrated to suit Florida traffic, roadway conditions, and information availability. Required data inputs included:

  • Highway district name, hours of operation and traffic volumes.
  • Design characteristics of the highway including number of lanes, presence of shoulders/medians.
  • Traffic characteristics including AADT, percentage of trucks.
  • Incident characteristics including mean time, percentage of incidents by location.
  • Traffic parameters including percentage of hourly volume in a 24 hour period by direction.

In Florida's case, the State DOT uses an advanced traffic management system software system to collect and access these and other traffic related data elements.

Benefit Cost Evaluation

To calculate the benefits and costs of the Road Ranger program, the CUTR researchers:

  • Selected a recognized methodology and tool, the Freeway Service Patrol Evaluation model, for evaluating Freeway Service Patrols.
  • Obtained and analyzed traffic volume and incident data.
  • Conducted a benefit-cost analysis using the FSPE model developed by the University of California, Berkeley.

Researchers developed the two types of benefit categories – individual benefits and general public benefits. Individual benefits included: increased safety at the incident scene, reduced incident duration and reduced cost of towing or assistance for the motorist being helped. General public benefits included increased safety at the scene, reduced traffic delays, reduced emissions and reduced fuel consumption.

The FSPE methodology uses nine types of incidents to estimate benefits. These include: accident (right shoulder, in lane, left shoulder), breakdown (right shoulder, in lane, left shoulder), and debris (right shoulder, in lane, left shoulder). The model distributes the incident types over a specified road segment during the service period proportional to the vehicle miles traveled (VMT) in that segment during different periods of the day. The model uses study area traffic profiles and average annual daily traffic (AADT) volumes on the study segments to calculate VMT during different times of the day and assigns incidents accordingly. It calculates the statewide benefits for one average day and then multiplies it by the number of days of service to yield the total benefit.

After collecting traffic volume and incident response data, the team selected Version 12.1 of the FSPE model. The model uses Microsoft Excel workbooks for all the inputs and outputs. The inputs are used by FSPE to estimate hourly traffic flow due to FSP service. The model uses a queuing model for calculating the delay. The FSPE delay model uses VBA code implemented as an add‐in module to accommodate the more detailed queuing model. (Visual Basic for Applications or VBA is a sophisticated MS Excel tool for Excel power users. See for example: Getting Started with VBA in Excel 2010 at The model estimates delay saving benefits based on geometric and traffic characteristics, and the frequency and type of FSP-assisted incidents.

To apply the FSPE model to evaluate the Florida Road Ranger program, the model was calibrated to suit Florida traffic, roadway conditions, and information availability.

Model Run Results

The main benefit categories estimated by the FSPE model are delay, fuel, and emissions savings for carbon monoxide (CO), volatile organic compounds (VOC), and nitrogen oxide (NOx). Note that emissions savings were not monetized in the BCA. The total annual emissions savings were estimated at 7,818 Kg for CO and 90,371 Kg for VOC. For NOx, the emissions increased to 59,829 Kg., and CO and VOC are reduced in most cases with increased speeds. NOx emissions increase at high speeds, therefore the emissions for nitrogen oxide increased as overall highway speed increased.


The total cost used in the FSPE model was the contract value to operate and maintain the Road Ranger program. This amount was over $20 million.

Table 25. Benefit-Cost Summary (Statewide) for the Florida DOT Road Ranger Program.
Delay Savings $128,600,175
Fuel Savings $5,060,615
Total Annual Benefits $133,660,790
Total Annual Costs $20,019,939
Net Benefit $113,640,851
Benefit-Cost Ratio 6.68


Key Observations

Conducting BCA of TSMO projects can seem very challenging at first. However, many previous studies and tools are available to assist you in the process. Some items of particular interest in this case include:

  • Availability of Alternative Models – The U.C. Berkeley Freeway Service Patrol Evaluation (FSPE) model is an alternative model for evaluating the benefits and costs of freeway service patrol programs. The analysis produced by the FSPE Model demonstrates that for Florida DOT a freeway service patrol program's benefits, which include reduced delays, fuel consumption and emissions, outweigh the cost of program management and operation.
  • Use of Real Project Data – TOPS-BC and other BCA Tools—such as the FSPE used in this case study—often include default values for required inputs. These are national estimates taken from the published literature. You should review these values to see if they seem appropriate for your region or project.
  • Use of User-Furnished Data – FSPE offers a simple process for using your own data to run the model. Simply add the values to want to add, descriptions, features, values to the designated green cells in the worksheet.
  • Inclusion of Additional Benefit Estimates – As TOPS-BC provides a specific set of benefits, you may have other benefit estimates such as reductions in vehicle emissions. TOPS-BC allows you to enter these values directly and have them included in the benefit-cost analysis. Alternatively, the FSPE model features a built in and customizable module for emissions benefit estimates.

Case Study 6.3 – Metropolitan Area Transportation Operations Coordination Program

Strategy Type: Freeway Management
Project Name: Metropolitan Area Transportation Operations Coordination (MATOC) Program
Project Agency: Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (MWCOG)
Location: Urban and Rural
Geographic Extent: Regional/Urban
Tool Used: Custom Stand Alone BCA Model

Note: Chapters 2, 3, and 4 of this Compendium contain a discussion of the fundamentals of benefit-cost analyses (BCA) and an introduction to BCA modeling tools.  These sections also contain additional BCA references.

Problem Technology or Strategy

The National Capital Region (NCR) features a multi-jurisdictional and multi-modal transportation system. The system includes highways, multiple transit services, rail, carpool lanes, bicycle trails, and walking trails, with over 300 centerline miles of Interstate, tollways and HOV/HOT lanes. To aid in the quick and reliable exchange of transportation system information among operating agencies in the region, partnering jurisdictions organized the Metropolitan Area Transportation Operations Coordination (MATOC) program in 2008.

Project Goals and Objectives

The goal of MATOC is to facilitate real-time situational awareness of transportation operations during significant incidents in the National Capital Region. MATOC monitors, collects, analyzes, and coordinates the sharing of information among the stakeholders regarding incidents of regional significance and actions taken by the agencies involved.

In 2010 the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (MWCOG) published an evaluation of the MATOC program, which included a benefit-cost analysis. The BCA uses a customized traffic model, incident data, and engineering judgment to estimate loss of roadway capacity, vehicular queuing, travel delay, and costs (i.e., emissions, fuel consumption, value of time) associated with a select number of regionally significant traffic incidents for the purpose of quantifying benefits attributable to MATOC.

This case study will summarize the approached used to identify, quantify and analyze the benefits and costs of this traffic incident management program. This procedure may be reproduced and customized to fit your organization's needs. This study also serves as an example of how the value of time is addressed in a transportation systems management and operations (TSMO) benefits analysis.


The MWCOG analysis compares the actual mobility costs for an incident in which MATOC is involved in the response to the costs of the same incident assuming only a local agency response (i.e. "Without MATOC" scenario). The analysis relied on empirical data collected by the MATOC from participating agencies. Data elements included traffic volume, incident detection time, response time, time on scene, and time to return to normal traffic operations.

Benefit Cost Evaluation

The objectives of the BCA study were to assess the benefits that are unique to the coordinated management of incidents affecting regional travel in the NCR; determine how regional coordination of major traffic incidents that span jurisdictional boundaries enhances existing local incident management and mobility savings (e.g., time, fuel, emissions); and determine the benefit-to-cost ratio of the MATOC Program.

To complete this task, the study used the following approach:

  1. Develop case studies. Three regionally significant incidents that involved MATOC management were selected and data was collected.
  2. Model traffic incidents. Researchers developed and calibrated a traffic model for each incident to reflect the actual timeline of events and document the queue lengths and duration. Scenarios were run for the with-MATOC and without-MATOC involvement.
  3. Estimate costs. Costs were estimated for each incident with and without MATOC involvement in terms of emissions, fuel, value of time due to resulting queue and traffic delay.
  4. Annualize benefits. Using historical data on how often similar incidents occur per year, benefits estimates were extrapolated.

The study used a series of custom Microsoft Excel spreadsheets and Synchro/SimTraffic, a microscopic simulation model, to model the traffic incidents under each scenario.

Model Run Results


The study utilized the MATOC annual operating budget as the source for program cost data. Cost categories included:

  • Service contracts.
  • Operations staff.
  • Regional Integrated Transportation Information System (RITIS) support.
  • Other direct costs (office space, etc.).
  • Contingency funds.

The total annual cost of the program is $1.2 million.


Dollar estimates for the following benefits were developed based on a University of Maryland and Maryland State Highway Administration benefit cost study:

  • Emissions.
  • Fuel consumption.
  • Value of time.

In transportation economics, the value of time is considered the opportunity cost of the time that a commuter spends on his/her journey. It is typically expressed as the dollar amount a commuter would be willing to pay in order to save time or the amount they would accept as compensation for lost time.

The MWCOG study used the following cost conversion factors, developed by the University of Maryland and Maryland State Highway Administration, to quantify the value of time in the "with" and "without MATOC" scenarios used in the BCA study:

  • Cost to car occupant per vehicle-hour of delay in queue: $26.58.
  • Cost to truck driver per vehicle-hour of delay in queue: $20.68.
  • Cost to truck cargo per vehicle hour of delay in queue: $45.40.

According to the MWCOG study, an average of 224 police-reported crashes occur each day in the National Capital Region. A portion of these nonrecurring incidents are regionally significant and require MATOC involvement. The study assumed that MATOC is involved in about 20 minor incidents (such as vehicle fires) and one major incident (such as a bus crash) per month on freeways, arterials or transit.

When modeling the minor incident both with and without MATOC involvement, it was found that MATOC contributed to a total savings of $30,260 in terms of emissions, fuel consumption, and the value of time, as shown in Table 26. When modeling the major incident, it was found that MATOC contributed to a total savings of $382,830 in terms of emissions, fuel consumption, and the value of time, as shown in Table 27. For both of these estimates, the assessment is conservative, as it does not include potential savings for reduced or eliminated secondary queues, secondary incidents, or the potential delay reduction due to rubbernecking in the opposite direction.

Table 26. Minor Incident Costs With and Without Metropolitan Area Transportation Operations Coordination Program Involvement.
Measure of Effectiveness/Cost Coordinated Regional Incident Management Local Incident Management
Max Queue Length (miles) 9.1 10.5
Queue Duration (hours) 2.3 2.5
Queue Delay (vehicle hours) 4,260 5,080
Queue Travel (vehicle miles) 60,960 80,000
Cost ($) – Total Emissions 5,370 6,400
Cost ($) – Greenhouse Emissions 4,960 5,910
Cost ($) – Excess Fuel 2,280 2,720
Cost ($) – Lost Time 157,260 1,875,203
Cost ($) – TOTAL 164,910 196,640
Total Benefit ($) = $196,640 - $164,910 = $30,260
Source: Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments
Table 27. Major Incident Costs With and Without Metropolitan Area Transportation Operations Coordination Program Involvement.
Measure of Effectiveness/Cost Coordinated Regional Incident Management Local Incident Management
Max Queue Length (miles) 12.7 21.6
Queue Duration (hours) 3.8 5
Queue Delay (vehicle hours) 9,490 20,170
Queue Travel (vehicle miles) 173,730 625,850
Cost ($) – Total Emissions 11,910 25,310
Cost ($) – Greenhouse Emissions 10,990 23,360
Cost ($) – Excess Fuel 4,570 9,700
Cost ($) – Lost Time 323,700 688,000
Cost ($) – TOTAL 340,180 723,010
Total Benefit ($) = $723,010 - $340,180 = $382,830
Source: Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments

The evaluation estimated that the benefits of one year of MATOC operation amounted to the following:

Benefit of Minor Incident: $30,260 x 20 x 12 = $7.3 million/year

Benefit of Major Incident: $382,830 x 1 x 12 = $4.6 million/year

As shown in Table 28, the BCA results show that MATOC yielded positive benefits associated with reduced traffic delay, reduced emissions and reduced fuel consumption. The total annual benefit was an estimated $11.9 million per year (7.3 million + $4.6 million). The total annual cost of the program was $1.2 million. The resulting benefit-to-cost ratio is 10:1 ($11.9 million in benefits / $1.2 million in costs).

Table 28. Benefit-Cost Summary for the Metropolitan Area Transportation Operations Coordination Program.
Minor Accident Savings $7.3 million
Major Accident Savings $4.6 million
Total Annual Benefits $11.9 million
Total Annual Costs $1.2 million
Net Benefit $11.9 million
Benefit-Cost Ratio 10:01

Key Observations

Conducting benefit cost analyses of TSMO projects can seem very challenging at first. However, many previous analysis and tools are available to assist you in the process. Some items of particular interest in this case include: Many MPO and SDOT planning and operations offices utilize a variety of traffic models to describe how the transportation system operation changes with the introduction of new technologies or strategies. These data are often used in BCA and when they are not available, assumed values can provide the information needed to conduct the preliminary BCA. In this case, MWCOG made assumptions about the crash frequency and severity based on available information. They further assume that the MATOC would not be involved in all crashes, so they created a reasonable baseline, local management, and compared the cost of the crash management impacts to what could be expected in the subset of crashes where central management would be appropriate.

Some additional observations from the MWCOG BCA include:

  • Real Projects Data May be Used – TOPS-BC and other BCA Tools often include default values for required inputs. These are national estimates taken from the published literature. You should review these values to see if they seem appropriate for your region or project.
  • Alternative Models May be Used – The sketch-planning methodology developed and implemented in this case can be reproduced in Excel and be used in combination with your existing traffic simulation models.
  • Value of Time May be Incorporated – This case study describes how you can use conversion factors to quantify the value of time benefits. MWCOG used a ratio established by the State DOT. You may need to select a ratio that fits your jurisdiction's characteristics.
  • Additional Benefit Estimates May be Included – As TOPS-BC provides a specific set of benefits, you may have other benefit estimates such as reductions in vehicle emissions and the value of time. TOPS-BC allows you to enter these values directly and have them included in the benefit-cost analysis.

Case Study 6.4 – Regional Traffic Management Center, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida

Strategy Type: Freeway Systems
Project Name: Regional Traffic Management Center
Project Agency: Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT)
Location: Urban and Rural
Geographic Extent: Regional/Urban
Tool Used: Custom Stand Alone BCA Model

Note: Chapters 2, 3, and 4 of this Compendium contain a discussion of the fundamentals of benefit-cost analyses (BCA) and an introduction to BCA modeling tools.  These sections also contain additional BCA references.

Problem Technology or Strategy

Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) District 4 operates The Fort Lauderdale System Management for Advanced Roadway Technologies (SMART) SunGuide Regional Traffic Management Center (RTMC). The center manages intelligent transportation systems (ITS) for the Florida Interstate Highway System (FIHS) in Broward County. The program area includes the I-95, I-75, and I-595 corridors in Broward County. The RTMC operates 7 days per week, 24 hours per day. The program is the product of a FDOT effort that began in the mid-1990s, designed to deploy ITS technologies to manage the region's surface transportation system from a common facility. The system became fully operational in 2004.

Project Goals and Objectives

The goals of SMART SunGuide RTMC are to:

  • Provide outstanding ITS products and services to transportation planning stakeholders and the traveling public continuously; and
  • Be the best ITS program, by maximizing roadway efficiency, using technology, innovation, and continuous improvement.

To meet these objectives, the program applies ITS technologies to make the transportation system more efficient and facilitates interagency communication and coordination to respond to traffic incidents. The RTMC's ITS technologies include:

  • Closed circuit television (CCTV) cameras used for real-time monitoring and incident detection directly from the SMART SunGuide RTMCs.
  • Dynamic message signs (DMS) located on the highway and many arterial roads leading to the highway.
  • SunGuide software in all of the TMCs in Florida.
  • Vehicle detection system that is made up of roadside detectors placed approximately every half mile, which capture traffic data, such as speed, volume and occupancy.

In 2006, FDOT commissioned a study by the Lehman Center for Transportation at Florida International University to evaluate the RTMC programs from a benefit cost perspective.

This case study will summarize the approached used to identify, quantify and analyze the benefits and costs of this traffic management center. This procedure may be reproduced and customized to fit your organization's needs. This study also serves as an example of how one BCA methodology can be used to evaluate multiple strategies.


The FDOT SMART database was used to gather inputs for the BCA study. This database provides detailed incident statistics by location, frequency, duration and type of blockage and the number of DMS message activations. Other FDOT databases provide AADT and hourly volume statistics and roadway geometry information (number of lanes, section length, etc.).

Calculating Benefits

  • The difference between incidents duration was considered the total travel time reduction benefit. The time savings, expressed in hours, was then multiplied by value of time conversion factors ($13.35 per hour for automobiles and $71.05 per hour for trucks) to convert the time savings to dollar values.
  • 10% fatality reduction factor.
  • 2.8% crash reduction factor.
  • Dollar values for avoided crash incidents: $3,200,000 per fatal crash, $74,730 per injury crash, and $2,000 per property-damage-only crash.

Benefit Cost Evaluation

The objectives of FDOT BCA were to evaluate the cost and benefits attributed to the RTMC operations. The study used a series of custom Excel spreadsheets that calculated delays; queue lengths and total number of vehicles queued using a combination of information from the SMART database and the highway capacity manual, which provides data for capacity under incident and no-incident conditions. A Florida-specific IDAS model was used to calculate emissions, fuel consumption, and safety impacts.

Model Run Results


Cost data for the RMTC program were derived from the FDOT annual operating budget. In 2006, the total annual cost of the program was $8,239,397. The considered costs include capital, operation, and maintenance costs. This figure also included was the value of service contracts for freeway service patrol operators and related incident response management activities.


Dollar estimates for the following benefits were developed:

  • Reduction in travel time.
  • Reduction in secondary incidents.
  • Reduction in fatalities due to faster response.
  • Reduction in fuel consumption.
  • Reduction in emissions.
  • Monetary benefits to drivers due to free services provided by the freeway service patrol.

Of particular note is the evaluation's method to quantify the reduction in travel time. The study used an Excel spreadsheet model that compiles the number and type of freeway incidents for the region in a given year and calculates the durations of each incident where the RTMC was involved. These values were compared to estimates of detection, verification and response times from the available literature. The difference between incident duration was considered the total travel time reduction benefit. The time savings, expressed in hours, was then multiplied by value of time conversion factors ($13.35 per hour per passenger for automobiles and $71.05 per hour for trucks) to convert the time savings to dollar values.

The analysis estimated the impact of two safety-related benefits: 1) reduction in secondary incidents and 2) reduction in fatalities due to faster response. These safety benefits were calculated by estimating the annual frequencies of fatal, injury and property damage only (PDO) crashes with no automated traffic management system (ATMS) in place. These were calculated using Florida urban freeway incident rates in the IDAS program, which were modified to reflect Florida specific traffic conditions. The benefits were estimated by multiplying this annual frequency of crashes by reduction factors estimated on previous ATMS studies.

The study used a fatality reduction factor of 10 percent to account for faster response to injuries. This figure was based on IDAS default rates which contains estimates for reduction in incident notification and response times that results in faster provided care to injured travelers; result in a 10-15 percent decrease in urban Interstate fatalities. (Additional information on IDAS rates can be found in the Section 2.6 - Benefits – of the IDAS User Guide).

The study used a 2.8 percent crash reduction factor to estimate of the impact of traffic management strategies on the number of fatal, injury, and PDO crashes. This factor was selected after a review of previous studies indicating that incident management resulted in 2.8 percent reduction in crashes in San Antonio, Texas. However, other studies have indicated higher reductions in crash rates (15-40 percent reductions) due to the implementation of incident management strategies. The lowest reduction factor was selected to ensure a conservative benefits estimate.

The evaluation also provides a methodology for additional safety benefits, which are expressed as reduced crash related injuries and fatalities. Using a method similar to the time savings benefit estimation above, the study used the following conversion factors to convert avoided crash incidents into dollar values: $3,200,000 per fatal crash, $74,730 per injury crash, and $2,000 per PDO crash.

As shown in Table 29, the BCA results show that in 2006 RTMC program yielded significant benefits. The resulting benefit-to-cost ratio is $10.44:1.

Table 29. Benefit-Cost Summary for the Regional Traffic Management Center in Ft. Lauderdale.
2006 Benefits
Total Benefits $86,002,364
2006 Costs
Total Costs $8,239,397
Benefit-Cost Comparison
Net Benefit $77,762,967
Benefit-Cost Ratio 10.44:1
Source: Florida DOT

Key Observations

Conducting benefit cost analyses of TSMO projects can seem very challenging at first. However, many previous analysis and tools are available to assist you in the process. For example the sketch-planning methodology developed and implemented in this case can be reproduced in Excel and be used in combination with your existing traffic simulation models. This will allow you to use your own traffic and incident data. If you plan to use TOPS-BC as alternative, there are default values that should be review to see if they seem appropriate for your region or project.

TOPS-BC covers all of the key benefit categories including: reduction in travel time, reduction in secondary incidents, reduction in fatalities due to faster response, reduction in fuel consumption, and reduction in emissions. The user can rely on TOPS-BC defaults or employ local information.

Monetary benefits to drivers due to free services provided by the freeway service patrol is another important benefit of this program

This case study also showed that you can use different conversion factors to quantify the value of time and safety benefits. Florida DOT's study used ratios developed by a local university. You may need to select a ratio that fits your jurisdiction's characteristics.

Case Study 6.5 – Coordinated Highways Action Response Team, Maryland

Strategy Type: Freeway Management
Project Name: Coordinated Highways Action Response Team
Project Agency: Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT)
Location: Urban and Rural
Geographic Extent: Regional/Urban
Tool Used: Custom Stand Alone Benefit Analysis

Note: Chapters 2, 3, and 4 of this Compendium contain a discussion of the fundamentals of benefit-cost analyses (BCA) and an introduction to BCA modeling tools.  These sections also contain additional BCA references.

Problem Technology or Strategy

Coordinated Highways Action Response Team (CHART) is a joint initiative of the Maryland Department of Transportation, Maryland Transportation Authority and the Maryland State Police, in cooperation with other federal, state and local agencies. The program began in the mid-1980's in an effort to improve travel to and from Maryland's eastern shore. It has evolved into a multi-jurisdictional and multi-disciplinary program.

Today, this advanced traffic management system is enhanced by a command and control center called the Statewide Operations Center (SOC). The SOC is the "hub" of the CHART system, functioning 24 hours-a-day, seven days a week with four satellite Traffic Operations Centers (TOCs) located across the state to handle peak-period traffic.

Project Goals and Objectives

CHART's mission is to improve "real-time" operations of Maryland's highway system through teamwork and technology. To meet this objective, CHART oversees the following activities:

  • Traffic monitoring.
  • Incident response.
  • Dissemination of local traveler information via website.
  • Traffic management.
  • Severe weather and emergency operations.

The Maryland State Highway Administration tasked the University of Maryland to conduct an annual performance evaluation and benefits analysis of the program.

This case study will summarize the approached used to identify, quantify and analyze the benefits of this traffic incident management program. Specifically, this case study will highlight the study's approach to quantifying the benefits of reduced delay to highway users. This procedure may be reproduced and customized to fit your organization's needs.


Since 1997, University of Maryland researchers have used actual performance data collected from the CHART program. This data included incident management records from the statewide operation centers as well as accident report data from the Maryland State Police. In 2012, CHART recorded over 63,500 emergency response cases. Data elements for each case include:

  • Location and road name of each incident.
  • Incident by type and by number of lanes closed.
  • Incidents and disabled vehicles by time of day.
  • Source and time of incident detection.
  • Time and duration of incident response.

This study conducted a statistical analysis of incident durations to provide insight into the characteristics of incident durations under various conditions. The distributions of average incident duration were identified by a range of categories including: nature, county, weekdays and weekends, peak and off-peak hours, CHART involvement, and roads.

Researchers also collected and compared average duration of incidents and response times from incidents managed by other agencies.

Benefit Cost Evaluation

The objectives of the benefits analysis were is to evaluate the effectiveness of CHART's incident detection, response, and traffic management operations on Interstate freeways and major arterials. An estimate of CHART benefits is also provided quantify the benefits the state obtains from its ongoing programs. The most recent study was published in July 2013.

To complete this task, researchers used the following methodology:

  1. Collect and assess the quality of data.
  2. Conduct a statistical analysis of incident data characteristics and compare average incident duration caused by different types of accidents.
  3. Analyze data to determine the efficiency and effectiveness of incident detection.
  4. Conduct a statistical analysis of incident response times.
  5. Conduct a statistical analysis of incident duration times.
  6. Estimate the direct benefits of CHART.
  7. Compare the costs and benefits.

Model Run Results


The focus of the evaluation was to analyze and quantify the benefits of the program. No specific comparison of the cost was completed.


Direct benefits associated with CHART include:

  • Assistance to drivers.
  • Reduction in secondary incidents.
  • Reduction in driver delay time.
  • Reduction in vehicle operating hours.
  • Reduction in fuel consumption.
  • Reduction in emissions.

Of note is the researchers' approach to estimating the value of time benefits resulting from reduced delays. By calculating the difference between actual incident durations resulting from CHART involvement to average incident duration times collected from similar state agencies where CHART was not involved, the study estimates the total time saved by type of vehicle attributable to the CHART program. Incident duration is defined as the time from the lane-blocking incident to the time the lanes are re-opened. Using the unit rates obtained from the U.S Census Bureau (2012) and the Energy Information Administration (2012), researchers then convert delays to monetary value. Each delay is multiplied by the value of time factors - $20.21 per hour for driver and $45.40 per hr. for truck.

The study also used a similar approach to quantify the reduction in fuel consumption and emissions attributed to CHART involvement. The reductions in delay were multiplied by the following conversion factors:

  • Fuel consumption was computed based on the rate of 0.156 gallons of gas per hour for passenger cars from the Ohio Air Quality Development Authority and the rate of 0.85 gallon per hour for trucks from the literature and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
  • Emissions reductions were computed based on the unit rates of 19.56 pounds CO2/gallon of gasoline and 22.38 pounds CO2/gallon of diesel from the Energy Information Administration and $23/metric ton of CO2 from the Congressional Budget Office's cost estimate outlined in the America's Climate Security Act of 2007.
Table 30. Benefit-Cost Summary for the Coordinated Highways Action Response Team.
Annual Benefits
Reduced Delay, Trucks $108.59 million
Reduced Delay, Cars $799.54 million
Total Fuel Consumption Savings $21.01 million
Emissions $32.56 million
Total Annual Benefits $961.69 million

Key Observations

Conducting benefit cost analyses of transportation systems management and operations (TSMO) projects can seem very challenging at first.  However, many previous analyses and tools are available to assist you in the process.  Some items of particular interest in this case include:

  • Use of Real Project Data – TOPS-BC and other BCA tools often include default values for required inputs.  These are national estimates taken from the published literature.  You should review these values to see if they seem appropriate for your region or project.
  • Availability of Alternative Models – The sketch-planning methodology developed and implemented in this case can be reproduced in Excel and be used in combination with your existing traffic simulation models.
  • Incorporation of the Value of Time – This case study describes how you can use conversion factors to quantify the value of time benefits. Researchers in this study developed their time conversion factors using the U.S. Census Bureau. You may need to select a ratio that fits your jurisdiction's characteristics.
  • Inclusion of Additional Benefit Estimates – As TOPS-BC provides a specific set of benefits, you may have other benefit estimates such as reductions in vehicle emissions and the value of time.  TOPS-BC allows you to enter these values directly and have them included in the benefit-cost analysis. 

Case Study 6.6 – Georgia NaviGator Traffic Incident Management System

Strategy Type: Freeway Management
Project Name: Coordinated Highways Action Response Team
Project Agency: Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT)
Location: Urban and Rural
Geographic Extent: Regional/Urban
Tool Used: Custom Stand Alone Benefit Analysis

Note: Chapters 2, 3, and 4 of this Compendium contain a discussion of the fundamentals of benefit-cost analyses (BCA) and an introduction to BCA modeling tools. These sections also contain additional BCA references.

Problem Technology or Strategy

Traffic incident management is the process of coordinating the resources of a number of different partner agencies and private sector companies to detect, respond to, and clear traffic incidents as quickly as possible to reduce the impacts of incidents on safety and congestion, while protecting the safety of on-scene responders and the traveling public.

Project Goals and Objectives

The Georgia NaviGAtor system is a highly integrated traffic incident management system that uses a variety of technologies and processes to monitor the operation of the freeway and arterial system, respond to a variety of incidents, and disseminate traveler information. The goal of NaviGAtor is to reduce traffic congestion caused by traffic incidents as well as secondary crashes that result from incident-related congestion, and to improve overall mobility for the public.

In 2006, Georgia DOT published a study that established a methodology to assess a wide range benefits associated with the Georgia NaviGAtor system and described the resulting benefits and cost analysis.

This case study highlights key methods utilized in the BCA analysis to calculate three of these benefits. These include: 1) reduction in travel delay, 2) savings due to delay reduction, and 3) savings due to secondary crash reduction.


Costs. Cost data used in the BCA were obtained from the NaviGator program's annual operating budget for 2003 through 2004. This amounted to $42.5 million.

Benefits. As shown in Table 31, the BCA analysis selected six areas of program benefits, with associated measures of benefits.

Table 31. Benefit Categories for Traffic Incident Management.
Program Area Goal Benefit Measure
  • Reduction in travel time and delay
  • Reduction in travel time variation
  • Reduction of crash rate
  • Increase in throughput
Customer Satisfaction
  • Level of Service
  • Survey responses
Energy and Environment
  • Reduction in emissions
  • Reduction in fuel consumption
Productivity/Cost Savings
  • Money saved due to delay reduction
  • Money Saved due to secondary crash reduction
  • Money Saved due to emission reduction
  • Money Saved due to fuel consumption reduction
  • Money Saved due to motorist assistance

Benefit Cost Evaluation

This case study highlights key methods utilized in the BCA analysis to calculate three benefits types: 1) reduction in travel delay, 2) savings due to delay reduction, and 3) savings due to secondary crash reduction.

Reduction in Travel Delay. The traffic incident management system reduces travel delay by reducing: incident detection times, emergency response times and durations. The delay savings were calculated as the result of the reduction time it takes to respond to and clear an incident using the NaviGator system when compared with a response time of a similar incident responded to without the Navigator System (also called the "baseline" scenario). Using the NaviGator system logs and surveys of emergency response organizations, the "Navigator Managed" and" Baseline" data sets were developed. Average incident detection times, emergency response times and incident durations where NaviGator managed the response were subtracted from the baseline. For example, the average reduction in incident-duration because of NaviGAtor is calculated as:

Average reduction in incident-duration = Baseline incident duration – NaviGAtor managed incident duration = 66.6 minutes - 20.7 minutes = 45.9 minutes

Savings Due to Travel Delay Reduction. After calculating the total delay savings (vehicle-hours), the cost savings associated with delay reduction was calculated. These savings result from the decrease in time that motorists spend in traffic attributed to NaviGAtor, as converted to a dollar figure estimate for the motorists' value of time. The dollar amount used to estimate the value of motorists' time was based on data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The study assumed that the average vehicle occupancy on Atlanta freeways for persons driving from home to work is 1.16 persons per vehicle. The savings due to delay reduction calculation uses this occupancy value to capture the driver and passenger's time. The percent cars and trucks are also determined, based on the segment where the incident occurs, to give a more accurate estimate of the value of time. The average truck's value of time is different from the average value of time for an individual in a car, and different corridors in the Atlanta region have wide variations in percent trucks. The percentage of trucks on highway segments that NaviGAtor manages was determined by using data from GDOT count stations.

The equation used to determine the individual incident savings attributed to NaviGator is as follows:

IDS(Cost) = IDS(Veh-Hr) * [(Cars(%) * Occ* Car(Cost)) + (Trucks(%) * Truck(Cost))]

Figure 27. Equation. Individual Incident Savings.

From this calculation, the cost savings for all incidents worked by NaviGAtor are summed to give the total cost savings:

Total IDS(Cost) = Σx/1 IDS(Cost)

Figure 28. Equation. Cost Savings for All Incidents


IDS(Cost) = Incident Delay Savings in Terms of Dollars Saved
Cars (%) = Percent Cars by Segment (Varies)
Cars(Cost) = Cost Per Passenger Per Hour ($19.14/hour)
Trucks (%) = Percent Trucks by Segment (Varies)
Truck (Cost) = Cost Per Vehicle Per Hour ($32.15/hour)
x = Number of Incidents Worked by NaviGAtor
Occ = Vehicle Occupancy (1.165 persons/vehicle)

Savings Due to Secondary Crash Reduction. Secondary crashes are the result of the change in traffic patterns because of the effects of an upstream incident and can be defined by the occurrence of a crash within a predefined distance and time threshold from a primary crash. The reduction in secondary crashes due to NaviGAtor is a result of the reduced incident duration time from the incident management program. The BCA analysis used the equation below to calculate the number of secondary crashes that would occur on average, based on the assumption that 15 percent of all crashes are secondary crashes.

The calculation is as follows:

Number of secondary crashes in the baseline condition = X * 15.00%

Figure 29. Equation. Number of Secondary Crashes in the Baseline Condition.


X = Total number of crashes in the baseline condition = 4512

The above number is the number of crashes with in the presence of the NaviGAtor system and is an estimate to the number of crashes in the baseline condition. The baseline condition is expected to have a higher number of incidents; therefore, this number is a conservative estimate.

Number of secondary crashes in the baseline condition = 4512 * 15.00% = 676 crashes

The estimated decrease in secondary crashes is computed as:

Decrease in secondary crashes because of NaviGAtor = Number of secondary crashes in baseline condition * [(T1 - T2)/T1]

Figure 30. Equation. Estimated Decrease In Secondary Crashes.


T1 = Average incident duration (baseline condition) = 66.6 minutes
T2 = Average incident duration (NaviGAtor condition) = 20.7 minutes


Decrease in secondary crashes because of NaviGAtor = 676 crashes* [(66.6 minutes - 20.7 minutes)/ 66.6 minutes] = 466 crashes

The cost savings from the reduction in secondary crashes is:

Cost Savings = Decrease in secondary crashes because of NaviGAtor * Acc$

Figure 31. Equation. Cost Savings from the Reduction in Secondary Crashes.


Acc$ = Average cost of a two-vehicle property damage only crash = $3,458 per crash


Cost Savings = 466 crashes * $3,458 /crash = $1,611,054

The average cost associated with each crash is based on data provided by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. The rate used is for a low-impact crash (property damage only) involving two vehicles. While crashes that result from a vehicle queue can be severe and result in injuries, a low-impact crash assumption was chosen to give a more conservative estimate for the cost savings benefit.

Model Run Results

The study determined that annual benefit-cost ratio of the NaviGAtor system in 2003/2004 was 4.4:1 ($186.8M/$42.5M). Table 32 summarizes the BCA results.

Table 32. Benefit-Cost Summary for the Georgia NaviGator Traffic Incident Management System.
Mobility – incident delay savings $152,053,180
Environmental – reduced emissions $20,243,009
Environmental – reduced emissions $10,365,969
Safety – reduced secondary crashes $1,611,054
Customer Satisfaction – motorist assistance $2,955,323
Total Annual Benefits $187,228,535
Total Annual Costs $42.5 million
Benefit-Cost Ratio 4.4:1
Source: Georgia DOT

Key Observations

This case identifies three potential methodologies that can be replicated to estimate benefits associated with traffic incident management system deployment. Specifically, this case outlined specific mathematical equations that can be used to quantify the reductions in travel incident delay, savings due to delay reduction, and savings due to secondary crash reduction. In this case, the agency used data from responders and the incident management system's database to compare and contrast program results with a baseline condition where no program existed.

  Last modified: May 20, 2020  
Office of Operations