Office of Operations Active Transportation and Demand Management

The Active Transportation and Demand Management Program (ATDM): Lessons Learned


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  1. FHWA. ATDM Program Brief: An Introduction to Active Transportation and Demand Management. Washington, DC : FHWA, U.S. Department of Transportation, 2012. Report No. FHWA-HOP-12-032.

  2. Highways Consultancy Group-Highways Research Group. M42 MM Monitoring and Evaluation Three Year Safety Review. London, England : Highways Agency, Department for Transport, 2012. Report No. 275509/HWY/ITS/002/B.

  3. Berman, W., et al., et al. Managing Travel Demand: Applying European Perspectives to U.S. Practice. Alexandria, VA : American Trade Initiatives, 2006. Report No. FHWA-PL-06-015.

  4. FHWA. ATDM Program Brief: Active Demand Management. Washington, DC : FHWA, U.S. Department of Transportation, 2012. Report No. FHWA-HOP-13-002.

  5. FHWA. ATDM Program Brief: Active Parking Management. Washington, DC : FHWA, U.S. Department of Transportation, 2012. Report No. FHWA-HOP-12-033.

  6. American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials. AASHTO System Operations and Management Guidance. [Online, accessed 03/29/2013]

  7. Battelle. Minnesota Urban Partnership Agreement: National Evaluation Report. Columbus, OH : Battelle, 2012. Draft Report.

  8. Battelle. Seattle/Lake Washington Corridor Urban Partnership Agreement - National Evaluation: Interim Technical Memorandum on Early Results. Columbus, OH : Battelle, 2012.

  9. Battelle. San Francisco Urban Partnership Agreemnet-National Evaluation: Interim Technical Memorandum on Early Results. Columbus, OH : Battelle Memorial Institute, 2012.

  10. Battelle. Atlanta Congestion Reduction Demonstration-Interim Technical Memorandum on Early Results. Columbus, OH : Battelle Memorial Institute, 2012.

  11. U.S. Department of Transportation and Minnesota Department of Transportation. Urban Partnership Agreement-Execution Copy. Minnesota Department of Transportation. [Online, accessed 03/29/2013]

  12. Washington State Department of Transportation. Lake Washington Congestion Management. Washington State Department of Transportation. [Online, accessed 03/29/2013]

  13. Minnesota Department of Transportation. Mn/DOT Metro District: 20-Year Highway Investment Plan 2011-2030. Minnesota Department of Transportation. [Online, accessed 03/29/2013]

  14. Washington State Department of Transportation. Moving Washington. Washington State Department of Transportation. [Online, accessed 03/29/2013]

  15. Atlanta Journal-Constitution. “Variable speed limit signs to go up on I-285”. Atlanta Journal-Constitution. [Online, accessed 03/29/2013]

  Last modified: May 28, 2020