Office of Operations
21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

ETTC for Shoulder Assist Visor Card

This diagram depicts the proper arrangement of vehicles and equipment to provide motorist assistance. In the diagram is a two-lane roadway with shoulders on either side of the two travel lanes. Arrows indicate a flow of traffic moving from left to right in both travel lanes.

The broken down vehicle is shown on the right shoulder, and the service vehicle should be placed 2-4 car lengths behind it. Behind it, a minimum of four traffic cones should be placed regularly over a 100 ft. distance behind the service vehicle. The high-risk zone is defined as the area behind the service vehicle from the edge of the travel lane to the shoulder, the entire travel lane side of the service vehicle, the are in front of the service vehicle from the shoulder to the travel lanes, the driver's side of the disabled vehicle, and the area in front of the disabled vehicle from the edge of the travel lane to the shoulder.

Notes on the diagram indicate the service patrol driver should exit his vehicle, move to the front of his vehicle, cross diagonally in front of his vehicle, and approach the disabled vehicle from beyond the shoulder on the passenger side of the car. The service patrol operator is advised to suggest the motorist stand away from traffic.

Additional notes below the diagram read as follows:

  • Vehicles with a flat tire on the travel lane side may be relocated to increase safety while changing the tire.
  • Limit the time spend in the high-risk zone.
  • Do not turn your back to traffic.
  • Plan an escape route.

Return to ETTC for Shoulder Assist Visor Card.

  Last modified: October 19, 2020