Office of Operations
21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

ETTC for Lane Blocking Incident Visor Card

This diagram shows the proper set up for flaggers, cones, and emergency vehicles at the scene of an incident in the right lane of a two lane roadway. The two-lane roadway shows shoulders on either side of the two travel lanes. From left to right (the direction of traffic flow), the is divided into four areas: the advance warning area, the transition area, the activity area, and the termination area. In the advance warning area, the diagram indicates signs on both the left and right shoulder should be placed well in advance of a taper area created by traffic cones.

The taper area begins on the right shoulder and advances into travel lane 2 (the right travel lane), moving diagonally to the right across the distance of the transition area until the cones reach the dashed white center line that divides the travel lanes. At that point, the cones proceed along the along the dashed center line throughout the activity area and up to the termination area. On the roadway, a flagger is placed at the end of the advance warning area within the right shoulder area behind the traffic cones where they cross the solid white line that separates the travel lane from the shoulder.

The safety/service patrol vehicle is placed about two-thirds of the way through the transition area, in the right travel lane, but to the right of the line of traffic cones that is closing the right lane. A police vehicle is placed on the right shoulder in the area immediately in front of the safety/service patrol vehicle. A flagger stands in front and to the left of the safety/service patrol vehicle, just inside the line of traffic cones that stretches along the white dashed line. The rear bumper of the police vehicle is defined as the beginning of the activity area. In front of the police vehicle is the incident itself in the right lane. In front of the disabled vehicles in the right lane is an EMS vehicle.

The front of the EMS vehicle marks the point where the activity area ends and the termination area begins. The end of the activity area is also the point where the line of traffic cones that has closed the right lane ends and traffic may again begin to use the right travel lane.

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  Last modified: October 19, 2020