Office of Operations
21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

Statewide Opportunities For Linking Planning and Operations: A Primer

4.0 Resources

This primer is designed to raise awareness of the benefits and opportunities for coordinating planning and operations activities within State DOTs, and to be a reference for further resources available on this topic. To facilitate this effort a “quick reference” of recent and current research publications was developed (Figure1.2) cross referencing available information to five linkage categories. Also case studies synopses are presented throughout the material. This section presents further resource material that the reader may pursue to learn more about linking planning and operations.

For the quick reference graphic presented as Figure1.2 the reference material is divided into “primary” resources, those resources directly targeted to the category, and “secondary” resources, resources that are associated with the category. The below information steps through each linkage category and presents the status of the material along with a weblink of the full text, where available.

Performance Measures, Data, Analysis Tools



Operations in Transportation Plans/Corridor Studies






Regional Considerations



Regulation and Policy:



Case Studies

Case study text boxes are located throughout this document to showcase specific examples of linking planning and operations. More detail with regard to each case study can be found at the weblink presented below.

Caltrans Traffic Analysis Tools:

Cost/Benefit Databases:

Minnesota DOT:

WSDOT Gray Notebook:

Caltrans I‑880 Corridor System Management Plan:

Oregon Transportation Plan:

Minnesota DOT Highway Systems Operation Plan:

PennDOT Transportation Systems Operations Plan:

Maryland CHART Non-Constrained Deployment Plan:

Kansas DOT ITS Unit:

University of Maryland Operations Academy:

The Doug MacDonald Challenge:

Kansas City Scout:

Hampton Roads ITS Strategic Plan:

Oregon Transportation System Plan Guidelines:

E‑ZPass Toll Collection:

FHWA Workzone Policies:

Caltrans Corridor Mobility Improvement Account:

Integrated Corridor Management: