Connected/Automated Vehicles and Emerging Technologies
Connected/Automated Vehicles and Emerging Technologies involve technology application and deployment support activities to advance the capabilities of State and local transportation agencies to safely and effectively integrate emerging technologies into operational aspects of their roadway systems. Activity areas include strategies for stakeholder collaboration; connectivity; automation; Intelligent Transportation Systems architecture and system engineering; data; digital infrastructure; cybersecurity; testing, analysis, demonstration, and evaluation.
Activity Areas
- Connectivity
- Saving Lives with connectivity: Accelerating V2X Deployment Program Grant Awards
- Maricopa County
- Texas A&M Transportation Institute
- Utah Department of Transportation
- Nationwide Electronic Toll Collection Interoperability
- Automated Vehicles
- National Dialogue on Highway Automation
- ADS Traffic Regulations Data
- 03/15/22 Automated Driving Systems (ADS) Operational Behavior and Traffic Regulations Information – Concept of Use (HTML, PDF 1.6MB)
- Detailed Analysis of ADS-Deployment Readiness of the Existing Traffic Laws and Regulations (HTML, PDF 2.2MB)
- 03/22/23 Automated Driving Systems (ADS) Operational Behavior and Traffic Regulations Information – Proof-of-Concept Demonstration Report (HTML, PDF 2.8MB)
- Digital Infrastructure
- Testing and Evaluation
- Collaborative Research Framework for Automated Driving System Developers and Infrastructure Owners and Operators - Report
- Collaborative Research Framework for Automated Driving System Developers and Infrastructure Owners and Operators - Flyer
- Facilitating Integrated ITS Deployment
Transportation Cybersecurity
- FHWA Transportation Cybersecurity Strategic Plan
- USDOT ITS Cybersecurity Research Program
- NHI Web-Based Training on Transportation Cybersecurity
- NCHRP 23-03: Cybersecurity Issues and Protection Strategies for State Transportation Agency CEOs
- Transportation Cybersecurity Resources
Contact Us
For more information about Connected/Automated Vehicles and Emerging Technologies, please contact:
Govind Vadakpat
U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
Office of Operations