Office of Operations
21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

Detailed Analysis of ADS-Deployment Readiness of the Existing Traffic Laws and Regulations

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Table of Contents

[ Notice and Quality Assurance Statement ] [ Technical Report Documentation Page ] [ SI Modern Metric Conversion Factors ] [ List of Acronyms ]

Chapter 1. Introduction
Chapter 2. Automated Driving Systems and Highway Automation
Automated Driving Systems and Behavior
Automated Vehicle Data Framework
Data for Automated Vehicle Integration
Work Zone Data Exchange and Initiative
Chapter 3. Traffic Laws and Regulations
Existing Traffic Laws and Traffic Regulation Databases
Compilation Perspective
State Perspectives
Local Perspectives
Chapter 4. Uniform Vehicle Code
Introduction of Uniform Vehicle Code Chapter 11
Variations in Traffic Rules among States and Territories
Variations in Dynamic or Local Traffic Laws
Chapter 5. Assessment and Solution
New State Traffic Legislation
Local Traffic Laws
Automated Vehicle State Legislation
High-Level Needs
Design and Deployment
Digital Technology Systems

List of Figures

Figure 1. Diagram. Automated driving vehicle platform (Autoware).
Figure 2. Illustration. SAE International definition of levels of automation.
Figure 3. Photo. CARMA vehicles.
Figure 4. Illustration. CARMA program paradigm.
Figure 5. Illustration. Framework of Date for Automated Vehicle Integration.
Figure 6. Illustration. Overview of national work zone data management efforts.
Figure 7. Illustration. Comparison of hazard light use regulation by State.
Figure 8. Illustration. States with enacted legislation and executive orders for autonomous vehicles.

List of Tables

Table 1. Structure of the Uniform Vehicle Code.
Table 2. State traffic regulations.
Table 3. Uniform Vehicle Code chapter 11 sections.