Office of Operations
21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

List of Acronyms

Acronym Definition
AAA American Automobile Association
ADS automated driving system
ARTBA American Road and Transportation Builders Association
AV automated vehicle
BAC blood alcohol content
CADS cooperative automated driving system
CAT Cooperative Automated Transportation
CDA cooperative driving automation
CEO chief executive officer
COU concept of use
CV connected vehicle
DAVI Data for Automated Vehicle Integration
DC District of Columbia
DOT department of transportation
DUI driving under the influence
DWI driving while intoxicated
FHWA Federal Highway Administration
FMVSS Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards
HOV high-occupancy vehicle
HTML Hypertext Markup Language
I2V infrastructure-to-vehicle
I2V/V2I infrastructure-to-vehicle/vehicle-to-infrastructure
IaC infrastructure as code
IOO infrastructure owner-operator
ITS–JPO Intelligent Transportation System Joint Program Office
LiDAR light detection and ranging
MUTCD Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices
MVP minimum viable product
NCHRP National Cooperative Highway Research Program
NCSL National Council of State Legislatures
NCUTLO National Committee on Uniform Traffic Laws and Ordinances
NDAA National District Attorneys Association
NHTSA National Highway Transportation Safety Administration
O&M ownership and maintenance
OBU onboard unit
ODD operation design domain
OEM original equipment manufacturer
PDF portable document format
RTF rich text format
SAE formerly, the Society of Automotive Engineers
SME subject matter expert
SPaT signal phase and timing
TMC traffic management center
TSMO transportation system management and operations
USDOT U.S. Department of Transportation
UVC Uniform Vehicle Code
V2I vehicle-to-infrastructure
V2V vehicle-to-vehicle
VSL variable speed limit
WZAD Work Zone Activity Data
WZDI Work Zone Data Initiative
WZDx Work Zone Data Exchange
XML Extensible Markup Language

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  Last modified: November 2, 2021