ITS Architecture Implementation Program
time lapse of traffic traveling down and exiting from a freeway at night
21st Century Operations Using twenty-first Century Technologies

8.2 Regional ITS Architecture Maintenance

An additional responsibility of all stakeholders will be periodic updating of the Nashville Regional ITS Architecture. As ITS deployment occurs, the local knowledge and experience gained, advances in technology and the availability of better cost data will influence the most cost-effective way to address traffic and safety concerns in the Nashville region.

Responsibility for maintaining the regional ITS architecture has been accepted by the MPO with assistance from TDOT. The maintaining and updating process will be facilitated by the MPO, but will require involvement of all ITS stakeholders in the process.

The ITS Regional Architecture will be formally updated just prior to the update of the Long Range Transportation Plan, now every three years. Between formal updates, new ITS project descriptions and proposed updates to the regional ITS architecture will be inserted into a Regional ITS Architecture appendix (see Appendix G). These incremental updates will be made available to other ITS stakeholders to keep them informed about what ITS projects are being planned and deployed. If all stakeholders are aware of projects that are underway, integration opportunities can be identified. The administrative procedures for initiating a new ITS project that is expected to use Highway Trust Fund money is discussed in the next section.