Improving Transportation Systems Management and Operations – Capability Maturity Model Workshop White Paper – Systems and Technology
7. Addressing Needs on the National Level
The weakness and related implementation plan actions identified in common by many State DOTs (and their partners), as represented by their implementation plans, suggests an agenda of needs for research, guidance, and training. Consistent with the CMM dimensions, this agenda is focused on process and institution improvements not substantially addressed in the support materials developed among peers or by AASHTO, FHWA, and other entities. There are strong supporting materials targeting many of the systems and technology needs identified in the section above (see Best Practices and References below). Suggestions are presented in Table 7.1.
Table 7.1 Suggested National Activities to Support Improvements in Systems and Technology
Activity |
Systems and Technology Element |
Sponsor(s) |
Comments |
Compile examples of best practices for the use of Statewide and Regional Architectures |
Regional Architecture |
(official web site), NHI, PCB, CITE Courses |
T3 Webinars or list-serves could broadcast and raise awareness of available current resources |
Develop basic webinar module focused on ITS procurement processes |
Regional Architecture
Project systems engineering/testing and validation |
Requires modest technical study using CMM Workshop materials and limited peer interviews and collecting information sources |
Compile resources related to training regarding the systems engineering process |
Project systems engineering/testing and validation |
Compile comprehensive list of available training resources and raise awareness of availability |
Strengthen NOCoE Knowledge Transfer Database regarding Systems and Technology |
Standardization |
Systems and Technology are search items |
Compile resources related to training regarding the standards implementation (testing and training) |
Standards |
Compile comprehensive list of available training resources and raise awareness of availability |
Develop a clearinghouse of standard specifications for frequently procured TSM&O technology |
Standardization |
Compile best practices and strategies for ITS device maintenance, ITS maintenance programs, and keeping pace with rapidly changing lifecycle considerations |
Overall |
This would update existing resources to include new requirements for effective TSM&O technology asset management and address options such as contracting/outsourcing for maintenance, performance requirements for newer technologies, training for in-house maintenance staff, and using updated lifecycle information for newer technologies to inform maintenance budget/program needs |
NOCoE: National Operations Center of Excellence
ITE: Institute of Transportation Engineers
AASHTO: American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials
NHI: National Highway Institute
PCB: Professional Capacity Building
JPO: Joint Program Office
CITE: Consortium for ITS Training and Education.