Office of Operations
21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

Improving Transportation Systems Management and Operations – Capability Maturity Model Workshop White Paper – Systems and Technology

6. Best Practice Examples

As noted above, all CMM workshop sites have existing ITS architectures and follow the systems engineering process, essential to achieving capability maturity in this dimension. The distinguishing question is how mature is their architecture process and how ingrained the systems engineering process is in their technology deployments. Beyond these two aspects, the systems and technology actions included expanding technology deployments and harnessing the CMM as these deployments occur. In some locations, updates to the ITS architecture were in process, so current and relevant actions were underway.

Utah DOT. The most notable program to showcase Systems and Technology is that of Utah DOT. Utah has a statewide TMC in the Salt Lake City area and regional TMC in other areas of the State. It has a centralized software system for both freeway and arterial management. Utah DOT assessed itself as having a strong ITS architecture with robust interoperability among nearly all jurisdictions (e.g., camera sharing) based on a legacy of strong architecture planning. ConOps existed and were applied to new technology design (e.g., variable speed limit deployments), and procurement processes were consistent statewide. One proposed action to come out of the self-assessment process was to capture ITS lessons learned and share these internally with their organization.

Georgia DOT. The Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) was another program to showcase aspects of the Systems and Technology dimension. GDOT has a structured process in place for deploying technology solutions, including use of ConOps. GDOT’s ITS architecture supports relationships among technology selection and deployment and relates it to needed functionalities. The agency has a good relationship with its IT department (e.g., working together in selecting software for cameras and in ITS device maintenance) and local agencies use their qualified products listing (QPL). GDOT has a common statewide traffic signal controller platform. The agency also seeks out and applies new technologies through participation in national forums (ITS-America).

Oregon DOT. The Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) originally developed the Oregon Statewide ITS Architecture in 1998 to guide the deployment of ITS applications in Oregon over a 20-year period and to meet Federal funding requirements. In addition to a statewide ITS plan, a number of regional ITS plans have been developed throughout Oregon at the regional and local levels (including transit and airports). ODOT effectively applies a long-standing systems engineering process and projects generally have ConOps. Architectures are coordinated well with regional strategic plans, having been originally developed as components of the plans. The TSM&O plan was developed using the statewide architecture; this architecture does not guide project prioritization but promotes implementation standardization. Interoperability of systems is a goal and priority at ODOT and other agencies in Oregon. They have a qualified product list for signals and most ITS equipment/assets are obtained through price agreements.

Maryland SHA. The Coordinated Highways Action Response Team (CHART) is a joint effort of the Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT), Maryland Transportation Authority, and Maryland State Police, in cooperation with other Federal, State, and local agencies. The CHART system is fully integrated and interoperable statewide and includes local partners with agreements and up-to-date architectures in place. It is a fairly mature system; processes and methodologies are institutionalized with paths for succession when needed. Systems architectures are in place and used regularly, including in the budgeting process. CHART has a systems integration manager on staff with an established relationship with the Division of Information Technology (DoIT), which can be beneficial when DoIT places constraints on procurements. The system has advanced data management and warehousing capabilities (with the Regional Integrated Transportation Information System (RITIS)), which facilitates intrastate coordination.

  Last modified: February 1, 2017  
Office of Operations