Work Zone Mobility and Safety Program

Appendix A: Post Course Assessment

Post Course Assessment

Place a checkmark in the box next to the one correct answer for each question.

  1. What are the primary components of the Work Zone Safety and Mobility Rule?
    1. Work zone safety and mobility policy
    2. Processes and procedures to implement work zone policy
    3. Project-level procedures to assess and manage impacts on individual projects
    4. Use of law enforcement in work zones

checkbox A and B

checkbox B and C

checkbox A and D

checkbox A, B, and C

checkbox All of the above

  1. The Work Zone Safety and Mobility Rule requires that a Transportation Management Plan (TMP) be developed for       ? (choose the best answer)

checkbox Projects with a budget of more than $100 million

checkbox Interstate projects only

checkbox Federal-aid projects

checkbox All projects with lane closures

  1. Which component(s) of the TMP is/are always required?
    1. Temporary Traffic Control Plan
    2. Transportation Operations Plan
    3. Public Information and Outreach Plan
    4. Incident Management Plan

checkbox A and C

checkbox A only

checkbox B only

checkbox A, B, and C

checkbox All of the above

  1. A significant project is one that has the potential to cause a relatively high level of disruption.

checkbox The above statement is true

checkbox The above statement is false

  1. Which of the following is/are a required component(s) of the TMP for significant projects?
    1. Temporary Traffic Control Plan
    2. Transportation Operations Plan
    3. Public Information and Outreach Plan
    4. Incident Management Plan

checkbox A only

checkbox B and C

checkbox A, B, and C

checkbox B, C, and D

checkbox All of the above

  1. FHWA requires a specific format for all TMPs.

checkbox The above statement is true

checkbox The above statement is false

  1. The TMP should always be paid for:

checkbox As a single pay item in the construction contract

checkbox As an incidental item and not paid for separately

checkbox As a separate pay item for every strategy

checkbox None of the above

  1. When in TMP development should coordination with key stakeholders occur?

checkbox During the preliminary engineering phase

checkbox During the design phase

checkbox During the construction phase

checkbox All of the above

  1. Traffic analysis tools are used to:
    1. Quantify corridor delay resulting from capacity decreases in work zones
    2. Support tradeoff analyses between construction costs and delay costs
    3. Identify safety impacts of alternative project phasing plans
    4. Assess travel demand measures and other delay mitigation strategies

checkbox A and B

checkbox A and C

checkbox A, B, and C

checkbox A, B, and D

checkbox All of the above

  1. When should the work zone impact assessment process start?

checkbox During early scoping stages of the project

checkbox During preliminary project design stages

checkbox During final project design stages

checkbox None of the above

  1. During construction, pedestrian and bicycle access should be maintained to a similar level as that existing prior to construction.

checkbox The above statement is true

checkbox The above statement is false

  1. Which among the following is a Transportation Operations strategy?
    1. Alternate construction phasing/staging
    2. Transit incentives
    3. Signal timing/coordination improvements
    4. Press releases about the project

checkbox A only

checkbox A and C

checkbox B and C

checkbox All of the above

  1. Public information provided during a project should always be:

checkbox A. Timely, Low-Cost, and Consistent

checkbox B. Accurate, Timely, and Consistent

checkbox C. Accurate, Consistent, and Web-Based

checkbox D. Accurate, Consistent, and Real-time

  1. Who should designate a trained, responsible person at the project level to implement and monitor TMP elements?

checkbox State Agency only

checkbox Contractor only

checkbox Both State Agency and Contractor

checkbox None of the above

  1. Which among the following is a benefit of TMP monitoring during construction?
    1. A TMP is a static document and should not be monitored during construction.
    2. Determine if TMPs on future similar projects are not needed.
    3. Protect against litigation
    4. Determine elements to include/correct in future TMPs

checkbox A and B

checkbox B and C

checkbox C and D

checkbox A, B, C, and D

  1. A contractor can make changes to a TMP on its own.

checkbox The above Statement is true

checkbox The above Statement is false

This is the end of the assessment.

Please turn to page 211 of the Participant Workbook for the answer key.

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  Last modified: May 3, 2022  
Office of Operations