Montana Department of Transportation
Transportation Management Plans (Presentation)
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Contact Information:
Slide 1. Montana Department of Transportation Transportation Management Plans
November 2008
Slide 2. MDT Work Zone Safety and Mobility
- Policy and Guidance – September 2007
- Training for Design Staff – early 2008
- Presentations to Construction Staff – early 2008
- Transportation Management Plan Development Team – started March 2008
Slide 3. TMP Development Team
- MDT Highways Bureau & Road Design
- MDT Traffic and Safety
- MDT Consultant Design
- MDT Construction Traffic Control Engineer
- MDT District Traffic Engineer
- MDT District Construction Reviewer
- FHWA Safety/Traffic Design Engineer
Slide 4. TMP Data Sheet
- Similar to Caltrans' process
- Customized to MDT operations
- Follows MDT WZSM guidance
Slide 5. TMP Data Sheet
- Intended for project design team
- Guide discussion among preconstruction and construction staff
- Help develop Traffic Control Plan and Special Provisions (TCP and TO)
- Help develop Public Involvement for preconstruction and construction
- Help estimate project costs
Slide 6. Transportation Management Plan (TMP) Data Sheet
Slide 7. TMP Sections Estimate Summary
Slide 8. TMP Elements Table
Slide 9. Section 1 – Temporary Traffic Control Plan
Slide 10. Section 1 – Temporary Traffic Control Plan
Slide 11. Section 1 – Temporary Traffic Control Plan
Slide 12. Section 2 – Transportation Operations Component
Slide 13. Section 2 – Transportation Operations Component
Slide 14. Section 2 – Transportation Operations Component
Slide 15. Section 3 – Public Information Component
Slide 16. Section 3 – Public Information Component
Slide 17. Section 4 – Other Strategies
Slide 18. Comment/Revision
Slide 19. TMP Help Guide
- Step by step instructions and definitions
- Took text from FHWA guidance
- Developed additional text to clarify
- Assigned sections to team members for editing and clarifying
- Will be a stand-alone document
Slide 20. TMP Implementation
- Test projects recently constructed
- Pilot projects for future construction
- Training for design staff
- Encourage documentation
Slide 21. Other Considerations
- District TMP Coordinator
- Road Closure Charts
- Cost information and database
Slide 22. Questions?
Slide 23. Contact Information
- Lesly Tribelhorn, Highways Design Engineer
406.444.6242 - Jim Wingerter, Construction Traffic Control Engineer
406.444.7628 - (535 KB)
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