Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) Traffic Control Review (TCR)
Project Engineer:
Resident Engineer:
Prime Contractor:
Traffic Control Contractor:
Traffic Control Supervisor:
[Note: Use Yes, No, NA (Not applicable), or NC (Not Checked)]
[Note: References are to CDOT's 2005 Standard Specifications, standard special provisions (SSP), Construction Bulletins (CB), M&S standards (M- or S-xxx-x), Construction Manual (CM), Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), or 2002 Roadside Design Guide (RDG)]
I. Traffic Control Management (Weight = 1)
Yes/No/NA |
Score |
Possible |
- TCS's Traffic control daily diaries on file (630.10(5))
1 |
- Diaries reviewed by CDOT (CM 630.3.2)
1 |
- Discrepancies…noted in diary & corrected (630.10(5)(viii))
1 |
- Night inspections conducted weekly, documented (630.10(6))
1 |
- MUTCD (Current) in CDOT field office (CM 630.3.1 #1)
1 |
- Resident Engineer Traffic Control Review done (CM 630.3.1 #7, CM 630.2.2 #1)
1 |
- Public Info. Spec implemented as required, including up-to-date phone message, daily phone call log, fliers, etc. (Project Special Provision 626)
1 |
Section Score (Sum x Wt) |
0 |
7 |
II. Method of Handling Traffic (MHT) (Weight = 2)
Yes/No/NA |
Score |
Possible |
- TCS's Traffic control daily diaries on file (630.10(5))
1 |
- Diaries reviewed by CDOT (CM 630.3.2)
1 |
- Discrepancies…noted in diary & corrected (630.10(5)(viii))
1 |
- Night inspections conducted weekly, documented (630.10(6))
1 |
- MUTCD (Current) in CDOT field office (CM 630.3.1 #1)
1 |
- Resident Engineer Traffic Control Review done (CM 630.3.1 #7, CM 630.2.2 #1)
1 |
- MHT sufficiently detailed per 630.09.
- Detailed diagram (630.09(1))
1 |
- Tabulation of devices for each phase (630.09(2))
1 |
- MUTCD, Plans, Specs & other sources referenced (630.09(3))
1 |
- Estab. access mtce. plan, turn around locs., equip. storage, etc. (630.09(4))
1 |
- Pedestrian (ADA), bicycle & non vehicular access addressed (630.09(5))
1 |
- Plan for emergency vehicle access (630.09(6))
1 |
- Vert. and horiz. clearances (630.09(7)&(8), CM 630.2.4, #7a & 7b, CB 2006-1)
1 |
Section Score (Sum x Wt) |
0 |
26 |
III. Worksite Traffic Control Supervisor (TCS) (Weight = 1)
Yes/No/NA |
Score |
Possible |
- Current ATSSA or CCA Certification on file in project records (630.10)
1 |
- TCS has current flagger card (630.10)
1 |
- TCS available on project (630.10, last paragraph)
1 |
- TCS has current MUTCD (630.10(8))
1 |
- TCS has current TCP, MHT, M&S-Standards and revisions (630.10(8))
1 |
- TCS appropriately dressed (fluorescent orange-red or yellow-green hardhat, vest, reflectorization at night) (630.13)
1 |
Section Score (Sum x Wt) |
0 |
6 |
IV. Flaggers (Weight = 1) (see MUTCD Chapter 6E)
Yes/No/NA |
Score |
Possible |
- Current flagger card (630.13(a))
1 |
- Appropriately dressed (fluorescent orange-red or yellow-green hardhat, vest, reflectorization at night). (630.13)
1 |
- Proper flagging methods used (630.13, MUTCD 6E.04)
1 |
- Flagger location (630.13, MUTCD 6E.05):
- Visible to traffic.
1 |
- Proper distance in advance of work.
1 |
- Station illuminated at night (630.13)
1 |
- "STOP/SLOW" Paddle (630.13, MUTCD 6E.03):
- Correct size and shape.
1 |
- Satisfactory condition.
1 |
- Correct sheeting (Type III or fluorescent).
1 |
Section Score (Sum x Wt) |
0 |
9 |
V. Construction/Maintenance Signing (Weight = 3)
Yes/No/NA |
Score |
Possible |
- Placement (spacing/mounting height/angle/offset/sight distance) conforms to approved MHT/MUTCD/S-Stds.
1 |
- Conforms to MUTCD/S-Standards/TC plans (size, layout, color).
1 |
- Satisfactory condition (clean, readable, no wear/tear/wrinkling/bowing).
1 |
- Temporary signs
- 1' minimum above pavement elevation (S-630-1, Sht 11, note 12)
1 |
- Stored out of clear zone (630.12, SSP 630)
1 |
- Satisfactory breakaway posts or NCHRP 350 compliant (630.02, 614.02, 630.08, SSP 630, CB 2005-10)
1 |
- Correct signing for situation
1 |
- Conflicting signs properly treated (masked, turned, removed) (630.11, 630.12)
1 |
- Appropriate fluorescent & reflective sheeting on all signs. (630.02, SSP 614/630)
1 |
- Flashing beacons installed/working properly (S-614-14)
1 |
- VMS message/placement (MUTCD 6F.55, MUTCD 1A.14)
1 |
Section Score (Sum x Wt) |
0 |
33 |
VI. Traffic Control Devices (Weight = 3)
Yes/No/NA |
Score |
Possible |
- Arrow panel (MUTCD 6F.56, 630.03)
- Correct size, number of lights etc.
1 |
- Correct mounting height.
1 |
- Correct placement.
1 |
- All lights working.
1 |
- Correct operating mode.
1 |
- Auto dimmer for night use operational.
1 |
- Channelizing devices (barricades, cones, drums, etc.) (630.05, 630.06, MUTCD 6F.58 to 6F.63):
- Correct dimensions.
1 |
- Clean, adequately maintained, and functional (upright, etc.)
1 |
- Correct taper length
1 |
- Correct spacing between devices.
1 |
- Warning lights working.
1 |
- Concrete barrier (temporary):
- Correctly pinned. (630.07, M-606-14, RDG
1 |
- Proper reflector spacing. (S-630-2 Note 9, max 50 feet)
1 |
- Proper reflector color (S-612-1)
1 |
- End treatment installed, or "Clear zone" established. (S-630-2, Note 9)
1 |
- Correct Taper (RDG, 4:1 to 8:1, S-630-1, Sht 11, Note 16)
1 |
Section Score (Sum x Wt) |
0 |
48 |
VII. Pavement Markings (Weight = 2)
Yes/No/NA |
Score |
Possible |
- Pavement marking plan on file. (627.03)
1 |
- Conflicting markings properly removed. (627.03(d), 202.05, MUTCD 6F.71)
1 |
- "Pavement markings placed correctly (full compliance, width, length, location, waviness) (627.03) (per plans, specs, and MUTCD)"
1 |
- No passing zones in full compliance. (627.03)
1 |
- Satisfactory condition (not overly faded, damaged or obscured)
1 |
Section Score (Sum x Wt) |
0 |
10 |
VIII. Miscellaneous Items (Weight = 3)
Yes/No/NA |
Score |
Possible |
- "Clear Zone" free of obstructions. (per plans or RDG 9.1.1)
- No passing zones in full compliance. (627.03)
1 |
- No passing zones in full compliance. (627.03)
1 |
- No passing zones in full compliance. (627.03)
1 |
- Impact attenuators:
- No passing zones in full compliance. (627.03)
1 |
- No passing zones in full compliance. (627.03)
1 |
- No passing zones in full compliance. (627.03)
1 |
- Pilot car operation correct. (630.13)
1 |
- Compliance with Project Special Provisions (working hours, etc.).
1 |
- Traffic Signal operations/installation (630.04, 614)
- Timing adequate
1 |
- Vertical clearance adequate/Proper location of heads
1 |
Section Score (Sum x Wt) |
0 |
30 |
IX. Traffic Impacts (Weight = 2)
Yes/No/NA |
Score |
Possible |
- Adequate driver guidance (Drivers understand where to go)
1 |
- Traffic delays being mitigated (Alt Rte, delays advertised etc.)
1 |
- Accidents documented (630.10(5)(viii))
1 |
- Work Zone speed limit
- Form 568 on file (CM, Appendix B)
1 |
- Speed reduction appropriate for operation (not too slow/not too fast)
1 |
- "Fines Doubled" and return to speed limit properly placed (S-630-1, Sht 10)
1 |
Section Score (Sum x Wt) |
0 |
12 |
X. Work Zone Area and Inspector Safety (Weight = 2)
Yes/No/NA |
Score |
Possible |
- Safe entrance/exit to work zone for equipment and workers (630.09(4))
1 |
- Work zone buffer adequate (MUTCD 6C.06)
1 |
Section Score (Sum x Wt) |
0 |
4 |
Score |
Possible |
Percentage |
- Traffic Control Management
0 |
7 |
0% |
- Method of Handling Traffic (MHT)
0 |
26 |
0% |
- Worksite Traffic Control Supervisor (TCS)
0 |
6 |
0% |
- Flaggers
0 |
9 |
0% |
- Construction/Maintenance Signing
0 |
33 |
0% |
- Traffic Control Devices
0 |
48 |
0% |
- Pavement Markings
0 |
10 |
0% |
- Miscellaneous Items
0 |
30 |
0% |
- Traffic Impacts
0 |
12 |
0% |
- Work Zone Area and Inspector Safety
0 |
4 |
0% |
Project Score |
0 |
185 |
0% |