Work Zone Mobility and Safety Program

Long Description: Recommendations

Diagram shows two parallel processes connected by an arrow. The first process is the ODOT Experience and Analysis, and the second process is the What If Alternatives that can be universally applied based on the ODOT experience.

The steps in the first diagram are as follows:

  • ODOT Experience and Analysis
    • STEP 1:
      • Roadway item quantity, unit-prices on bid DB, itemization and factorization (flows into)
      • Cost (flows into)
      • Project cost: agency plus traffic plus support
    • STEP 2:
      • Construction window, cross-section and material, contractor logistics (flows into)
      • Schedule (flows into)
      • Closure production project duration
    • STEP 3:
      • Demand and capacity, lane closures scheme, and time value (flows into)
      • Traffic (flows into)
      • Queue and delay, road user cost
    • Result: Ready for final designing stage

This diagram is connected by an arrow to a diagram that contains the following flow diagram:

  • Alternatives: What If?
    • STEP 1:
      • Construction window, cross-section and material, contractor logistics (flows into)
      • Schedule – Constructable?
        • If no, flows into:
          • Closure production, project duration
        • If yes, flows into Step 2.
    • STEP 2:
      • Demand and Capacity, lane closure scheme, and time value (flows into)
      • Traffic – Tolerable?
        • If no, flows into:
          • Queue and delay, road user cost.
        • If yes, flows into Step 3.
    • STEP 3:
      • Roadway-item quantity, unit prices on bid DB, and itemization and factorization (flows into)
      • Cost – Budget?
        • If no, flows into:
          • Project cost, agency plus traffic, plus support
        • If yes, project is ready for final designing stage.

Return to slide 38.

Office of Operations