Work Zone Mobility and Safety Program

3.0 Planning the Public Information and Outreach Campaign

When planning for a public information and outreach campaign, agencies often develop a public information and outreach plan. This plan allows agencies to keep track of what has been done and what needs to be done. It also facilitates planning for future campaigns as agencies will be able to review a written record of needed resources, timeframes, and other pertinent information. Therefore, is important that the plan is updated as the campaign progresses so that at the completion of the campaign there is an accurate record of what was done.

Table 3.1 is a checklist that can be used to identify the tasks often involved in public information and outreach campaigns. The efforts made or that need to be made for each of these tasks should be included in the public information and outreach plan. The information should include appropriate milestones, budget allocation, task responsibility, and completion date.

Appendix B contains a set of templates that can be used to help develop a public information and outreach campaign and document the components of the campaign in a plan. These templates can be used in coordination with the checklist in Table 3.1 to document target audiences, messages, products, goals, resources, and other needed information. Appendix C includes two of these templates filled in with information for a fictional project. The templates in Appendix C are meant to serve as a sample to demonstrate to agencies how to fill in the templates with enough detail and information to make them useful.

Table 3.1 Public Information and Outreach Campaign Checklist

1. Develop Foundation/Framework for Campaign

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1.1 Define goals and objectives for outreach campaign

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1.2 Determine approach, resources, and scope of outreach

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1.3 Define the outreach coordination team and necessary partners and define roles

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1.4 Identify target audience

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1.5 Develop messages

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1.6 Develop brand themes and logo for project

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1.7 Determine general opportunities to distribute the messages (public meetings, peak commute times, direct mail, etc.)

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1.8 Develop draft plan to implement outreach strategies (specific actions/timelines/Points of contact)

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1.9 Determine success criteria

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1.10 Validate communications plan/secure buy-in from key leaders and partners

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2. Develop Outreach Strategies

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2.1 Confirm outreach product types and format requirements (negotiate pricing where possible/appropriate and determine final product types based on budget)

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2.2 Determine communication strategies to convey the messages (news, brochures, web site, radio ads, dynamic message signs, etc.)

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2.3 Identify audience for each product

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2.4 Confirm specific message for each product

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2.5 Determine design of product

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2.6 Develop specific content of product

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2.7 Produce outreach products

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3. Implement Outreach Strategies

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3.1 Confirm outreach opportunities/distribution channels and identify deadlines or special requirements. Document in plan.

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3.2 Match outreach products to specific distribution channels identified in item 1.7.

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3.3 Continue to identify outreach partners and possible outreach opportunities

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3.4 Develop/maintain contact lists

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3.5 Distribute products through channels

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4. Evaluate/Improve Outreach Strategies

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4.1 Regularly review and update each outreach strategy.

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4.2 Conduct regular process reviews as appropriate (will depend on length of project)

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4.3 At completion of outreach, evaluate effectiveness of outreach results based on success criteria, document lessons learned, and implement improvements in future.

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  Last modified: May 31, 2022  
Office of Operations