Road Weather Management Program
photos of lightning, trucks plowing snow, an empty road before a storm, and an evacuation
Office of Operations 21st century operations using 21st century technologies

Best Practices for Road Weather Management Version 2.0


Speed Regulation by Use of Climate Data


In Sweden, a new phase of Road Weather Information System (RWIS) development has been initiatied. Based on data from RWIS stations and local climatololgical model, information about actual road status will be presente to drivers, either directly in the car or by use of information signs. An important task is to include the variation in road conditions between field stations where actual measurements are carried out. A test road has been selected in the southeastern part of Sweden. The test section is part of road E22 that carries relatively high traffic volumes but most importantly has an accident rate above normal for this type of road. Along the test section, two field stations are located together with eight informatin signs. These signs can automatically give information to drivers about factors that can influence traffic safety. Another way of using the signs is to present a recommended speed which is set in relation to the prevailing weather conditions.


10th Standing International Road WEather Conference (SIRWEC); Gotegorg University (Sweden)

Date: 2000


Gustavsson, Bogren


Road Weather Information System (RWIS)
Weather information
Traveler information
Speed management
Traffic control
Motorist warning system

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Office of Operations