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Systems Engineering for ITS
Risk Management ChecklistRisk Management Checklist

The Microsoft Word version of this checklist is an editable form that can be used to support process reviews.

Process Checklist
Are all the bases covered? Yes No Not Applicable Comments
Is the risk management plan included in the Project Plan/SEMP?        
Have all sources of risks been identified?        
Technical [e.g., new detectors do not perform as expected]        
  • Institutional [e.g., agency data sharing, new regulations, public opposition]
  • Funding [delays or cuts]
  • Environmental [e.g., temperature levels for outdoor field equipment, restrictions on building]
  • Personnel [e.g., loss of key personnel, substandard performance]
  • Commercial [e.g., vendor does not deliver the commercial product]
Were experts and stakeholders queried in all the areas of risk to develop a broad list of credible risks?        
Are the risks prioritized and the most critical ones identified?        
For each high priority risk, are there ways to eliminate the risk? Or, reduce its likelihood and/or impact?        
For each high priority risk, have the symptoms of the problem and a means for monitoring them been identified?        
Are the high priority risks regularly monitored throughout the project?        
For each high priority risk, is there a risk resolution plan?        
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