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Systems Engineering for ITS
Integration and Verification ChecklistIntegration and Verification Checklist

The Microsoft Word version of this checklist is an editable form that can be used to support process reviews.

Process Checklist
Are all the bases covered? Yes No Not Applicable Comments
Are integration activities included in the master project schedule?        
Does the plan for integration and verification support the strategy for deployment?        
Based on project complexity, is a written Integration Plan required?        
Are the external systems needed to support integration available, or does the interface need to be simulated?        
Have the components to be integrated been placed under configuration control?        
Are the development teams available to promptly fix problems uncovered during integration?        
Was a Verification Plan developed and approved?        
Were all requirements traced to a Verification Plan test case?        
Were Verification Procedures developed and approved?        
Were the key participants identified and trained?        
Were all resources needed for testing in-place?        
Were all participants notified of the testing schedule?        
Was a Verification Report prepared?        
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