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Systems Engineering for ITS
Deployment ChecklistDeployment Checklist

The Microsoft Word version of this checklist is an editable form that can be used to support process reviews.

Process Checklist
Are all the bases covered? Yes No Not Applicable Comments
Has a comprehensive set of deployment goals been developed?        
Can those deployment goals be traced into the deployment strategy?        
Does the deployment strategy consider available funding?        
Does each step in the deployment strategy produce an operationally useful and maintainable deployed system?        
Does the deployment strategy minimize the risk of interference to on-going operations?        
Does the deployment strategy offer a viable operational fallback at each step of the process?        
Are all stakeholders in a deployment step aware of their roles and responsibilities?        
Are all resources needed for a deployment step available?        
Has a work-around plan been developed in case a needed resource is not available?        
Has acceptance testing been defined based on the acceptance criteria?        
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