Icons are used to highlight different kinds of information throughout this document.
This “lightbulb” icon identifies suggestions that may improve the systems engineering analysis or the quality of the systems engineering products that are created. Usually based on actual experience, these are ideas that have worked in the past.
This “exclamation point” icon flags warnings. In contrast to tips, these are problems that have been encountered that you should avoid. Also frequently based on actual experience, these are ideas that have NOT worked in the past.
This “laptop” icon highlights resources that offer additional information related to systems engineering, including books, reports, presentations, and other documents. Chapter 5 includes a list of all the resources that are identified in this document.
This “scissors” icon identifies ways that the systems engineering process can be tailored for smaller ITS projects. Many ITS projects are relatively low risk and low complexity, and the systems engineering process should be tailored accordingly. Section 4.3 provides a more comprehensive discussion of how to tailor the systems engineering approach
This “hammer and wrench” icon identifies software tools (programs, databases, spreadsheets, etc.) that support some aspect of the systems engineering or ITS project development processes. The information provided is not intended to endorse or recommend any particular tool.
This “scales” icon identifies references to the FHWA Regulation and FTA Policy on ITS Architecture and Standards. These are normally references to the portion of the regulation/policy related to systems engineering analysis (Sections 940.11 of the Regulation and VI of the Policy). (See https://www.ops.fhwa.dot.gov/its_arch_imp/policy.htm regarding the Regulation/Policy.)
This “book” icon is used where ITS and systems engineering terminology is defined. Terminology is one of the first hurdles to overcome in any new subject area. Readers can skip quickly past the definitions of familiar terms.