Office of Operations
photos of traffic merging onto congested highway, congestion in snowstorm, variable message sign, cargo, variable speed limit sign in a work zone, and a freeway at night
21st century operations using 21st century technologies

Operations News - Archive

News Archive

Incorporating Reliability Performance Measures in Operations and Planning Modeling Tools - 12/27/2022
This report details pilot projects applying two tools developed under the second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP2), called Scenario Manager and Vehicle Trajectory Processor, to evaluate reliability performance measures at the planning level. The report includes results from test sites in Portland, Oregon and Phoenix, Arizona, and provides recommendations for conducting similar analyses.

Approaches to Target Setting for PM3 Measures - 11/10/2022
This new report provides example approaches to setting targets for the third performance management rulemaking, or PM3, measures. The approaches include technical options for developing the information to support target setting.

Complete Trip Data Factsheet - 11/10/2022
FHWA has recently completed research into the notion of Complete Trip Data, data that provides, at a minimum, location, time, and mode of travel for trips on the multimodal transportation system. The factsheet contains information on Complete Trip Data, sample fields to be used in an acquisition, and potential uses of the data.

Applying TSMO to Rural Areas - 10/25/2022
Transportation Systems Management and Operations (TSMO) has been known to be effective in urban and suburban areas. However, TSMO can also be effective in addressing some of the unique challenges found in rural transportation. This new FHWA document, Applying TSMO to Rural Areas, provides an overview of how TSMO can be utilized here. This document also showcases examples in 5 key areas: Road Weather Management, Traffic Incident Management, Work Zone Management, Planned Special Events, and Seasonal Demand.

Webpage on Improving Access to Voting Events - 10/7/2022
FHWA supports the use of traffic analysis tools and enhanced work zone management to improve access to voting events. This effort aids the United States Department of Transportation's support for Executive Order 140191, "Promoting Access to Voting." The FHWA is encouraging a proactive, rather than reactive, operations mindset to minimize voting access impacts before they happen. A new webpage was established as a repository for resources to assist public agencies in taking actions related to traffic analysis and improving work zone management for voting events.

Connecting TSMO with other Disciplines Presentation Slides - 10/4/2022
The FHWA Office of Operations developed a series of presentation slide decks for the purpose of communicating Transportation Systems Management and Operations (TSMO) to other disciplines. These slide decks complement and build on previously developed Fact Sheets that illustrated at a high-level the relationships and collaboration opportunities between TSMO and 10 other transportation agency disciplines. The Fact Sheets and slide decks are intended to help TSMO personnel engage their counterparts in conversation about how TSMO can integrate with and support other disciplines. These MS PowerPoint files can be downloaded and modified to fit any presentation objective. Currently three presentation files are posted for connecting TSMO with Environment, Construction, and Maintenance. Check the Communicating TSMO with Other Programs webpage regularly for additional presentations.

Report to Congress on the Value Pricing Pilot Program Through December 2020 - 8/19/2022

Coordination of Information Technology and TSMO - 7/19/2022
The publication Practices for Improving the Coordination of Information Technology and Transportation Systems Management and Operations Resources: A Reference Document provides the transportation operations community (public agencies, consultants, and researchers involved in planning for, designing, operating, and maintaining transportation operations and management systems) with information on practices in coordinating with information technology staff. The publication focuses on the value of coordination and collaboration between operations staff and information technology staff.

TSMO Benefits Infographic - 5/19/2022
Infographic showing five State DOT examples of benefits they have identified from implementing transportation systems management and operations (TSMO) strategies.

New Primers on Applying Transportation Asset Management for Traffic Signals and ITS - 5/3/2022
FHWA has released two publications on Applying Transportation Asset Management for Traffic Signals and ITS. These primers will assist state and local agencies in applying asset management principles to these assets that are consistent with the requirements for Transportation Asset Management Plans (TAMPs). These documents along with the related webinars are located on the FHWA Asset Management for Operations website.

Talking Freight Webinar for April 26, 2022: Freight for All: Defining Major Equity Considerations in Goods Movement - 4/20/2022
This webinar will discuss initiatives state and metropolitan area transportation organizations have taken to understand the negative impacts freight transportation and/or lack of access to important freight-served community amenities is having on those communities, where those impacts are taking place, and how those impacts on significantly affected communities can be mitigated.

FHWA's 2022 National Work Zone Awareness Week (NWZAW) Factsheet - 4/6/2022
On April 12, the Virginia Department of Transportation will host the national kick-off event in Hampton Roads, VA. The 2022 NWZAW Factsheet is available on the National Work Zone Awareness Week webpage.

Local Agency Operations Resources - 3/21/2022
The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Office of Operations and our partner Offices throughout FHWA and the USDOT develop products and resources relevant to agencies at all Government levels. This page compiles FHWA Operations resources relevant to local and regional transportation agencies.

Testimonials on the Impact of the SHRP2 Reliability Products - 3/1/2022
Learn the impact of the Reliability products from the second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP2) from this flyer sharing testimonials from State DOT leaders and operations champions.

Coordination of Information Technology and TSMO - 2/18/2022
Five fact sheets highlight how coordination between Information Technology (IT) and Transportation Systems Management and Operations (TSMO) can occur in transportation agencies. Each Fact Sheet draws from Principles and Strategies for Effective Coordination of IT and TSMO, a Reference Document. The fact sheets cover the following topics:Project Executive Summary, Common Understanding, Agency Successes,Staffing Practices, Cybersecurity Practices. The fact sheets and two recorded webinars on the topic are available.

Surface Transportation System Funding Alternatives Phase I Independent Evaluation: Cross-Cutting Report - 2/18/2022
The Fixing America's Surface Transportation Act of 2015 established the Surface Transportation System Funding Alternatives (STSFA) Program to provide grants to States or groups of States to demonstrate user-based alternative revenue mechanisms that utilize a user-fee structure to maintain the long-term solvency of the Highway Trust Fund. In Federal fiscal year 2016, the U.S. Department of Transportation awarded eight STSFA grants to seven lead States (California, Delaware, Hawaii, Minnesota, Missouri, Oregon [project lead for two grants], and Washington) totaling $14,235,000. This report presents cross-cutting findings from all Phase I STSFA project sites.

Recent TSMO Resources and Program Activities - 1/13/2022
Two new at-a-glance summaries of 1) recently published FHWA TSMO resources and 2) current activities of the FHWA Organizing and Planning for Operations program are now available.