Office of Operations
photos of traffic merging onto congested highway, congestion in snowstorm, variable message sign, cargo, variable speed limit sign in a work zone, and a freeway at night
21st century operations using 21st century technologies

Operations News - Archive

News Archive

Mainstreaming TSMO: Examples of Integrating TSMO Across a Transportation Agency - 12/22/2021
This infographic shows ways that a transportation agency can integrate TSMO throughout its organization to advance and mainstream TSMO. Examples are provided on how TSMO can be supported and mainstreamed by executive leadership and human resources, and throughout the project and program lifecycle: planning and programming, project development and design, construction, maintenance, and ongoing transportation management.

2020 Urban Congestion Trends Report Available - 9/20/2021
The latest annual report on urban congestion trends is now available. The 2020 Urban Congestion Trends report includes annual traffic congestion-related measures in the 52 largest urban areas in the United States. The report also includes example operational strategy evaluations and how State DOTs and MPOs are using the National Performance Management Research Data Set (NPMRDS) and the effects of the pandemic on the measures.

New Website: ITS Cybersecurity - 9/20/2021
The Intelligent Transportation Systems Joint Program Office has launched a new website on ITS Cybersecurity. This website will provide information and resources for transportation system manufacturers, integrators, and operators to support making their ITS infrastructure secure and cyber-resilient.

Analysis of Travel Choices and Scenarios for Sharing Rides Final Report - 4/23/2021
The purpose of this study is to gain a deeper understanding of the factors influencing traveler decisions about driving or taking a shared ride, including learning about the tradeoffs among desired features of different travel options and trip price. The study seeks to understand whether mode-shifting incentives and disincentives could be applied to encourage more sharing and active mode trips that reduce vehicle miles traveled and congestion. The study analyzed data from a survey conducted by a large transportation network company (TNC) of its users and used analysis that two developers of application tools providing carpooling incentives conducted on their user data to analyze several scenarios of varying cost and time differentials that may influence the likelihood of sharing rides.

2021 National Work Zone Awareness Week, April 26-30- "Drive Safe. Work Safe. Save Lives" - 4/23/2021
The 2021 National Work Zone Awareness Week will be hosted by the state of Michigan, with a national virtual kick-off event scheduled for Tuesday, April 27.

Webinar on Version 3.1 of the Work Zone Data Exchange (WZDx) Specification and Put Work Zones on the Map Awareness Campaign. - 4/22/2021
The U.S. Department of Transportation (U.S. DOT) will host a webinar on the WZDx Specification on April 29, 2021 as a complementary effort to National Work Zone Awareness Week. Register at:

Surface Transportation System Funding Alternatives Phase I Evaluation: Pre-Deployment Activities for a User-Based Fee Demonstration by the Minnesota Department of Transportation - 3/3/2021
This report presents the independent evaluation results of pre-deployment activities for a user-based fee demonstration by the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT), which received fiscal year 2016 funding from the U.S. Department of Transportation's Surface Transportation System Funding Alternatives (STSFA) Program. MnDOT represents one of eight entities to engage in pilots or pre-pilot planning and development activities using FY 16 funds to explore a variety of options to demonstrate user-based alternative revenue mechanisms.

Organizing for TSMO — 2020 Peer Exchange Report - 2/25/2021
FHWA hosted a group of Transportation Systems Management and Operations (TSMO) leaders to share their agencies' experiences in advancing TSMO programs on February 26 and 27, 2020. Representatives from 15 organizations participated in the peer exchange, including from: 12 State departments of transportation (DOTs), two metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs), and one regional transportation commission. The event included four focused sessions: organizational improvements, collaboration and partnerships, making the business case and branding for TSMO, and priority issues for further exploration.