Operations News - Archive
News Archive
ATDM Informational Brief: ATM Implementation and Operations Guide - 12/6/2017
FHWA developed an ATM Implementation and Operations Guide that provides lessons learned, best practices, and general guidance on critical issues of implementing and operating ATM. The Guide provides an overview of ATM strategies and provides information on their characteristics and when they might be appropriate to address regional goals and objectives. It uses a combination of relevant existing resources and documents, along with best practices and lessons learned gleaned from early adopters to offer practical guidance. It also emphasizes the value of ATM and what these strategies can offer to operating agencies as part of their broader transportation systems management and operations (TSMO) program.
Transportation Systems Management and Operations in Action - 12/6/2017
Transportation systems management and operations, or TSMO, encompasses a broad set of strategies that aim to optimize the safe, efficient, and reliable use of existing and planned transportation infrastructure for all modes. TSMO is undertaken from a systems perspective, which means that these strategies are coordinated with related strategies and across multiple jurisdictions, agencies, and modes. TSMO strategies range from regional traffic signal systems management to shared-use mobility initiatives. TSMO includes efforts to operate the multimodal transportation system and activities to manage travel demand.
Findings on Connector Designation, Data to Support Planning, and Incorporation into State Freight Plans - 11/22/2017
The purpose of this study is to identify and describe options for improving the use, condition, and performance of freight intermodal connectors through the provision of better data for planning and programming. This study describes issues related to the designation of freight intermodal connectors, examined data needs and options for a long-term data program, including the potential for the development of a stand-alone intermodal connector database; reviewed options for improving data quality and amount of data available for planning on intermodal connectors, and developed guidance on how to incorporate freight intermodal connectors into State Freight Plans.
2017 Road Weather Management Performance Measures Update - 11/8/2017
The Federal Highway Administration's Road Weather Management Program (RWMP) assesses its progress toward meeting programmatic objectives through established performance measures. Assessments have been completed and documented in 2009, 2012, and 2015, and this update is the next iteration of this periodic review. Overall, the 2017 report presents the latest results of the RWMP's performance measures, highlights significant changes or improvements from the last update, and lists recommendations on future focus areas for the RWMP.
FHWA Press Release: FY 2017 Surface Transportation System Funding Alternative Program Project Awards - 10/23/2017
The U.S. Department of Transportation's Federal Highway Administration announced $14.2 million in grants for states under a program designed to explore alternative revenue mechanisms to help sustain the long-term solvency of the Highway Trust Fund. The Surface Transportation System Funding Alternatives (STSFA) grant program will fund projects to test the design, implementation and acceptance of user-based alternative revenue mechanisms.
Update on Proposed Modifications in Highway Work Zones related regulation(s) - 10/16/2017
FHWA Press Release: Federal Highway Administration Awards Nearly $54 Million in Advanced Transportation and Congestion Management Technologies Grants, 10/4/2017 (FHWA 17-17) - 10/5/2017
Safety Service Patrol Priorities and Best Practices - 9/28/2017
Safety service patrols on freeway and arterial roadways provide a traffic management tool for transportation agencies across the country. A swift response to incidents provides effective temporary traffic control and quick clearance practices and reduces the chance of secondary accidents and bottlenecks. As more agencies assess their needs for traffic management and the benefits of service patrols, there are many best practices they can use in their decision-making processes for new or existing program enhancements. This report identifies existing service patrol programs for lessons learned, best practices employed, and those priorities that agencies should consider.
Developing and Sustaining a Transportation Systems Management & Operations Mission for Your Organization: A Primer for Program Planning - 9/26/2017
This primer discusses the rationale for and key elements of successful transportation systems management and operations (TSMO) program planning. It is designed as a practical resource to help State departments of transportation, metropolitan planning organizations, and local or regional operations organizations to integrate and mainstream TSMO within their organizations. The primer describes why TSMO program planning is important and how it can benefit a transportation agency. It identifies the strategic, programmatic, and tactical elements needed to advance TSMO as a critical part of the agency's mission which describes ten guiding principles to advance TSMO program planning, and building on successful practices to date. (Publication Number: FHWA-HOP-17-017)
Urban Congestion Trend Reports for 2016 Available - 7/6/2017
The 2016 Urban Congestion Trend annual report, subtitled "Using Technology to Measure, Manage, and Improve Operations," is now available. The report provides annual congestion and reliability measure trend information as well as highlights evaluations of successful operations strategies. (FHWA-HOP-17-010)
Public Roads Editorial: Riding Out The Storm - 6/7/2017
FHWA is partnering with transportation agencies to develop and implement effective traffic management strategies during adverse weather. (FHWA Public Roads May/June 2017)
Public Roads Editorial: Focus on Freight: Article 2 - Where Can The Big Rigs Park? - 6/7/2017
Through partnerships, continued education, and effective planning, FHWA and others are implementing strategies to help solve the national shortage of parking spaces for semitrailer trucks. (FHWA Public Roads May/June 2017)
Synthesis of Variable Speed Limit Signs - 5/25/2017
Variable speed limit (VSL) systems utilize information on traffic speed, occupancy, and volume detection, weather, and road surface conditions to determine the appropriate speeds at which drivers should be traveling, given current roadway and traffic conditions. Based on a comprehensive literature review along with agency interviews to gather information on existing, deactivated and planned VSL systems, this synthesis provides a comprehensive review of current practices on VSL operations, particularly experiences from deployments in the U.S., and to identify successful and best practices from the following perspectives: planning and policy, design, deployment, and standards, operations and maintenance, and outcomes.
Freight Intermodal Connectors Study - 5/23/2017
Freight intermodal connectors are roads that provide the "last mile" connection between major intermodal freight facilities (e.g., ports, airports, intermodal rail yards) and the National Highway System (NHS). Although the officially designated network of NHS intermodal connectors accounts for less than one percent of total NHS mileage, these roads are critical for the timely and reliable movement of freight. It is therefore important to understand the use, condition, and performance of the nation’s intermodal connectors since they have a direct impact on efficient goods movement and economic health. FHWA began a study to provide a comprehensive understanding of the condition and performance of a representative sample of the NHS freight intermodal connectors. The study is designed to be a resource to State and local partners. Information in the study can be used to inform the freight planning process and freight investment decisions. For more information about the Intermodal Connectors Study, please contact Tiffany Julien of the FHWA Office of Freight Management and Operations, tiffany.julien@dot.gov or 202-366-9241.
Scoping and Conducting Data-Driven 21st Century Transportation System Analyses - 5/16/2017
This guidance document defines a Continuous Improvement Process (CIP) to integrate data-driven time-dynamic operational analyses within transportation systems management. (FHWA-HOP-16-072)
Active Transportation and Demand Management (ATDM) Analytical Methods for Urban Streets - 5/16/2017
This report describes an investigation of analytical, Highway Capacity Manual (HCM)-compatible evaluation methods for urban street active transportation and demand management (ATDM).
Applying Archived Operations Data in Transportation Planning: A Primer - 4/14/2017
The purpose of this primer is to assist transportation planners in effectively using archived operations data for developing, analyzing, and evaluating transportation plans and programs. This primer raises planners' awareness of the opportunities afforded through archived operations data and provides guidance on how to take advantage of that data to expand and improve planning practices. It also identifies innovative applications for archived operations data in planning. This primer aims to help planners and their operations data partners overcome the barriers to obtaining and using data, regardless of whether they are just getting started with using the data or have substantive experience.
Web-based Informational Sessions on Transportation Systems Management and Operations (TSMO) - 4/14/2017
The purpose of this web-based informational session is to assist transportation planners and system managers effectively advance TSMO programs in three areas: (1) Planning for Transportation Systems Management and Operations: Within Corridors and Subareas, (2) Advancing Transportation Systems Management and Operations Through Scenario Planning, and (3) Applying Archived Operations Data in Transportation Planning.
New Pilot Car Escort Vehicle Training Materials are now Available - 3/22/2017
Pilot Car Escort Vehicle training publications including: Best Practices Guidelines; Best Practices for Law Enforcement; Study Guide; Training Manual; and Power point Slides, are now available.
Making the Business Case for Traffic Incident Management Programs Webinar Recording now Available - 2/7/2017
The webinar took place on October 13, 2016. The webinar recording is now available.