Office of Operations
21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

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The checklist on day-of-event activities presents steps summarizing activities facilitating the actual implementation and operation of the traffic management plan, in addition to real-time conditions monitoring, before, during, and after the event. These activities support real-time traffic management and control decisions during the day-of-event and provide key performance evaluation data for future planning. Information related to the steps discussed below can be found in the Managing Travel for Planned Special Events Handbook, which can be accessed at The figure below summarizes the types of assessments made for each of the four steps in the day-of-event activities checklist:

Image names the four steps in the checklist and the associated assessments for each.D

Step 1. Traffic Management Team Management Process

Screenshot of Day-of-Event Activities checklist, step 1.D

Step 2. Multi-agency Command Post Designation

Screenshot of Day-of-Event Activities checklist, step 2.D

Step 3. Traffic Management Plan Evaluation During Day-of-Event

Screenshot of Day-of-Event Activities checklist, step 3.D

Step 4. Traffic Monitoring on Day-of-Event

Screenshot of Day-of-Event Activities checklist, step 4.D

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  Last modified: April 11, 2022