Appendix C: Acronyms
Selected Acronyms of Regional Transportation Planning Terms, including Management & Operations
AASHTO. American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials
AMPO. Association of Metropolitan Planning Organizations
CMP. Congestion Management Process
CMS. Congestion Management System
CORSIM. Corridor Simulation software
DOT. Department of Transportation
EMS. Emergency medical service
FHWA. Federal Highway Administration
FTA. Federal Transit Administration
DYNASMART. Dynamic network simulation and analysis tool
IDAS. ITS Deployment Analysis System
ITS. Intelligent Transportation System
LOS. Level of service
M&O. Management and operations
MPO. Metropolitan Planning Organization
MTP. Metropolitan Transportation Plan
PARAMICS. Parallel Microscopic Traffic Simulator
RCTO. Regional Concept for Transportation Operations
SAFETEA-LU. Safe Accountable Flexible Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users
SCRITS. Screening for ITS
TMA. Transportation management area
TDM. Transportation demand management
TIP. Transportation Improvement Program
TSM. Transportation system management
TSMO or TSM&O. Transportation system management and operations