Simmons College - Boston, MA
FAST FACTS ABOUT: Simmons College - Boston, MA
Types of TDM: Modal shift
Keywords: Transit subsidy, Parking Management, Incentives,
Disincentives, Shuttle
Employer Demographics: Located in a dense, area of
Boston, MA that is well served by transit.
Program: $65 T-Pass subsidy, increased parking costs
Cost of Program: ESTIMATED COST?
Staff: 1 (Director of Auxiliary Services), contributes
approximately 20 hours a month to transportation program and has assistance
from other staff.
Results: 27% transit usage, 41% SOV, 32% carpool, bike,
Contact: Roy Schifilitti,
Student Meetings at the Parking Garage
Simmons College is a small, nationally recognized, private university
located in the Longwood/Fenway neighborhood of Boston. Surrounded by
a variety of universities, cultural institutions and medical facilities,
Simmons College is well served by the Massachusetts Bay Transportation
Authority’s (MBTA) transit and subway service, otherwise known
as “the T”. Though parking is limited in the area, Simmons
College attempted to stand by a “low-cost-parking-for-all-faculty-and-staff”
Most of Simmons’ 740 faculty and staff prefer to drive to work,
park in the Simmons owned lot and come and go at their leisure. In an
effort to maintain popular parking benefits, Simmons College provided
faculty and staff a parking spot on request. A year of parking cost
employees a mere $200, far below the cost of utilizing transit or the
nearby subway. As parking demand grew, the College recognized the need
to change their parking policy. Yet, limiting parking or raising rates
were not options under consideration.
By raising the cost of parking while
simultaneously increasing the attractiveness of transit, travel behavior
could be changed and the parking crises could be quelled.
In 1998, as parking demand increased, the parking situation became critical.
Staff and faculty often waited in the parking garage entrance for a
half hour before getting a space. Faculty began scheduling student meetings
in the garage while they waited. Others used cell phones and laptops
to remotely work from their vehicles. Frustration escalated and college
leadership began to fear losing employees. As the situation worsened,
the Director of Auxiliary Services researched similar problems and uncovered
possible solutions. The research pointed to the economic reality that
given a fixed supply of parking, demand could be influenced by changing
price. By raising the cost of parking while simultaneously increasing
the attractiveness of transit, travel behavior could be changed and
the parking crises could be quelled. Yet, upper management remained
opposed to increasing parking costs.
Incentives and Disincentives
In 1998 leadership at the college changed and support for a parking
management program grew. The Director of Auxiliary Services met with
the new Executive Management staff and demonstrated that the parking
crisis could not be solved without raising rates and supporting alternative
modes. The College began to slowly increase the cost to park and also
introduced a 25% transit subsidy, or T-Pass. Unfortunately, these techniques
did not change travel behavior. The transit subsidy appealed to existing
transit users and the parking increase was not enough to discourage
parking. Over the next five years the College continued to both increase
parking costs and transit subsidies. Eventually they got to a price
point where transit was more appealing. Today, faculty and staff are
eligible for a 60% T-subsidy (up to $65.00 a month) and parking has
increased from $200 a year to $1200 a year.
Program Goals:
Two main goals drive the Simmons College transportation benefits program.
First, Simmons leadership is committed to reducing vehicle miles traveled.
Few parking structures exist in the Longwood/Fenway neighborhood and
the large medical center presence results in the need for ample patient
and visitor parking. Furthermore, the City of Boston’s strict
parking development requirements inhibit future growth in parking. Therefore,
Simmons College and other nearby institutions have made a community
commitment to each do their part in reducing vehicle miles traveled
and manage parking well.
Second, Simmons College strives to be a good employer by providing a
wide array of employee benefits. The transportation benefits program
compliments other employee benefits and promotes the College’s
commitment to employees. All new employees are introduced to the employee
transportation benefits and the transportation coordinator sends out
newsletters and bulletins reminding employees of their transportation
options. Employees can opt for the T-subsidy at anytime.
Program Details:
Faculty and staff of Simmons College must choose between paying for
a parking space or receiving the T-Pass. Simmons College provides a
60% Subsidy for all MBTA transit passes, with a limit of $65.00 a month.
This provides plenty of support for most of MBTA’s pass programs
and only those with commutes from New Hampshire accrue out of pocket
costs. If faculty and staff opt to drive to work, they can pay $1200/year
for a parking space in the faculty/staff parking garage.
All T-pass holders, carpoolers and cyclists are eligible to participate
in one of two Guaranteed Ride Home programs. As part of the transportation
benefits program, Simmons created their own Guaranteed Ride Home (GRH)
program. The Simmons program is open to any employee in need of an emergency
ride home. Additionally, due to a partnership with the local transportation
organization, MASCO Commuter Works, a second GRH program is included
in the benefits program. Though rarely utilized, the MASCO Commute Works
GRH provides an added resource to commuters. In addition to the GRH
programs, Simmons College provides 15 free-park day vouchers for T-Pass
holders. Many faculty and staff take advantage of educational benefits
and/or teach night classes. The vouchers allow employees to drive on
those days, park and get home safely.
Additionally, as a member of the local TMA, MASCO Commute Works, Simmons
College faculty, staff and students can utilize Commute Works’
shuttle system. The shuttle system features six shuttles serving the
Longwood/Fenway area, Cambridge, Chestnut Hill, University of Massachusetts
and other destinations. Simmons College pays 60% of the shuttle pass
for staff and faculty. Two shuttles transport commuters to and from
the Ruggles and JFK T-stops. These shuttles are fully supported by MASCO
Commute Works and are free to all riders.
The hiring of a professional parking management company rounds out Simmons
College transportation program. During the first week of classes, on
graduation day and on other days throughout the school year, Simmons
College experiences peak period parking issues. The parking management
company manages parking during these peak periods by providing valet
parking and other parking services. Additionally, the company limited
parking in the parking garage to faculty and staff. The surface parking
lots became student parking lots. Frequent in and out student trips
are easier to manage on a surface lot. The parking management company
works closely with Simmons College and neighboring institutions to minimize
parking problems.
Simmons College utilizes two tools to evaluate the success of their
program. As the transportation coordinator works with the parking management
company to track the parking demand. The ability to manage the lot and
keep up with demand is a key indicator of success. To date, they have
had far fewer parking problems and the demand has reduced by 20% over
the last five years. The transportation coordinator also includes a
few parking and transportation related question in the annual employee
satisfaction survey. Negative comments regarding the T-Pass program
rarely appear on the surveys, implying the program is working. The coordinator
is open to feedback and constructive criticism about the T-Pass program.
The transportation benefits program has significantly reduced drive-alone
parkers at Simmons College. Today, 41% of faculty and staff park on
campus, 27% use transit and the remainder carpool, walk or ride their
bike to work. Although no one currently uses vanpool, the transportation
coordinator is open to supporting any non-single occupancy vehicle mode
usage with the 60% subsidy (up to $65.00 a month).