Chapter Three. Overview Page 1 of 8
Figure 3-1. Event Pedestrian Management
This chapter presents a high-level summary of managing travel for planned
special events for all users of this technical reference. It aims to identify
the key aspects of each step necessary to manage travel for a specific
planned special event and all special events in a region.
This chapter provides a background on the purpose of managing
travel for planned special events. It highlights all of the steps necessary
to manage travel for a particular planned special event and all planned
special events in a region. Recommended policies, guidelines, procedures,
strategies, and resource applications that support and facilitate each
step are indicated and organized through the following five phases: program
planning, event operations planning, implementation activities, day-of-event
activities, and post-event activities.
This chapter provides all users with a working knowledge of the techniques
and strategies that practitioners may use to successfully: (1) plan for
and operate a particular planned special event or (2) manage all planned
special events in a region. In turn, individual stakeholders gain an understanding
of the collective tasks facing multidisciplinary and inter-jurisdictional
planned special event stakeholder groups charged with developing and implementing
solutions to acute and system-wide impacts on travel during a special
Subsequent chapters of this handbook provide expanded and in-depth coverage
of all potential tasks and stakeholder activities conducted within individual
planned special event management phases. Chapters 4 through 10, which
represent the core chapters of this handbook, contain detailed information
on advance planning, day-of-event operation, and post-event evaluation
activities that stakeholders perform and/or consider in mitigating special
event impacts on transportation system operations. Chapters 11 through
15 describe an advance planning and travel management process and considerations
specific to a particular category of planned special event.
A background section describes how transportation operations vary during
a planned special event and identifies advance planning activities employed
to successfully manage travel for a special event. This section identifies
specific stakeholders, coupled with their typical duties and responsibilities,
that may actively participate under different phases of special event
management. It also includes a discussion on the distinct, chronological
phases of managing travel for planned special events, including the common
products generated in each phase and associated benefits of carrying out
each phase.
A section on categories of planned special events identifies special
characteristics specific to each event category that impacts transportation
system operations.
This chapter concludes by summarizing planning approaches, operational
strategies, and technology applications for managing transportation system
operations during phases of managing travel for planned special events.
These sections collectively present all the steps necessary to manage
travel for a particular planned special event in addition to future events
in a region.