Office of Operations
21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

Freight Mobility Trends Report 2019


Table 35 lists the 2019 top Interstate bottlenecks and congested corridors in the United States based on truck hours of delay per mile for 2019.

Delay per mile (DPM) is calculated for each Interstate segment using the 2019 National Performance Management Research Data Set (NPMRDS) travel time data in the Freight Mobility Trends (FMT) tool in the following manner:

  • Delay is calculated for each 15-minute time period as the difference between actual travel time and reference travel time. Reference travel time is based on 85th percentile speed during off-peak and overnight time periods.
  • Delay for each 15-minute time period is multiplied by 15-minute truck volumes. Truck volumes are estimated from Annual Average Daily Truck Traffic (AADTT) using typical time-of-day traffic volume profiles. Delay for each 15 minute time period is aggregated to get annual truck hours of delay.
  • The total truck hours of delay are then divided by the segment length to get total truck hours of delay per mile, allowing for the comparison of all roadway sections across the National Highway System (NHS).

These locations were then compared with the bottlenecks identified by States in their 2018 Baseline Performance Reports.

Table 35 lists the route, urban area, and State ordered by 2019 truck hours of delay per mile. Information is provided for the directional AADTT, annual truck hours of delay per mile, Planning Time Index (PTI), Buffer Index (BI), Travel Time Index (TTI), Truck Reliability Index (TRI), and total corridor congestion cost per year. Annual truck hours of delay per mile is determined at the most congested segment of the corridor. Total corridor congestion cost is calculated for the full extent of delay along the congested corridor, which may include multiple segments, as a function of both the time and fuel used while the truck is in congested traffic, factoring costs of personnel, commercial vehicle operation, and wasted fuel. Definitions of these categories and indicators appear after the table, as do maps of the top 40 bottlenecks.

Table 35. Major Interstate freight highway bottlenecks and congested corridors based on truck hours of delay per mile in the 2019 National Performance Management Research Data Set.
Note: Congestion cost includes wasted time and not fuel for this report version.
Road Urban Area State Generalized Bottleneck Location/ Congested Corridor AADT
(Truck Hours)
Total Corridor Congestion Cost ($)
1 1 I-95/ I-295 New York NY/NJ I-278/I-678 to NJ side of GW Bridge/SR-4 9,555 263,116 76,000,000
2 3 I-90/ I-94 Chicago IL I-94 N to I-55 8,003 140,942 86,900,000
3 4 I-605 Los Angeles CA I-5 to SR-60 10,963 139,777 62,500,000
4 2 I-35 Austin TX Airport Blvd. to Stassney Ln. 11,074 111,359 109,900,000
5 6 I-610 Houston TX I-69 to I-10 7,379 104,009 60,800,000
6 5 I-678 New York NY I-495 to Belt Pkwy. and I-295/I-95 to south end Bronx-Whitestone Bridge 6,510 100,237 40,000,000
7 11 I-405 Los Angeles CA I-105 to SR-42
Manchester Blvd.
12,139 95,686 147,800,000
8 7 I-290 Chicago IL I-90/I-94 to I-290 8,726 94,778 59,700,000
9 8 I-69/ US 59 Houston TX Buffalo Speedway to I-45 6,831 89,185 57,800,000
10 12 I-278 New York NY I-95/I-678 to Grand Central Pkwy. and SR 27 Prospect Expy. to SR-29 Queens Blvd. 6,607 88,339 147,000,000
11 9 I-24 Nashville TN US-41 to SR-155 12,775 86,920 52,200,000
12 10 I-10 Los Angeles CA 20th St. to I-5 and at I-605 7,036 86,745 164,100,000
13 15 I-710 Los Angeles CA Cesar Chavez Ave. to Atlantic Blvd. 6,833 85,730 47,500,000
14 23 I-45 Houston TX US-90 to I-69 7,184 84,471 58,800,000
15 17 I-680 San Francisco CA SR-262 to SR-238 6,406 81,240 14,000,000
16 25 I-495 New York NY Little Neck Pkwy. to Queens Midtown Tunnel 8,988 70,916 112,400,000
17 21 I-5 Seattle WA I-90 to 85th St. and SR 18 to Port of Tacoma Rd. 6,876 69,732 62,500,000
18 14 I-5 Los Angeles CA SR-134 Ventura Fwy. to I-605 7,097 68,560 123,200,000
19 20 I-76 Philadelphia PA University Ave. to US-1 4,605 67,019 37,500,000
20 19 I-87 New York NY I-278 to 230th St. 4,900 64,891 25,100,000
21 27 I-105 Los Angeles CA I-405 to Long Beach Blvd. 7,397 64,807 56,800,000
22 22 I-75 I-85 Atlanta GA I-20 to I-75/I-85 split 7,355 63,432 19,300,000
23 34 I-10 New Orleans LA I-610 to Pontchartrain Expy. 14,179 61,114 73,000,000
24 73 I-10 Lake Charles LA At I-210 14,179 61,114 31,500,000
25 26 I-210 Los Angeles CA SR-39/164 Azusa Ave. to SR-19 Rosemead Blvd. 10,007 60,414 67,600,000
26 18 I-10 Baton Rouge LA I-110 to SR-1 10,718 57,724 33,800,000
27 32 I-25 Denver CO I-70 to University Blvd. 7,030 55,696 54,200,000
28 29 I-5 Portland OR Columbia River to Terwilliger Blvd. 7,988 55,154 53,100,000
29 31 I-55 Chicago IL I-94 to SR-171 7,376 53,860 58,300,000
30 37 I-285 Atlanta GA East/SR-400 to
US-78 and West/I-20 to Northside Dr.
11,855 53,821 137,500,000
31 46 I-495 Washington MD/ VA I-66 (VA) to I-95 (MD) 9,544 53,507 93,900,000
32 33 I-70 Denver CO I-25 to I-270 5,973 53,461 26,700,000
33 55 I-30 Little Rock AR At I-630 19,820 51,924 11,700,000
34 35 I-80 San Francisco CA US-101 to Bay Bridge; and at I-580 2,737 51,110 35,200,000
35 39 I-10 Houston TX I-69 to I-45 9,085 50,107 53,700,000
36 40 I-270 Denver CO I-25 to I-70 5,364 50,104 14,500,000
37 47 I-95 Washington VA SR-123 to SR-286 8,092 49,241 49,800,000
38 24 I-110/ CA-110 Los Angeles CA I-10 to SR-42 Stauson Ave. 3,890 48,762 23,100,000
39 36 I-10 Phoenix AZ At I-17 from 51st Ave. to SR-143 11,718 48,254 91,200,000
40 45 I-15 Riverside CA At SR-91 5,267 48,175 18,600,000
41 30 I-15 Salt Lake City UT At I-215 (SR-173 to SR 48) 32,835 47,435 62,139,000
42 44 I-15 Los Angeles CA At I-10 9,099 47,170 12,700,000
43 59 I-80/ I-94 Chicago IL I-294 to I-94 20,900 46,615 9,100,000
44 50 I-695 Baltimore MD I-95 to I-795 10,497 46,428 45,400,000
45 57 I-71/ I-75 Cincinnati KY/ OH I-275 to Western Hills 15,297 44,603 18,300,000
46 81 I-90 Chicago IL I-90/94 to I-294 3,595 43,345 32,300,000
47 51 I-64 St. Louis MO Market St. to I-70 (over Mississippi River) 9,240 42,771 9,100,000
48 28 I-294 Chicago IL At I-290 and at I-90 9,449 42,295 40,900,000
49 61 I-405 Seattle WA I-90 to SR-520 4,796 40,760 12,800,000
50 127 I-75 Chattanooga TN At I-24 11,798 40,747 6,000,000
51 65 I-676 Philadelphia PA I-76 to I-95 3,695 40,448 7,300,000
52 56 I-238 San Francisco CA I-880 to I-580 9,026 40,088 4,600,000
53 64 I-35 San Antonio TX At I-10 13,515 39,338 24,300,000
54 53 I-494 Minneapolis MN SR-77 to W Bush Lake Rd. 6,142 38,514 9,000,000
55 58 I-85 Atlanta GA I-75 to SR 13/141 and I 285 to SR-378 8,539 37,663 35,700,000
56 48 I-35E Dallas TX I-30 to Market Center Blvd. 7,786 37,601 24,900,000
57 54 I-635 Dallas TX I-35 to SR-78 10,114 37,059 61,400,000
58 42 I-95 Baltimore MD I-395 to I-895 9,481 36,203 34,900,000
59 79 I-95 Philadelphia PA At I-676 5,085 35,789 11,900,000
60 67 I-270 St. Louis MO I-64 to SR 100 17,600 35,500 28,200,000
61 63 I-215 Riverside CA I-10 to SR-80 7,241 35,057 35,300,000
62 38 I-75 Cincinnati OH SR-562 to SR-126 11,175 34,492 29,500,000
63 52 I-94 Chicago IL I-90/94 to US-14 8,000 33,752 12,900,000
64 74 I-880 San Francisco CA At I-980 and at US 101 6,035 32,983 55,800,000
65 70 I-24 Chattanooga TN I-75 to US-41 11,133 32,057 18,500,000
66 100 I-40 Albuquerque NM At I-25 14,443 31,823 9,700,000
67 72 I-805 San Diego CA SR-52 to SR-163 6,210 31,791 13,900,000
68 60 I-30 Dallas TX I-35 to Grand Ave. 9,311 31,390 14,300,000
69 84 I-376 Pittsburgh PA Fort Pitt Bridge to Squirrel Hill 2,591 31,346 2,800,000
70 78 I-10 Riverside CA At I-215 11,505 31,196 17,300,000
71 75 I-84 Hartford CT SR-2 to Prospect Ave. 5,792 29,849 7,700,000
72 73 I-405 Portland OR I-5 to US-26 4,297 29,467 1,200,000
73 86 I-95 Wilmington DE At I-295/I-495 12,139 28,402 2,700,000
74 43 I-94 Minneapolis MN SR-280 to Hennepin Ave. 4,350 28,016 4,400,000
75 80 I-205 Portland OR At I-84 5,290 27,951 7,100,000
76 82 I-95 Fredericksburg VA US-17 to Russell Rd. 9,889 27,933 20,000,000
77 96 I-93 Boston MA At I-90 and at SR-3 4,381 27,386 19,600,000
78 85 I-95 Bridgeport CT At US-1 in Fairfield and at US-1 in Stamford 5,893 27,289 51,000,000
79 71 I-40 Nashville TN I-24 to I-65 5,379 27,148 4,100,000
80 87 I-95 New Haven CT I-91 to SR-10 6,047 26,805 2,700,000
81 94 I-78 New York NJ US-22 to SR-440 6,083 26,033 6,700,000
82 98 I 35W Dallas TX At I-30 5,426 24,953 11,900,000
83 68 I-15 Ogden UT SR-232 to SR-273 10,303 24,114 5,995,000
84 88 I-75 Atlanta GA I-85 to Moores Mill Rd. 8,403 23,791 6,300,000
85 I-65 Indianapolis IN I-70 N to Fall Creek Blvd. 6,901 23,639 1,500,000
86 140 I-20/ I-59 Birmingham AL At I-65 7,435 23,124 2,500,000
87 119 I-270 Washington MD At I-495 6,801 22,345 26,400,000
88 16 I-15 Las Vegas NV I-515 to Tropicana Ave. 6,661 22,146 17,000,000
89 111 I-280 New York NJ Garden State Pkwy. to SR-21 4,450 22,029 2,900,000
90 94 I-95 Miami FL Florida Turnpike to I-395 4,745 21,894 29,400,000
91 97 I-4 Tampa FL At I-275 6,558 21,620 6,900,000
92 110 I-670 Kansas City MO At I-70 4,358 21,163 1,200,000
93 89 I-395 Washington DC/VA US-50 to VA-236 5,204 21,150 700,000
94 112 I-580 Livermore CA I-205 to First St. 7,153 20,960 8,300,000
95 109 I-95 Washington MD I-495 to SR-200 10,661 20,807 6,300,000
96 124 I-95 Boston MA SR-38 to I-93 4,057 20,726 8,600,000
97 103 I-84 Portland OR At I-5 4,543 20,359 3,400,000
98 90 I-65 Nashville TN I-40 to I-440 10,952 20,093 13,500,000
99 114 I-40 Knoxville TN I-75/I-640 to I-275 8,346 20,059 2,500,000
100 115 I-71 Columbus OH At I-670 7,597 19,511 7,300,000

Key: annual average daily traffic (AADT), delay per mile (DPM)

Table 35 uses the following definitions, which are the same as those used to develop the results in this report:

  • Generalized bottleneck location/ congested corridor and length—the extent of congestion for the corridor caused by one or more bottlenecks, estimated based on review of corridor congestion scans in the NPMRDS. For major congested corridors, this may include multiple contiguous bottlenecks.
  • Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) (trucks)—the NPMRDS directional (single unit and combination) trucks conflated from the Highway Performance Monitoring System (HPMS).
  • Annual truck hours of delay/mile—the difference between actual travel time and reference travel time (free-flow travel time), multiplied by truck volumes and then divided by the segment length. For larger bottlenecks that span multiple roadway segments, delay is provided for the most congested segment and direction of the bottleneck, not the full corridor.
  • Planning time index—the ratio of the 95th percentile travel time to the reference travel time (free-flow travel time), computed during the AM and PM peak periods.
  • Buffer index—represents the extra time (or time cushion) that travelers must add to their average travel time when planning trips to ensure on-time arrival.
  • Travel time index—the ratio of the peak-period travel time to the reference travel time (free-flow travel time), computed for the AM and PM peak periods.
  • Travel reliability index—calculated the same as the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century (MAP-21) performance measure for truck travel time reliability, as the ratio of the 95th percentile travel time to the 50th percentile travel time during five different time periods of the day. Results will differ from the NPMRDS Travel Time Reliability (TTTR) due to differences in route segmentation.
  • Total corridor congestion cost (dollars/ year)—calculated for the full extent of delay along the congested corridor as a function of both the time and fuel used while the truck is in congested traffic, factoring costs of personnel, commercial vehicle operation, and wasted fuel. For major bottlenecks with long congestion queues, this includes multiple roadway segments. For major congested corridors, the congestion cost includes the full cost of congestion along the corridor through the entire urban area, which may include multiple bottlenecks.

Changes between 2018 and 2019 Top 100 Bottlenecks

Based on a comparison of truck hours of delay per mile, the following bottlenecks saw the greatest relative percent change (increase or decrease) in delay between 2018 and 2019. In many cases, major increases in delay from one year to the next can be attributed to major construction projects/work zones along the corridors.

The bottlenecks in table 36 saw the greatest percent increase in delay from 2018.

Table 36. Bottlenecks with greatest increase in delay from 2018.
Road Urban Area State Increase in DPM from 2018 (Hours) Increase in DPM from 2018 (Percent)
I-75 Chattanooga Tennessee 21,861 116%
I-10 Lake Charles Louisiana 29,486 93%
I-90 Chicago Illinois 14,948 53%
I-45 Houston Texas 22,875 37%
I-40 Albuquerque New Mexico 8,515 37%
I-20/I-59 Birmingham Alabama 5,815 34%
I-30 Little Rock Arkansas 11,237 28%
I-15 Ogden Utah 5,140 27%
I-80/I-94 Chicago Illinois 8,721 23%
I-710 Los Angeles California 13,521 19%

Key: Delay per mile (DPM)

The bottlenecks in table 37 saw the greatest percent decrease in delay from 2018.

Table 37. Bottlenecks with greatest decrease in delay from 2018.
Road Urban Area State Increase in DPM from 2018 (Hours) Increase in DPM from 2018 (Percent)
I-696 Detroit Michigan -71,875 -86%
I-15 Las Vegas Nevada -48,774 -69%
I-94 Detroit Michigan -20,605 -60%
I-45 Dallas Texas -19,467 -55%
I-35W Minneapolis Minnesota -19,553 -53%
I-35 Austin Texas -97,558 -47%
I-77 Charlotte North Carolina -12,676 45%
I-43 Milwaukee Wisconsin -10,509 -43%
I-94 Minneapolis Minnesota -19,264 -41%
I-75 Cincinnati Ohio -15,674 -31%

Key: delay per mile (DPM)

Based on changes to truck hours of delay per mile, the bottlenecks in table 38 saw a relative increase in delay, moving the locations to the top 100 bottlenecks, or a relative decrease in delay, dropping the locations below the top 100 bottlenecks. The bottlenecks in table 38 were added to the list in 2019.

The bottlenecks from 2018 in table 39 dropped off the list in 2019.

Table 38. New bottlenecks on the top 100 list for 2019.
Road Urban Area State
I-20/I-59 Birmingham AL
I-580 Livermore CA
I-65 Indianapolis IN
I-95 Boston MA
I-270 Washington MD
I-95 Washington MD
I-670 Kansas City MO
I-280 Newark/New York NJ
I-75 Chattanooga TN
I-40 Knoxville TN
I-15 Ogden UT

Table 39. Bottlenecks dropping off the top 100 list for 2019.
Road Urban Area State
I-95 Jacksonville FL
I-275 Tampa FL
I-696 Detroit MI
I-94 Detroit MI
I-35W Minneapolis MN
I-77 Charlotte NC
I-85 Greenville SC
I-45 Dallas TX
I-64 Virginia Beach VA
I-90 Seattle WA
I-94 Milwaukee WI

Figure 68 shows the top Interstate bottlenecks in the United States based on freight mobility indicators of annual truck hours of delay per mile from 2019.

U.S. map of interstates and the top 100 freight bottlenecks based on truck hours of delay per mile. Most bottlenecks occur on the I-95 corridor from Washington, DC, to Boston; Texas; and California with others in Washington and the Chicago area.

Source: FHWA
Figure 68. Map. Major freight highway bottlenecks based on truck hours of delay per mile in the 2019 National Performance Management Research Data Set.

Top 40 Bottleneck Maps

1. I-95/George Washington Bridge (New York, NY)

Map of I-95/I-295 in New York from I-278/I-678 to the New Jersey side of George Washington Bridge/SR-4.
I-95/George Washington Bridge (New York, NY)
Road Segment ID Length
Delay/ Mile PTI
(95th %)
BI TTI TRI Cong. Cost FAF Value
I-95 NYN0000630 1.3 9,555 336,775 263,116 10.56 204.6% 3.47 1.44 $16.7M $47.4B
I-95 NYN0000639 1.3 8,570 302,576 226,117 10.37 194.7% 3.52 1.42 $15.0M $55.9B
UPPER LVL WASHINGTON NYN0000194 1.2 10,025 162,501 131,837 5.85 163.6% 2.22 1.57 $8.0M $43.1B
I-95 NYP00001442 1.4 8,357 158,454 117,541 5.60 132.9% 2.37 1.35 $7.8M $55.2B
I-95 NYN0000623 2.6 5,025 294,323 112,420 10.83 241.9% 3.12 2.01 $14.6M $19.3B
UPPER LVL WASHINGTON NYP0000982 1.5 9,936 107,895 71,972 3.78 91.4% 1.96 1.51 $5.3M $42.8B
I-95 NYP00001444 1.3 9,565 77,523 60,522 2.97 78.8% 1.63 1.35 $3.8M $47.4B
I-95 NYN0000982 1.5 4,986 19,861 13,248 9.01 160.8% 3.45 1.37 $1.0M $19.1B
I-95 NYP00001448 3.4 4,873 29,501 8,639 1.61 31.3% 1.22 1.24 $1.5M $18.8B

Cumulative mileage of segments may not add up to the corresponding segment in the Nationally Significant Freight Highway Bottlenecks and Congested Corridors list.

Source: FHWA
Figure 69. Map. Top 40 Bottleneck Maps, Bottleneck 1, I-95/George Washington Bridge (New York, NY).

2. I-90 and I-90/I-94 (Chicago, IL)

Map of I-90/I-94 in Chicago from I-94N to I-55.
I-90 & I-90/I-94 (Chicago, IL)
Road Segment ID Length
Delay/ Mile PTI
(95th %)
BI TTI TRI Cong. Cost FAF Value
I-90/I-94 ILN0000123 1.8 8,003 257,845 140,942 7.22 159.1% 2.76 1.45 $12.8M $31.5B
I-90/I-94 ILP00001036 2.1 8,005 267,573 129,564 7.46 177.8% 2.67 1.69 $13.3M $32.4B
I-90/I-94 ILN0000122 5.5 7,016 372,261 67,624 5.60 169.6% 2.07 1.59 $18.4M $28.0B
I-90/I-94 ILP00001041 2.6 7,975 146,949 56,502 4.49 156.5% 1.74 1.67 $7.3M $31.4B
I-90/I-94 ILP00001042 2.2 7,088 78,656 36,295 3.84 154.7% 1.50 2.10 $3.9M $28.1B
I-90/I-94 ILP00001045 3.1 6,888 104,594 33,668 3.95 153.2% 1.54 1.80 $5.2M $27.7B
I-90 ILN0000348 5.9 6,900 166,261 28,372 6.72 194.8% 2.29 1.55 $8.2M $27.5B
I-90/I-94 ILN0000131 1.8 8,014 46,167 25,308 2.10 41.8% 1.43 1.17 $2.3M $32.4B
I-90 ILN0000349 1.2 8,150 30,757 24,737 6.56 177.1% 2.37 1.35 $1.5M $32.2B
I-90 ILP00001241 5.4 6,901 101,427 18,805 5.41 168.3% 2.02 1.61 $5.0M $27.5B
I-90 ILP00001240 1.2 8,150 17,247 13,871 4.48 139.3% 1.85 1.39 $0.9M $32.2B
I-90/I-94 ILN0000133 1.2 9,161 13,830 11,822 1.35 17.5% 1.15 1.11 $0.7M $39.8B

Cumulative mileage of segments may not add up to the corresponding segment in the Nationally Significant Freight Highway Bottlenecks and Congested Corridors list.

Source: FHWA
Figure 70. Map. Top 40 Bottleneck Maps, Bottleneck 2, I-90 and I-90/I-94 (Chicago, IL).

3. I-605 (Los Angeles, CA)

Map of I-605 in Los Angeles from I-5 to SR-60.
I-605 (Los Angeles, CA)
Road Segment ID Length
Delay/ Mile PTI
(95th %)
BI TTI TRI Cong. Cost FAF Value
I-605 CAN0000902 2.6 10,963 365,837 139,777 4.73 127.0% 2.07 1.30 $18.1M $56.0B
I-605 CAN0000901 5.8 11,574 203,433 35,144 2.72 98.5% 1.36 1.56 $10.1M $54.9B
I-605 CAP00002389 6.2 11,282 178,381 28,738 2.20 71.2% 1.27 1.48 $8.8M $55.0B
I-605 CAP00002387 2.2 11,263 54,732 25,004 2.15 67.4% 1.28 1.59 $2.7M $56.2B

Cumulative mileage of segments may not add up to the corresponding segment in the Nationally Significant Freight Highway Bottlenecks and Congested Corridors list.

Source: FHWA
Figure 71. Map. Top 40 Bottleneck Maps, Bottleneck 3, I-605 (Los Angeles, CA).

4. I-35 (Austin, TX)

Map of I-35 in Austin from Airport Boulevard to Stassney Lane.
I-35 (Austin, TX)
Road Segment ID Length
Delay/ Mile PTI
(95th %)
BI TTI TRI Cong. Cost FAF Value
I-35 TXN0000771 2.1 11,074 231,906 111,359 9.93 297.5% 2.47 2.51 $11.5M $48.7B
I-35 TXP00002440 5.4 9,754 388,252 72,365 6.54 190.7% 2.19 1.99 $19.2M $43.0B
I-35 TXP00002320 1.2 11,094 70,646 60,713 9.14 131.6% 3.74 1.76 $3.5M $48.8B
I-35 TXN0000858 5.4 9,687 299,486 55,482 5.30 142.1% 2.00 1.42 $14.8M $42.7B
I-35 TXN0000859 2.5 8,895 104,699 42,225 3.10 112.1% 1.41 1.69 $5.2M $41.4B

Cumulative mileage of segments may not add up to the corresponding segment in the Nationally Significant Freight Highway Bottlenecks and Congested Corridors list.

Source: FHWA
Figure 72. Map. Top 40 Bottleneck Maps, Bottleneck 4, I-35 (Austin, TX).

5. I-610 (Houston, TX)

Map of I-610 in Houston from I-69 to I-10.
I-610 (Houston, TX)
Road Segment ID Length
Delay/ Mile PTI
(95th %)
BI TTI TRI Cong. Cost FAF Value
I-610 TXP00001925 1.0 7,379 104,501 104,009 9.21 229.0% 2.81 1.62 $5.2M $26.7B
I-610 TXP00001944 1.2 7,605 95,276 80,822 5.86 192.4% 1.93 1.64 $4.7M $30.4B
I-610 TXP00001927 3.1 6,652 148,065 47,683 4.57 140.0% 1.90 1.52 $7.3M $24.3B
I-610 TXN0000421 3.8 6,766 108,435 28,690 3.02 79.3% 1.53 1.29 $5.4M $24.7B
I-610 TXP00001931 1.2 6,106 10,452 8,705 2.02 50.0% 1.32 1.30 $0.5M $22.3B
I-610 TXP00001933 2.4 3,989 13,524 5,538 1.90 57.1% 1.21 1.65 $0.7M $14.8B

Cumulative mileage of segments may not add up to the corresponding segment in the Nationally Significant Freight Highway Bottlenecks and Congested Corridors list.

Source: FHWA
Figure 73. Map. Top 40 Bottleneck Maps, Bottleneck 5, I-610 (Houston, TX).

6. I-678 (New York, NY)

Map of I-678 in New York from I-495 to Belt Parkway and I-295/I-95 to the south end of the Bronx-Whitestone Bridge.
I-678 (New York, NY)
Road Segment ID Length
Delay/ Mile PTI
(95th %)
BI TTI TRI Cong. Cost FAF Value
I-678 NYN0000213 1.3 6,510 134,371 100,237 6.33 170.5% 2.34 1.31 $6.7M $24.4B
I-678 NYN0000212 2.4 5,359 119,305 50,329 6.97 190.2% 2.36 1.98 $5.9M $18.6B
I-678 NYP00001005 3.5 6,012 105,670 29,981 3.69 130.3% 1.54 1.94 $5.2M $22.1B
I-678 NYN0000208 2.2 5,260 53,341 24,334 3.74 140.4% 1.56 1.73 $2.6M $20.1B
I-678 NYN0000214 3.3 4,038 57,159 17,158 2.44 57.8% 1.50 1.15 $2.8M $16.4B
I-678 NYN0000210 4.0 6,092 64,016 16,157 2.15 64.8% 1.30 1.54 $3.2M $22.4B
I-678 NYN0000209 0.6 6,303 9,388 15,518 2.81 98.7% 1.41 1.45 $0.5M $24.1B
I-678 NYP00001008 2.4 5,577 20,080 8,290 1.67 36.5% 1.21 1.22 $1.0M $21.3B
I-678 NYP00001004 2.3 5,529 13,403 5,765 1.43 21.4% 1.18 1.11 $0.7M $18.9B

Cumulative mileage of segments may not add up to the corresponding segment in the Nationally Significant Freight Highway Bottlenecks and Congested Corridors list.

Source: FHWA
Figure 74. Map. Top 40 Bottleneck Maps, Bottleneck 6, I-678 (New York, NY).

7. I-405 (Los Angeles, CA)

Map of I-405 in Los Angeles from I-105 to SR-42 Manchester Boulevard.
I-405 (Los Angeles, CA)
Road Segment ID Length
Delay/ Mile PTI
(95th %)
BI TTI TRI Cong. Cost FAF Value
I-405 CAP00001948 2.5 12,139 238,811 95,686 6.27 217.2% 1.98 2.24 $11.8M $65.9B
I-405 CAN0000361 3.7 4,687 201,884 54,548 7.15 211.4% 2.28 1.65 $10.0M $17.1B
I-405 CAP00001963 1.3 12,606 71,876 53,809 3.70 111.9% 1.71 1.46 $3.6M $68.3B
I-405 CAP00002322 5.5 6,419 270,841 49,335 5.74 184.6% 1.94 1.90 $13.4M $31.6B
I-405 CAP00002326 6.8 5,357 309,907 45,851 5.82 190.2% 1.97 1.88 $15.4M $21.9B
I-405 CAN0000354 1.3 6,037 44,460 35,440 4.44 168.7% 1.65 1.94 $2.2M $25.7B
I-405 CAN0000385 7.7 5,984 249,513 32,572 4.24 153.5% 1.62 1.82 $12.4M $27.2B
I-405 CAP00002300 3.7 6,454 112,870 30,776 3.76 144.6% 1.53 1.93 $5.6M $28.7B
I-405 CAN0000387 5.8 6,102 160,644 27,814 3.53 128.8% 1.50 1.68 $8.0M $26.3B
I-405 CAP00002157 4.4 10,378 113,841 25,817 2.44 86.4% 1.31 1.53 $5.6M $59.6B
I-405 CAP00002305 1.1 4,806 26,213 23,357 4.09 156.3% 1.59 1.72 $1.3M $19.2B
I-405 CAN0000398 4.4 9,828 98,686 22,361 2.41 85.6% 1.29 1.56 $4.9M $56.1B
I-405 CAP00002040 1.3 8,222 29,152 21,697 2.31 81.8% 1.27 1.70 $1.4M $50.3B
I-405 CAN0000421 5.7 10,578 116,863 20,616 2.36 73.1% 1.31 1.46 $5.8M $60.6B
I-405 CAN0000392 1.3 12,097 25,240 19,331 2.05 67.2% 1.22 1.58 $1.2M $67.4B
I-405 CAN0000373 5.4 6,438 90,274 16,618 2.50 79.4% 1.34 1.51 $4.5M $31.7B
I-405 CAP00002247 1.9 8,114 27,104 14,227 1.97 58.4% 1.24 1.40 $1.3M $46.1B
I-405 CAN0000413 6.8 5,028 88,395 13,103 3.01 108.5% 1.37 1.84 $4.4M $19.6B
I-405 CAP00002135 1.7 6,420 19,902 11,612 2.16 72.9% 1.25 1.55 $1.0M $31.7B
I-405 CAP00002269 5.4 6,210 59,290 11,046 2.16 64.3% 1.30 1.37 $2.9M $26.9B
I-405 CAP00002056 1.5 4,642 15,843 10,841 2.45 85.2% 1.31 1.53 $0.8M $18.3B
I-405 CAN0000388 1.1 6,236 12,244 10,722 1.81 47.2% 1.23 1.31 $0.6M $26.6B
I-405 CAP00002311 3.2 5,682 33,844 10,446 1.91 50.6% 1.25 1.20 $1.7M $26.2B
I-405 CAP00002102 2.1 5,646 21,210 10,041 1.98 59.3% 1.24 1.35 $1.1M $21.6B
I-405 CAN0000408 1.5 6,822 15,418 10,026 1.66 39.7% 1.18 1.35 $0.8M $35.5B
I-405 CAP00002090 3.1 4,667 20,145 6,550 1.73 44.0% 1.20 1.31 $1.0M $18.2B

Cumulative mileage of segments may not add up to the corresponding segment in the Nationally Significant Freight Highway Bottlenecks and Congested Corridors list.

Source: FHWA
Figure 75. Map. Top 40 Bottleneck Maps, Bottleneck 7, I-405 (Los Angeles, CA).

8. I-290 (Chicago, IL)

Map of I-290 in Chicago from I-90/I-94 to I-290.
I-290 (Chicago, IL)
Road Segment ID Length
Delay/ Mile PTI
(95th %)
BI TTI TRI Cong. Cost FAF Value
I-290 ILN0000106 1.7 8,726 162,175 94,778 5.49 163.0% 2.03 1.41 $8.0M $38.8B
I-290 ILN0000109 6.2 4,348 246,636 39,648 5.10 143.3% 2.06 1.87 $12.2M $16.1B
I-290 ILN0000108 5.9 4,830 210,907 35,635 4.46 132.2% 1.79 1.48 $10.4M $18.6B
I-290 ILP00001014 6.2 4,345 182,658 29,703 4.50 148.9% 1.71 1.85 $9.0M $16.2B
I-290 ILP00001015 6.3 4,814 157,236 25,078 3.26 93.7% 1.61 1.38 $7.8M $18.5B
I-290 ILP00001016 3.5 6,695 26,763 7,699 1.36 18.6% 1.14 1.12 $1.3M $33.3B
I-290 ILN0000107 2.0 5,615 14,528 7,346 1.58 30.4% 1.19 1.32 $0.7M $28.6B

Cumulative mileage of segments may not add up to the corresponding segment in the Nationally Significant Freight Highway Bottlenecks and Congested Corridors list.

Source: FHWA
Figure 76. Map. Top 40 Bottleneck Maps, Bottleneck 8, I-290 (Chicago, IL).

9. US-59 (Houston, TX)

Map of I-69/US-59 in Houston from Buffalo Speedway to I-45.
US-59 (Houston, TX)
Road Segment ID Length
Delay/ Mile PTI
(95th %)
BI TTI TRI Cong. Cost FAF Value
US-59 TXN0000373 2.1 6,831 187,114 89,185 7.19 205.4% 2.32 1.84 $9.3M $32.5B
US-59 TXP00001877 1.1 6,411 91,022 84,951 9.20 259.6% 2.56 1.89 $4.5M $29.6B
US-59 TXN0000374 6.0 8,325 239,646 40,026 4.66 154.4% 1.75 2.05 $11.9M $39.2B
US-59 TXP00001875 2.0 8,206 66,255 33,459 7.45 260.5% 2.06 2.69 $3.3M $38.2B
US-59 TXP00001881 2.0 6,790 52,754 26,216 2.36 61.7% 1.36 1.23 $2.6M $32.3B
US-59 TXP00001872 1.1 8,841 23,402 22,291 1.86 49.9% 1.22 1.47 $1.2M $41.2B

Cumulative mileage of segments may not add up to the corresponding segment in the Nationally Significant Freight Highway Bottlenecks and Congested Corridors list.

Source: FHWA
Figure 77. Map. Top 40 Bottleneck Maps, Bottleneck 9, US-59 (Houston, TX).

10. I-278 (New York, NY)

Map of I-278 in New York from I-95/I-678 to Grand Central Parkway and SR-27 Prospect Expressway to SR-29 Queens Boulevard.
I-278 (New York, NY)
Road Segment ID Length
Delay/ Mile PTI
(95th %)
BI TTI TRI Cong. Cost FAF Value
I-278 NYN0000187 8.0 6,607 708,920 88,339 6.03 164.0% 2.24 1.55 $35.1M $23.3B
I-278 NYP0000969 7.7 6,574 542,150 70,192 4.68 132.0% 1.98 1.59 $26.9M $23.2B
I-278 NYN0000186 1.1 4,985 69,302 60,883 7.89 218.4% 2.48 2.04   $19.0B
I-278 NYP0000976 1.7 4,625 82,967 48,736 5.20 158.9% 1.95 1.64 $4.1M $17.6B
I-278 NYN0000181 1.1 5,453 41,867 39,345 2.42 80.8% 1.33 1.71 $2.1M $18.1B
I-278 NYN0000178 4.9 4,531 187,603 38,373 5.55 170.4% 2.03 1.88 $9.3M $16.7B
I-278 NYP0000974 1.1 5,317 36,539 33,533 3.30 132.8% 1.42 1.79 $1.8M $16.9B
I-278 NYP0000970 2.5 5,836 58,743 23,123 3.33 123.2% 1.49 1.98 $2.9M $20.8B
I-278 NYN0000185 1.3 6,801 25,666 20,308 2.50 78.7% 1.37 1.54 $1.3M $22.1B
I-278 NYP0000973 1.9 3,252 31,946 16,995 3.21 97.8% 1.54 1.46 $1.6M $12.7B
I-278 NYP0000975 1.5 6,325 14,604 9,696 5.66 215.1% 1.80 2.85 $0.7M $24.3B
I-278 NYP0000977 2.3 4,505 22,144 9,628 1.92 46.4% 1.29 1.26 $1.1M $15.7B
I-278 NYN0000179 1.4 5,639 6,137 4,422 2.93 98.5% 1.47 1.73 $0.3M $21.7B
I-278 NYP0000979 0.8 4,868 3,176 4,259 1.45 15.1% 1.25 1.15 $0.2M $20.4B
I-278 NYN0000184 0.8 933 1,393 1,821 1.48 24.9% 1.19 1.11 $0.1M $2.1B

Cumulative mileage of segments may not add up to the corresponding segment in the Nationally Significant Freight Highway Bottlenecks and Congested Corridors list.

Source: FHWA
Figure 78. Map. Top 40 Bottleneck Maps, Bottleneck 10, I-278 (New York, NY).

11. I-24 and I-24/I-40 (Nashville, TN)

Map of I-24 in Nashville from US-41 to SR-155.
I-24 & I-24/I-40 (Nashville, TN)
Road Segment ID Length
Delay/ Mile PTI
(95th %)
BI TTI TRI Cong. Cost FAF Value
I-24 TNN0000143 1.4 12,775 122,135 86,920 5.05 178.7% 1.80 1.72 $6.1M $73.5B
I-24 TNP00001312 2.2 12,589 158,173 70,969 5.00 205.4% 1.62 2.56 $7.8M $74.0B
I-24 TNN0000596 2.6 12,577 168,044 65,607 5.10 236.4% 1.52 4.24 $8.3M $73.8B
I-24 TNN0000141 1.7 12,365 87,752 51,554 3.80 142.9% 1.51 2.29 $4.3M $72.5B
I-24 TNP0000812 2.7 12,547 107,576 40,338 3.03 124.1% 1.34 1.90 $5.3M $72.9B
I-24/I-40 TNP00001291 1.7 5,227 56,849 34,062 3.95 128.7% 1.71 1.40 $2.8M $31.2B
I-24/I-40 TNN0000581 2.1 5,391 34,143 16,123 3.02 123.5% 1.34 2.18 $1.7M $35.0B

Cumulative mileage of segments may not add up to the corresponding segment in the Nationally Significant Freight Highway Bottlenecks and Congested Corridors list.

Source: FHWA
Figure 79. Map. Top 40 Bottleneck Maps, Bottleneck 11, I-24 and I-24/I-40 Nashville, TN).

12. I-10 (Los Angeles, CA)

Map of I-10 in Los Angeles from 20th Street to I-5 and at I-605.
I-10 (Los Angeles, CA)
Road Segment ID Length
Delay/ Mile PTI
(95th %)
BI TTI TRI Cong. Cost FAF Value
I-10 CAP00002240 2.5 7,036 217,248 86,745 7.26 161.9% 2.74 1.50 $10.8M $27.9B
I-10 CAP00002227 3.7 8,755 275,579 74,009 6.08 187.4% 2.11 1.55 $13.6M $57.5B
I-10 CAN0000765 3.8 9,218 272,082 71,408 8.11 186.3% 2.82 2.09 $13.5M $54.4B
I-10 CAP00002225 1.1 4,749 57,485 54,539 8.66 233.4% 2.60 2.39 $2.8M $19.6B
I-10 CAN0000763 1.2 9,198 62,155 51,166 4.81 117.5% 2.21 1.45 $3.1M $47.8B
I-10 CAN0000772 4.9 11,195 233,532 47,277 3.38 122.3% 1.52 1.62 $11.6M $82.7B
I-10 CAN0000774 3.8 6,620 169,736 45,006 4.78 171.3% 1.75 1.74 $8.4M $24.6B
I-10 CAP00002223 2.3 4,843 100,712 43,043 6.89 198.7% 2.18 2.41 $5.0M $23.3B
I-10 CAN0000776 1.2 7,093 48,021 41,865 4.33 160.7% 1.66 1.77 $2.4M $30.2B
I-10 CAP00002229 3.2 9,696 134,552 41,843 3.87 110.4% 1.84 1.35 $6.7M $57.8B
I-10 CAN0000764 3.7 6,593 125,971 34,065 3.82 113.9% 1.75 1.55 $6.2M $29.3B
I-10 CAP00002288 4.2 6,682 143,655 33,862 3.34 123.5% 1.48 1.85 $7.1M $25.6B
I-10 CAN0000766 4.5 7,835 137,037 30,756 3.54 88.9% 1.83 1.33 $6.8M $50.2B
I-10 CAP00002241 3.2 7,503 97,542 30,348 3.68 115.9% 1.68 1.51 $4.8M $40.4B
I-10 CAN0000762 1.8 2,911 34,034 18,473 6.89 155.2% 2.69 1.48 $1.7M $16.3B
I-10 CAN0000773 4.6 5,346 70,965 15,328 2.94 101.6% 1.39 1.79 $3.5M $21.6B
I-10 CAP00002293 3.8 3,452 53,142 13,943 4.53 118.6% 1.77 2.06 $2.6M $14.2B
I-10 CAP00002242 1.2 3,959 12,912 11,236 3.21 117.2% 1.45 1.90 $0.6M $23.1B
I-10 CAN0000771 1.2 3,437 11,089 9,482 4.31 153.9% 1.70 1.47 $0.5M $13.6B
I-10 CAP00002290 4.6 5,420 43,529 9,383 2.37 81.4% 1.29 1.58 $2.2M $22.8B
I-10 CAN0000767 2.6 4,951 17,160 6,496 2.89 94.9% 1.45 1.71 $0.9M $23.2B
I-10 CAP00002321 2.7 10,645 16,801 6,315 1.50 26.5% 1.19 1.16 $0.8M $24.8B
I-10 CAN0000770 5.0 2,902 31,011 6,204 2.54 89.4% 1.32 1.72 $1.5M $13.3B
I-10 CAP00002291 5.4 10,420 12,095 2,249 2.05 60.5% 1.25 1.40 $0.6M $28.3B

Cumulative mileage of segments may not add up to the corresponding segment in the Nationally Significant Freight Highway Bottlenecks and Congested Corridors list.

Source: FHWA
Figure 80. Map. Top 40 Bottleneck Maps, Bottleneck 12, I-10 (Los Angeles, CA).

13. I-710 (Los Angeles, CA)

Map of I-710 in Los Angeles from Cesar Chavez Avenue to Atlantic Boulevard.
I-710 (Los Angeles, CA)
Road Segment ID Length
Delay/ Mile PTI
(95th %)
BI TTI TRI Cong. Cost FAF Value
I-710 CAN0000927 1.4 6,833 117,160 85,730 7.38 239.9% 2.12 2.02 $5.8M $30.9B
I-710 CAN0000925 2.0 5,979 92,553 45,934 6.40 208.5% 1.88 2.52 $4.6M $28.6B
I-710 CAN0000932 2.7 7,686 96,810 35,821 3.09 98.2% 1.52 1.29 $4.8M $31.4B
I-710 CAP00002423 1.3 6,772 28,778 23,110 2.43 73.0% 1.38 1.44 $1.4M $30.3B
I-710 CAP00002421 3.6 7,350 59,246 16,494 2.21 69.5% 1.30 1.56 $2.9M $31.1B
I-710 CAP00002425 2.6 4,099 42,879 16,481 3.91 126.5% 1.65 1.72 $2.1M $21.3B
I-710 CAN0000934 1.3 6,578 21,078 16,039 2.01 53.4% 1.31 1.22 $1.0M $29.9B
I-710 CAP00002424 1.4 6,777 10,443 7,560 1.65 36.5% 1.20 1.23 $0.5M $31.3B
I-710 CAN0000924 1.2 3,646 3,609 3,050 1.45 22.8% 1.17 1.13 $0.2M $17.4B

Cumulative mileage of segments may not add up to the corresponding segment in the Nationally Significant Freight Highway Bottlenecks and Congested Corridors list.

Source: FHWA
Figure 81. Map. Top 40 Bottleneck Maps, Bottleneck 13, I-710 (Los Angeles, CA).

14. I-45 (Houston, TX)

Map of I-45 in Houston from US-90 to I-69.
I-45 (Houston, TX)
Road Segment ID Length
Delay/ Mile PTI
(95th %)
BI TTI TRI Cong. Cost FAF Value
I-45 TXP00001733 1.6 7,184 137,629 84,471 5.78 142.5% 2.34 1.54 $6.8M $32.8B
I-45 TXN0000266 5.2 7,135 73,215 14,101 1.99 57.1% 1.23 1.65 $3.6M $32.5B
I-45 TXP00001732 3.7 7,082 50,610 13,722 2.25 68.6% 1.29 1.63 $2.5M $32.2B

Cumulative mileage of segments may not add up to the corresponding segment in the Nationally Significant Freight Highway Bottlenecks and Congested Corridors list.

Source: FHWA
Figure 82. Map. Top 40 Bottleneck Maps, Bottleneck 14, I-45 (Houston, TX).

15. I-680 (San Francisco, CA)

Map of I-680 in San Francisco from SR-262 to SR-238.
I-680 (San Francisco, CA)
Road Segment ID Length
Delay/ Mile PTI
(95th %)
BI TTI TRI Cong. Cost FAF Value
I-680 CAP00001970 2.7 6,406 215,782 81,240 8.73 268.4% 2.36 2.09 $10.7M $32.8B
I-680 CAP00001972 1.1 5,243 35,471 31,807 4.38 163.1% 1.65 1.78 $1.8M $27.0B
I-680 CAN0000614 2.0 6,098 26,046 13,045 2.29 71.9% 1.29 1.43 $1.3M $31.4B
I-680 CAN0000611 2.2 5,917 10,862 5,043 1.58 39.5% 1.13 1.25 $0.5M $30.6B

Cumulative mileage of segments may not add up to the corresponding segment in the Nationally Significant Freight Highway Bottlenecks and Congested Corridors list.

Source: FHWA
Figure 83. Map. Top 40 Bottleneck Maps, Bottleneck 15, I-680 (San Francisco, CA).

16. I-495 (New York, NY)

Map of I-495 in New York from Little Neck Parkway to the Queens Midtown Tunnel.
I-495 (New York, NY)
Road Segment ID Length
Delay/ Mile PTI
(95th %)
BI TTI TRI Cong. Cost FAF Value
I-495 NYN00002 3.6 8,988 256,729 70,916 4.33 138.6% 1.74 1.81 $12.7M $44.7B
I-495 NYN0000754 3.4 5,774 184,180 54,595 5.31 178.6% 1.89 1.65 $9.1M $22.1B
I-495 NYN0000746 3.9 6,650 184,768 46,878 4.82 160.9% 1.84 1.58 $9.2M $21.0B
I-495 NYP0000950 2.9 7,597 127,281 44,055 3.78 116.7% 1.72 1.38 $6.3M $35.8B
I-495 NYP0000951 3.7 5,788 156,605 41,894 4.91 163.2% 1.82 1.78 $7.8M $22.2B
I-495 NYP0000952 3.9 6,601 153,641 39,582 3.59 94.1% 1.68 1.31 $7.6M $20.6B
I-495 NYN0000190 1.7 6,713 56,001 32,214 5.28 207.5% 1.71 2.83 $2.8M $19.9B
I-495 NYP0000981 2.7 3,129 57,997 21,682 6.08 162.8% 2.25 1.53 $2.9M $11.5B
I-495 NYP0000980 1.3 6,728 23,393 17,839 13.65 392.8% 2.76 2.12 $1.2M $19.9B
I-495 NYN0000193 3.2 3,846 34,602 10,988 4.37 151.8% 1.71 1.38 $1.7M $14.5B

Cumulative mileage of segments may not add up to the corresponding segment in the Nationally Significant Freight Highway Bottlenecks and Congested Corridors list.

Source: FHWA
Figure 84. Map. Top 40 Bottleneck Maps, Bottleneck 16, I-495 (New York, NY).

17. I-5 (Seattle-Tacoma, WA)

Map of I-5 in Seattle from I-90 to 85th Street and SR-18 to Port of Tacoma Road.
I-5 (Seattle, WA)
Road Segment ID Length
Delay/ Mile PTI
(95th %)
BI TTI TRI Cong. Cost FAF Value
I-5 WAP0000515 2.0 6,876 139,061 69,732 6.43 194.0% 2.21 1.66 $6.9M $26.5B
I-5 WAP0000525 4.9 6,786 247,039 50,401 5.02 156.4% 1.94 1.54 $12.2M $28.6B
I-5 WAN0000180 2.3 5,002 115,230 49,980 6.73 209.1% 2.17 1.84 $5.7M $16.8B
I-5 WAN0000191 5.9 6,758 276,422 46,713 4.99 183.2% 1.76 1.74 $13.7M $27.3B
I-5 WAN0000187 0.6 8,808 16,918 30,519 2.48 93.7% 1.29 1.82 $0.8M $35.6B
I-5 WAN0000181 2.6 4,934 77,742 30,333 4.62 141.3% 1.88 1.46 $3.9M $17.5B
I-5 WAP0000516 1.8 7,319 46,227 25,487 2.19 52.2% 1.39 1.18 $2.3M $29.3B
I-5 WAN0000188 1.8 8,905 29,183 16,587 3.67 163.1% 1.40 2.60 $1.4M $35.3B
I-5 WAP0000524 3.5 7,557 58,128 16,531 2.68 98.0% 1.28 1.89 $2.9M $30.6B
I-5 WAN0000192 4.3 7,095 65,804 15,401 2.06 57.1% 1.30 1.42 $3.3M $28.0B
I-5 WAN0000189 5.7 8,104 85,586 14,927 2.46 90.6% 1.25 1.91 $4.2M $32.7B
I-5 WAP0000518 7.7 6,961 102,965 13,332 2.28 87.2% 1.21 1.93 $5.1M $28.2B
I-5 WAP0000527 2.2 4,524 26,054 11,922 2.41 84.4% 1.30 1.75 $1.3M $17.1B
I-5 WAP0000519 5.6 8,176 62,528 11,122 1.94 62.8% 1.19 1.54 $3.1M $32.9B
I-5 WAP0000528 2.3 4,960 23,217 10,242 2.33 88.1% 1.23 1.92 $1.1M $16.6B
I-5 WAP0000517 5.8 6,828 55,592 9,561 1.72 46.5% 1.16 1.39 $2.8M $27.6B
I-5 WAP0000526 1.2 4,181 10,826 9,313 2.03 57.4% 1.28 1.55 $0.5M $15.3B
I-5 WAN0000185 9.9 6,935 88,680 8,945 1.55 31.6% 1.17 1.21 $4.4M $28.9B
I-5 WAP0000522 1.3 8,334 10,181 8,008 1.38 20.7% 1.15 1.15 $0.5M $33.8B
I-5 WAN0000190 6.7 6,956 51,021 7,631 1.57 38.0% 1.13 1.32 $2.5M $28.2B
I-5 WAP0000521 1.2 8,859 5,227 4,285 1.35 16.6% 1.15 1.12 $0.3M $35.1B
I-5 WAP0000523 1.9 7,033 6,901 3,600 1.21 11.9% 1.08 1.08 $0.3M $28.4B

Cumulative mileage of segments may not add up to the corresponding segment in the Nationally Significant Freight Highway Bottlenecks and Congested Corridors list.

Source: FHWA
Figure 85. Map. Top 40 Bottleneck Maps, Bottleneck 17, I-5 (Seattle-Tacoma, WA).

18. I-5 (Los Angeles, CA)

Map of I-5 in Los Angeles from SR-134 Ventura Freeway to I-605.
I-5 (Los Angeles, CA)
Road Segment ID Length
Delay/ Mile PTI
(95th %)
BI TTI TRI Cong. Cost FAF Value
I-5 CAN00001085 2.4 7,097 164,580 68,560 6.80 224.0% 2.10 2.01 $8.2M $35.1B
I-5 CAP00002299 1.1 6,029 56,400 52,950 5.64 181.3% 2.00 1.57 $2.8M $28.1B
I-5 CAN00001086 5.5 5,439 289,298 52,781 5.60 172.6% 2.02 1.67 $14.3M $20.9B
I-5 CAP00002568 2.3 6,131 113,458 49,860 5.18 135.2% 2.19 1.33 $5.6M $31.8B
I-5 CAP00002555 3.0 5,574 146,794 49,016 4.86 116.3% 2.16 1.46 $7.3M $23.7B
I-5 CAN00001117 4.2 7,180 194,921 46,336 3.97 119.9% 1.79 1.43 $9.7M $36.0B
I-5 CAP00002569 1.8 6,021 76,669 42,204 3.77 104.4% 1.83 1.39 $3.8M $28.6B
I-5 CAP00002558 2.2 7,136 92,954 41,881 3.94 133.7% 1.68 1.66 $4.6M $34.3B
I-5 CAN00001118 2.3 6,262 95,535 41,798 3.62 103.0% 1.77 1.36 $4.7M $30.3B
I-5 CAN00001087 1.5 7,492 58,407 38,377 3.03 82.5% 1.66 1.29 $2.9M $28.9B
I-5 CAP00002556 2.0 7,241 69,105 34,170 3.75 153.2% 1.48 2.23 $3.4M $27.6B
I-5 CAN0000822 1.7 6,178 48,237 28,629 4.39 156.0% 1.67 2.02 $2.4M $29.5B
I-5 CAN00001088 2.8 6,021 57,174 20,210 2.76 92.6% 1.43 1.52 $2.8M $25.0B
I-5 CAP00002570 4.3 7,144 79,341 18,591 2.54 90.1% 1.33 1.63 $3.9M $35.8B
I-5 CAP00002557 5.1 5,387 71,645 13,927 2.23 68.7% 1.31 1.37 $3.5M $20.9B
I-5 CAN00001119 1.7 6,032 19,664 11,298 2.28 60.6% 1.41 1.23 $1.0M $32.5B

Cumulative mileage of segments may not add up to the corresponding segment in the Nationally Significant Freight Highway Bottlenecks and Congested Corridors list.

Source: FHWA
Figure 86. Map. Top 40 Bottleneck Maps, Bottleneck 18, I-5 (Los Angeles, CA).

19. I-76 (Philadelphia, PA)

Map of I-75 in Philadelphia from University Avenue to US-1.
I-76 (Philadelphia, PA)
Road Segment ID Length
Delay/ Mile PTI
(95th %)
BI TTI TRI Cong. Cost FAF Value
I-76 PAN0000240 1.2 4,605 82,470 67,019 7.94 214.2% 2.52 1.79 $4.1M $15.7B
I-76 PAP00001264 1.1 4,627 44,566 40,501 4.42 140.4% 1.84 1.59 $2.2M $14.6B
I-76 PAP00001263 2.4 4,982 95,137 39,538 5.13 168.6% 1.92 1.71 $4.7M $15.9B
I-76 PAP00001265 1.2 3,937 35,359 28,883 4.43 141.6% 1.82 1.62 $1.8M $12.4B
I-76 PAN0000238 3.3 2,838 76,855 23,086 4.95 145.7% 1.93 1.75 $3.8M $9.8B
I-76 PAN0000239 3.6 4,861 49,501 13,954 2.41 79.6% 1.32 1.62 $2.5M $15.5B
I-76 PAP00001262 1.3 4,677 17,467 13,742 2.83 96.8% 1.38 1.89 $0.9M $15.9B
I-76 PAP00001266 2.6 2,597 14,208 5,509 1.78 41.1% 1.24 1.22 $0.7M $8.7B

Cumulative mileage of segments may not add up to the corresponding segment in the Nationally Significant Freight Highway Bottlenecks and Congested Corridors list.

Source: FHWA
Figure 87. Map. Top 40 Bottleneck Maps, Bottleneck 19, I-76 (Philadelphia, PA).

20. I-87 (New York, NY)

Map of I-75 in Philadelphia from University Avenue to US-1.
I-87 (New York, NY)
Road Segment ID Length
Delay/ Mile PTI
(95th %)
BI TTI TRI Cong. Cost FAF Value
I-87 NYP0000891 2.6 4,900 166,565 64,891 7.54 218.4% 2.35 1.99 $8.2M $18.0B
I-87 NYN0000119 7.8 4,996 229,106 29,240 3.72 102.7% 1.66 1.60 $11.3M $26.9B
I-87 NYN0000120 3.3 4,729 56,944 17,134 3.17 106.2% 1.49 1.62 $2.8M $16.8B
I-87 NYP0000892 7.6 4,888 115,220 15,152 2.65 70.3% 1.40 1.41 $5.7M $23.6B

Cumulative mileage of segments may not add up to the corresponding segment in the Nationally Significant Freight Highway Bottlenecks and Congested Corridors list.

Source: FHWA
Figure 88. Map. Top 40 Bottleneck Maps, Bottleneck 20, I-87 (New York, NY).

21. I-105 (Los Angeles, CA)

Map of I-105 in Los Angeles from I-405 to Long Beach Boulevard.
I-105 (Los Angeles, CA)
Road Segment ID Length
Delay/ Mile PTI
(95th %)
BI TTI TRI Cong. Cost FAF Value
I-105 CAN0000844 2.0 7,397 131,310 64,807 4.54 112.2% 2.02 1.34 $6.5M $31.2B
I-105 CAN0000842 1.0 6,352 61,372 58,993 7.96 287.1% 2.00 4.72 $3.0M $21.2B
I-105 CAN0000846 1.3 7,693 60,971 48,653 4.73 178.1% 1.69 1.97 $3.0M $34.7B
I-105 CAP00002325 3.2 7,315 132,536 41,970 4.16 118.5% 1.75 1.49 $6.6M $31.0B
I-105 CAN0000843 6.1 6,266 208,456 34,180 4.25 137.5% 1.70 1.59 $10.3M $23.8B
I-105 CAP00002323 1.2 7,680 39,637 32,489 3.24 114.4% 1.49 1.55 $2.0M $34.7B
I-105 CAN0000840 2.4 4,576 76,600 32,485 6.09 188.3% 1.93 2.25 $3.8M $16.1B
I-105 CAP00002327 6.2 6,128 151,696 24,461 3.31 113.3% 1.53 1.80 $7.5M $21.8B
I-105 CAN0000841 4.3 6,003 91,756 21,162 3.41 110.9% 1.54 1.57 $4.5M $18.5B
I-105 CAP00002328 3.8 5,998 66,597 17,668 2.94 94.9% 1.46 1.41 $3.3M $18.5B
I-105 CAP00002329 2.3 4,949 11,250 4,826 1.94 54.8% 1.25 1.28 $0.6M $15.6B

Cumulative mileage of segments may not add up to the corresponding segment in the Nationally Significant Freight Highway Bottlenecks and Congested Corridors list.

Source: FHWA
Figure 89. Map. Top 40 Bottleneck Maps, Bottleneck 21, I-105 (Los Angeles, CA).

22. I-75/I-85 (Atlanta, GA)

Map of I-75/I-85 in Atlanta from I-20 to the I-75/I-85 split.
I-75/I-85 (Atlanta, GA)
Road Segment ID Length
Delay/ Mile PTI
(95th %)
BI TTI TRI Cong. Cost FAF Value
I-75/I-85 GAP0000853 0.7 7,355 43,279 63,432 5.53 172.4% 2.03 1.52 $2.1M $29.7B
I-75/I-85 GAP0000855 1.7 7,355 92,129 53,243 4.18 116.7% 1.91 1.38 $4.6M $29.7B
I-75/I-85 GAN000035 1.3 4,489 50,618 38,091 5.58 163.0% 2.12 1.69 $2.5M $29.6B
I-75/I-85 GAN000036 1.3 7,355 38,761 30,181 4.17 144.2% 1.71 1.78 $1.9M $29.7B
I-75/I-85 GAP0000858 1.3 7,355 14,948 11,670 1.82 42.2% 1.27 1.21 $0.7M $29.7B

Cumulative mileage of segments may not add up to the corresponding segment in the Nationally Significant Freight Highway Bottlenecks and Congested Corridors list.

Source: FHWA
Figure 90. Map. Top 40 Bottleneck Maps, Bottleneck 22, I-75/I-85 (Atlanta, GA).

23. I-10 (New Orleans, LA)

Map of I-10 in New Orleans from I-610 to the Pontchartrain Expressway.
I-10 (New Orleans, LA)
Road Segment ID Length
Delay/ Mile PTI
(95th %)
BI TTI TRI Cong. Cost FAF Value
I-10 LAP0000481 1.5 5,515 48,955 32,135 5.04 168.0% 1.87 1.88 $2.4M $13.8B
I-10 LAN0000148 1.3 7,136 34,374 26,711 2.80 95.8% 1.42 1.50 $1.7M $18.7B
I-10 LAN0000153 2.5 5,515 26,441 10,779 2.65 92.7% 1.32 1.73 $1.3M $13.8B
I-10 LAP0000479 1.5 5,515 12,572 8,257 2.22 70.8% 1.27 1.34 $0.6M $13.8B

Cumulative mileage of segments may not add up to the corresponding segment in the Nationally Significant Freight Highway Bottlenecks and Congested Corridors list.

Source: FHWA
Figure 91. Map. Top 40 Bottleneck Maps, Bottleneck 23, I-10 (New Orleans, LA).

24. I-10 (Lake Charles, LA)

Map of I-10 in Lake Charles at I-210.
I-10 (Lake Charles, LA)
Road Segment ID Length
Delay/ Mile PTI
(95th %)
BI TTI TRI Cong. Cost FAF Value
I-10 LAN0000210 9.3 14,179 567,191 61,114 4.12 153.8% 1.43 3.60 $28.1M $41.0B
I-10 LAP0000574 9.3 14,054 71,257 7,694 1.26 16.6% 1.07 1.16 $3.5M $40.7B

Cumulative mileage of segments may not add up to the corresponding segment in the Nationally Significant Freight Highway Bottlenecks and Congested Corridors list.

Source: FHWA
Figure 92. Map. Top 40 Bottleneck Maps, Bottleneck 24, I-10 (Lake Charles, LA).

25. I-210 (Los Angeles, CA)

Map of I-210 in Los Angeles from SR-39/164 Azusa Avenue to SR-19 Rosemead Boulevard.
I-210 (Los Angeles, CA)
Road Segment ID Length
Delay/ Mile PTI
(95th %)
BI TTI TRI Cong. Cost FAF Value
I-210 CAP00002624 2.6 10,007 155,249 60,414 3.72 120.4% 1.68 1.35 $7.7M $69.8B
I-210 CAN00001176 7.3 8,154 311,539 42,787 3.88 157.2% 1.50 1.83 $15.4M $40.3B
I-210 CAP00002623 3.5 7,987 110,244 31,651 3.00 117.1% 1.37 1.74 $5.5M $40.6B
I-210 CAP00002622 3.1 6,953 87,843 28,249 3.25 129.3% 1.41 1.70 $4.4M $33.4B
I-210 CAN00001175 4.1 8,473 111,818 27,092 2.75 103.3% 1.33 1.49 $5.5M $55.1B
I-210 CAP00002621 5.4 6,857 95,887 17,652 2.23 75.2% 1.26 1.49 $4.7M $33.1B

Cumulative mileage of segments may not add up to the corresponding segment in the Nationally Significant Freight Highway Bottlenecks and Congested Corridors list.

Source: FHWA
Figure 93. Map. Top 40 Bottleneck Maps, Bottleneck 25, I-210 (Los Angeles, CA).

26. I-10 (Baton Rouge, LA)

Map of I-10 in Baton Rouge from I-110 to SR-1.
I-10 (Baton Rouge, LA)
Road Segment ID Length
Delay/ Mile PTI
(95th %)
BI TTI TRI Cong. Cost FAF Value
I-10 LAN0000222 2.2 10,718 124,256 57,724 5.10 234.9% 1.52 3.97 $6.2M $31.3B
I-10 LAN0000223 6.6 11,003 289,810 44,116 2.88 81.2% 1.49 1.50 $14.4M $29.4B
I-10 LAP0000561 5.7 11,600 194,500 34,139 2.50 86.2% 1.33 1.87 $9.6M $30.5B
I-10 LAP0000563 1.1 7,623 13,356 12,562 1.74 49.0% 1.17 1.48 $0.7M $19.4B
I-10 LAP0000565 2.7 10,223 21,084 7,967 1.18 7.7% 1.10 1.08 $1.0M $29.7B

Cumulative mileage of segments may not add up to the corresponding segment in the Nationally Significant Freight Highway Bottlenecks and Congested Corridors list.

Source: FHWA
Figure 94. Map. Top 40 Bottleneck Maps, Bottleneck 26, I-10 (Baton Rouge, LA).

27. I-25 (Denver, CO)

Map of I-25 in Denver from I-70 to University Boulevard.
I-25 (Denver, CO)
Road Segment ID Length
Delay/ Mile PTI
(95th %)
BI TTI TRI Cong. Cost FAF Value
I-25 COP0000532 1.7 7,030 91,776 55,696 5.00 166.4% 1.88 1.72 $4.5M $18.9B
I-25 CON0000180 3.0 12,173 139,104 46,212 2.88 99.0% 1.44 1.51 $6.9M $29.6B
I-25 CON0000183 2.9 6,771 126,825 44,049 5.29 204.6% 1.72 2.25 $6.3M $16.7B
I-25 COP0000533 1.3 8,003 53,951 41,825 4.24 139.7% 1.76 1.58 $2.7M $20.4B
I-25 COP0000531 1.4 6,311 58,284 40,822 4.40 168.2% 1.62 2.03 $2.9M $15.8B
I-25 COP0000534 4.3 11,542 107,476 24,740 2.75 99.9% 1.34 1.68 $5.3M $28.4B
I-25 CON0000182 4.9 7,399 85,728 17,671 2.29 74.1% 1.31 1.58 $4.2M $19.1B
I-25 COP0000530 2.8 6,809 25,952 9,212 1.99 62.7% 1.22 1.52 $1.3M $16.7B

Cumulative mileage of segments may not add up to the corresponding segment in the Nationally Significant Freight Highway Bottlenecks and Congested Corridors list.

Source: FHWA
Figure 95. Map. Top 40 Bottleneck Maps, Bottleneck 27, I-25 (Denver, CO).

28. I-5 (Portland, OR)

Map of I-5 in Portland from the Columbia River to Terwilliger Boulevard.
I-5 (Portland, OR)
Road Segment ID Length
Delay/ Mile PTI
(95th %)
BI TTI TRI Cong. Cost FAF Value
I-5 ORN0000140 2.8 7,988 156,900 55,154 5.17 176.5% 1.81 1.95 $7.8M $27.4B
I-5 ORP0000431 2.7 5,706 141,594 53,299 6.36 246.9% 1.84 2.36 $7.0M $22.6B
I-5 ORP0000430 4.6 6,562 176,824 38,818 5.46 218.8% 1.67 3.32 $8.8M $25.1B
I-5 ORP0000428 2.7 6,478 101,790 37,526 4.01 174.6% 1.45 2.37 $5.0M $22.6B
I-5 ORP0000432 1.5 5,932 44,758 29,755 3.08 97.8% 1.52 1.23 $2.2M $23.1B
I-5 ORN0000137 3.5 5,782 85,884 24,359 3.31 124.8% 1.42 1.94 $4.3M $22.8B
I-5 ORP0000429 1.6 6,403 27,462 16,798 4.03 155.1% 1.56 1.86 $1.4M $23.6B
I-5 ORN0000136 0.6 5,742 6,801 10,653 1.94 55.8% 1.24 1.36 $0.3M $22.4B
I-5 ORN0000143 1.0 6,746 8,927 9,206 2.90 127.9% 1.28 2.31 $0.4M $24.8B
I-5 ORN0000141 1.0 3,803 3,347 3,447 1.59 32.3% 1.20 1.23 $0.2M $14.7B

Cumulative mileage of segments may not add up to the corresponding segment in the Nationally Significant Freight Highway Bottlenecks and Congested Corridors list.

Source: FHWA
Figure 96. Map. Top 40 Bottleneck Maps, Bottleneck 28, I-5 (Portland, OR).

29. I-55 (Chicago, IL)

Map of I-55 in Chicago from I-94 to SR-171.
I-55 (Chicago, IL)
Road Segment ID Length
Delay/ Mile PTI
(95th %)
BI TTI TRI Cong. Cost FAF Value
I-55 ILP00001121 5.7 7,376 308,860 53,860 4.67 159.7% 1.76 1.68 $15.3M $31.7B
I-55 ILN0000201 4.4 5,900 226,806 51,688 5.88 205.8% 1.88 2.24 $11.2M $24.0B
I-55 ILP00001120 1.1 6,850 24,366 22,080 3.04 122.1% 1.36 1.98 $1.2M $30.9B
I-55 ILN0000202 9.9 7,126 175,194 17,667 2.18 66.2% 1.28 1.45 $8.7M $31.2B
I-55 ILP00001119 2.9 6,850 32,447 11,387 1.92 63.0% 1.18 1.59 $1.6M $30.9B
I-55 ILP00001123 3.6 5,900 38,795 10,828 1.88 51.1% 1.23 1.36 $1.9M $24.0B
I-55 ILP00001124 1.2 5,900 8,646 7,158 1.87 42.5% 1.31 1.45 $0.4M $24.0B

Cumulative mileage of segments may not add up to the corresponding segment in the Nationally Significant Freight Highway Bottlenecks and Congested Corridors list.

Source: FHWA
Figure 97. Map. Top 40 Bottleneck Maps, Bottleneck 29, I-55 (Chicago, IL).

30. I-285 (Atlanta, GA)

Map of I-285 in Atlanta from East/SR-400 to US-78 and West/I-20 to Northside Drive.
I-285 (Atlanta, GA)
Road Segment ID Length
Delay/ Mile PTI
(95th %)
BI TTI TRI Cong. Cost FAF Value
I-285 GAP0000982 1.6 11,855 87,447 53,821 3.43 128.1% 1.51 1.58 $4.3M $62.1B
I-285 GAP0000981 3.0 11,855 152,206 50,329 3.49 134.8% 1.48 1.65 $7.5M $62.1B
I-285 GAP00001010 0.9 10,297 40,787 45,429 4.03 174.7% 1.47 2.83 $2.0M $51.6B
I-285 GAN0000170 6.3 9,338 268,811 42,905 3.94 154.9% 1.45 2.29 $13.3M $45.8B
I-285 GAN0000172 8.7 9,437 360,087 41,378 3.92 162.0% 1.46 2.36 $17.8M $46.2B
I-285 GAP00001007 2.2 8,876 82,837 36,941 4.41 205.0% 1.44 3.33 $4.1M $42.8B
I-285 GAP0000980 4.1 11,288 151,897 36,880 3.15 131.6% 1.36 2.39 $7.5M $58.5B
I-285 GAP00001008 4.4 9,541 154,380 35,205 3.36 134.9% 1.43 1.97 $7.6M $47.0B
I-285 GAP00001012 5.7 10,297 190,378 33,590 3.11 127.2% 1.33 2.12 $9.4M $51.6B
I-285 GAN0000138 4.6 11,346 147,293 32,076 2.66 102.0% 1.31 1.83 $7.3M $58.9B
I-285 GAP00001014 4.0 9,729 105,033 25,993 2.63 103.0% 1.29 1.98 $5.2M $47.3B
I-285 GAN0000166 5.7 10,297 142,339 24,915 2.89 127.4% 1.26 2.46 $7.1M $51.6B
I-285 GAP00001015 4.4 9,182 98,602 22,603 2.20 70.3% 1.29 1.41 $4.9M $45.2B
I-285 GAN0000137 2.5 11,855 46,275 18,702 1.84 56.0% 1.17 1.63 $2.3M $62.1B
I-285 GAN0000136 2.1 11,855 37,077 17,877 1.60 37.5% 1.16 1.38 $1.8M $62.1B

Cumulative mileage of segments may not add up to the corresponding segment in the Nationally Significant Freight Highway Bottlenecks and Congested Corridors list.

Source: FHWA
Figure 98. Map. Top 40 Bottleneck Maps, Bottleneck 30, I-285 (Atlanta, GA).

31. I-495 (Washington, D.C.)

Map of I-495 in Washington, DC, from I-66 (Virginia) to I-95 (Maryland).
I-495 (Washington, DC)
Road Segment ID Length
Delay/ Mile PTI
(95th %)
BI TTI TRI Cong. Cost FAF Value
I-495 MDP0000602 5.2 9,544 278,191 53,507 3.81 141.3% 1.55 1.78 $13.8M $29.0B
I-495 VAP0000940 3.6 4,259 145,999 40,516 6.76 219.1% 2.13 1.91 $7.2M $16.6B
I-495 MDN0000280 4.1 6,010 148,833 36,304 4.86 197.1% 1.63 2.37 $7.4M $20.5B
I-495 MDP0000609 3.5 6,955 95,747 27,322 3.11 129.3% 1.36 2.24 $4.7M $28.2B
I-495 MDN0000284 3.6 6,954 97,459 26,903 2.98 107.9% 1.42 1.49 $4.8M $28.1B
I-495 MDN0000282 5.4 9,479 136,307 25,239 2.11 58.4% 1.30 1.32 $6.8M $28.9B
I-495 VAN0000254 2.2 4,200 48,764 22,222 4.13 178.2% 1.47 2.94 $2.4M $16.1B
I-495 MDN0000283 3.0 5,180 60,454 20,209 3.41 129.9% 1.43 1.99 $3.0M $21.8B
I-495 VAP0000936 1.0 3,783 19,488 18,823 3.43 124.2% 1.46 2.55 $1.0M $14.5B
I-495 MDP0000603 4.4 6,044 81,072 18,594 2.76 104.0% 1.35 1.70 $4.0M $20.6B
I-495 VAN0000248 1.4 3,721 22,710 16,675 2.54 89.9% 1.30 2.03 $1.1M $14.2B
I-495 MDP0000610 3.0 5,069 42,616 14,179 2.71 87.4% 1.32 1.90 $2.1M $21.1B
I-495 VAN0000247 1.9 4,075 11,392 5,940 1.80 52.7% 1.18 1.44 $0.6M $15.7B
I-495 VAP0000929 3.9 4,049 21,818 5,548 1.51 29.6% 1.16 1.29 $1.1M $15.5B
I-495 VAN0000237 1.1 4,849 5,987 5,440 1.81 49.6% 1.21 1.34 $0.3M $18.6B

Cumulative mileage of segments may not add up to the corresponding segment in the Nationally Significant Freight Highway Bottlenecks and Congested Corridors list.

Source: FHWA
Figure 99. Map. Top 40 Bottleneck Maps, Bottleneck 31, I-495 (Washington, D.C.).

32. I-70 (Denver, CO)

Map of I-70 in Denver from I-25 to I-270.
I-70 (Denver, CO)
Road Segment ID Length
Delay/ Mile PTI
(95th %)
BI TTI TRI Cong. Cost FAF Value
I-70 CON0000157 2.3 5,973 125,104 53,461 4.61 147.6% 1.85 1.50 $6.2M $16.1B
I-70 COP0000506 4.2 6,788 149,304 35,957 3.53 122.3% 1.58 1.65 $7.4M $18.5B
I-70 CON0000158 2.2 7,795 68,153 30,549 2.67 63.5% 1.56 1.22 $3.4M $18.9B
I-70 COP0000504 2.2 7,863 57,844 26,077 2.93 97.8% 1.46 1.51 $2.9M $19.0B

Cumulative mileage of segments may not add up to the corresponding segment in the Nationally Significant Freight Highway Bottlenecks and Congested Corridors list.

Source: FHWA
Figure 100. Map. Top 40 Bottleneck Maps, Bottleneck 32, I-70 (Denver, CO).

33. I-30 (Little Rock, AR)

Map of I-30 in Little Rock at I-630.
I-30 (Little Rock, AR)
Road Segment ID Length
Delay/ Mile PTI
(95th %)
BI TTI TRI Cong. Cost FAF Value
I-30 ARP0000518 1.9 19,820 97,397 51,924 2.32 84.2% 1.24 1.86 $4.8M $69.7B
I-30 ARN0000203 2.8 17,059 57,742 20,660 1.39 24.3% 1.12 1.21 $2.9M $63.2B

Cumulative mileage of segments may not add up to the corresponding segment in the Nationally Significant Freight Highway Bottlenecks and Congested Corridors list.

Source: FHWA
Figure 101. Map. Top 40 Bottleneck Maps, Bottleneck 33, I-30 (Little Rock, AR).

34. I-80 (San Francisco, CA)

Map of I-70 in Denver from I-25 to I-270.
I-80 (San Francisco, CA)
Road Segment ID Length
Delay/ Mile PTI
(95th %)
BI TTI TRI Cong. Cost FAF Value
I-80 CAP00002096 1.8 2,737 90,562 51,110 9.15 198.6% 2.97 1.37 $4.5M $9.6B
I-80 CAN0000723 2.7 6,060 112,239 41,665 3.33 127.0% 1.46 1.62 $5.6M $39.1B
I-80 CAN0000722 9.9 4,615 277,595 28,095 5.22 148.9% 1.95 1.59 $13.8M $29.0B
I-80 CAN0000724 1.7 2,701 44,076 25,774 4.34 132.6% 1.85 1.35 $2.2M   $9.4B
I-80 CAP00002100 4.7 5,184 111,804 24,007 4.05 149.0% 1.56 1.74 $5.5M $27.8B
I-80 CAP00002097 2.6 6,216 38,739 14,999 1.83 51.1% 1.21 1.38 $1.9M $39.4B
I-80 CAP00002104 1.6 2,252 6,696 4,177 2.08 68.8% 1.21 1.61 $0.3M $9.4B
I-80 CAP00002098 2.9 9,508 4,185 1,426 1.37 21.0% 1.13 1.10 $0.2M $48.3B

Cumulative mileage of segments may not add up to the corresponding segment in the Nationally Significant Freight Highway Bottlenecks and Congested Corridors list.

Source: FHWA
Figure 102. Map. Top 40 Bottleneck Maps, Bottleneck 34, I-80 (San Francisco, CA).

35. I-10 (Houston, TX)

Map of I-10 in Houston from I-69 to I-45.
I-10 (Houston, TX)
Road Segment ID Length
Delay/ Mile PTI
(95th %)
BI TTI TRI Cong. Cost FAF Value
I-10 TXN0000312 1.9 9,085 94,429 50,107 4.92 188.9% 1.67 2.00 $4.7M $38.2B
I-10 TXP00001770 1.8 8,968 21,083 12,063 1.66 40.5% 1.17 1.32 $1.0M $37.5B

Cumulative mileage of segments may not add up to the corresponding segment in the Nationally Significant Freight Highway Bottlenecks and Congested Corridors list.

Source: FHWA
Figure 103. Map. Top 40 Bottleneck Maps, Bottleneck 35, I-10 (Houston, TX).

36. I-270 (Denver, CO)

Map of I-270 in Denver from I-25 to I-70.
I-270 (Denver, CO)
Road Segment ID Length
Delay/ Mile PTI
(95th %)
BI TTI TRI Cong. Cost FAF Value
I-270 COP0000553 3.2 5,364 160,467 50,104 5.33 174.8% 1.92 1.82 $7.9M $15.5B
I-270 CON0000211 1.3 4,602 59,411 44,453 6.36 207.3% 2.00 2.03 $2.9M $13.2B
I-270 CON0000212 2.0 5,733 40,967 20,205 2.54 72.3% 1.43 1.27 $2.0M $16.4B
I-270 COP0000554 3.7 5,242 50,346 13,614 1.86 35.9% 1.31 1.18 $2.5M $15.2B
I-270 CON0000214 3.9 5,409 40,135 10,311 2.03 58.3% 1.27 1.49 $2.0M $15.6B

Cumulative mileage of segments may not add up to the corresponding segment in the Nationally Significant Freight Highway Bottlenecks and Congested Corridors list.

Source: FHWA
Figure 104. Map. Top 40 Bottleneck Maps, Bottleneck 36, I-270 (Denver, CO).

37. I-95 (Washington, D.C.)

Map of I-95 in Washington (Virginia) from SR-123 to SR-286.
I-95 (Washington, DC)
Road Segment ID Length
Delay/ Mile PTI
(95th %)
BI TTI TRI Cong. Cost FAF Value
I-95 VAN0000502 6.9 8,092 337,261 49,241 4.40 152.6% 1.71 1.69 $16.7M $39.4B
I-95 VAP00001155 2.6 7,165 60,903 23,567 2.49 74.2% 1.39 1.20 $3.0M $35.0B
I-95 VAP00001156 6.2 8,062 124,325 20,191 2.54 97.8% 1.28 1.75 $6.2M $39.2B
I-95 VAN0000403 5.1 7,448 86,751 17,057 5.20 134.1% 2.07 2.19 $4.3M $36.3B
I-95 VAP00001076 5.1 7,448 57,335 11,273 4.45 165.9% 1.65 1.28 $2.8M $36.3B

Cumulative mileage of segments may not add up to the corresponding segment in the Nationally Significant Freight Highway Bottlenecks and Congested Corridors list.

Source: FHWA
Figure 105. Map. Top 40 Bottleneck Maps, Bottleneck 37, I-95 (Washington, D.C.).

38. CA-110 and I-110 (Los Angeles, CA)

Map of I-110/CA-110 in Los Angeles from I-10 to SR-42 Stauson Avenue.
CA-110 & I-110 (Los Angeles, CA)
Road Segment ID Length
Delay/ Mile PTI
(95th %)
BI TTI TRI Cong. Cost FAF Value
CA-110 CAP00001730 2.0 3,890 98,619 48,762 7.65 173.2% 2.77 1.96 $4.9M $11.9B
CA-110 CAN0000350 3.1 3,738 82,129 26,685 4.89 144.6% 2.04 1.93 $4.1M $11.7B
I-110 CAP00002614 1.8 6,345 14,638 8,084 6.36 121.1% 2.88 2.31 $0.7M $21.2B
I-110 CAN00001155 2.0 6,261 9,518 4,736 3.56 114.3% 1.67 1.43 $0.5M $20.9B

Cumulative mileage of segments may not add up to the corresponding segment in the Nationally Significant Freight Highway Bottlenecks and Congested Corridors list.

Source: FHWA
Figure 106. Map. Top 40 Bottleneck Maps, Bottleneck 38, CA-110 and I-110 (Los Angeles, CA).

39. I-10 (Phoenix, AZ)

Map of I-10 in Phoenix at I-17 from 51st Avenue to SR-143.
I-10 (Phoenix, AZ)
Road Segment ID Length
Delay/ Mile PTI
(95th %)
BI TTI TRI Cong. Cost FAF Value
I-10 AZP0000246 3.3 11,718 160,526 48,254 3.41 133.9% 1.45 1.92 $7.9M $45.6B
I-10 AZP0000243 6.1 10,650 290,415 47,936 4.36 180.5% 1.49 2.53 $14.4M $44.2B
I-10 AZP0000245 1.3 8,777 57,272 43,630 5.18 225.6% 1.59 3.04 $2.8M $33.3B
I-10 AZN000032 4.0 11,286 171,914 42,909 3.67 170.3% 1.35 3.08 $8.5M $45.2B
I-10 AZN000026 3.3 11,673 140,269 41,962 3.26 142.2% 1.34 2.50 $6.9M $45.4B
I-10 AZN000029 3.2 11,339 116,398 36,289 2.41 83.6% 1.29 1.43 $5.8M $47.2B
I-10 AZN000028 1.0 8,816 30,997 30,556 3.01 125.1% 1.33 1.87 $1.5M $33.7B
I-10 AZP0000241 4.1 11,376 107,375 25,999 2.59 107.2% 1.24 2.08 $5.3M $45.7B
I-10 AZN000031 1.3 8,840 28,325 22,421 2.29 78.9% 1.25 1.97 $1.4M $34.5B
I-10 AZP0000242 1.1 8,998 14,994 13,715 1.69 42.9% 1.16 1.42 $0.7M $35.4B
I-10 AZN000030 1.7 8,478 7,565 4,374 1.25 14.1% 1.10 1.11 $0.4M $33.8B

Cumulative mileage of segments may not add up to the corresponding segment in the Nationally Significant Freight Highway Bottlenecks and Congested Corridors list.

Source: FHWA
Figure 107. Map. Top 40 Bottleneck Maps, Bottleneck 39, I-10 (Phoenix, AZ).

40. I-15 (Riverside, CA)

Map of I-15 in Riverside at SR-91.
I-15 (Riverside, CA)
Road Segment ID Length
Delay/ Mile PTI
(95th %)
BI TTI TRI Cong. Cost FAF Value
I-15 CAN0000891 2.2 5,267 105,431 48,175 6.08 228.0% 1.86 2.17 $5.2M $21.5B
I-15 CAN0000890 1.2 5,203 15,471 12,457 2.20 70.1% 1.28 1.71 $0.8M $22.9B
I-15 CAP00002362 2.0 5,263 21,771 10,889 2.21 71.3% 1.28 1.45 $1.1M $21.8B

Cumulative mileage of segments may not add up to the corresponding segment in the Nationally Significant Freight Highway Bottlenecks and Congested Corridors list.

Source: FHWA
Figure 108. Map. Top 40 Bottleneck Maps, Bottleneck 40, I-15 (Riverside, CA).

  Last modified: September 12, 2022  
Office of Operations