Office of Operations
21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

Freight Mobility Trends Report 2019



The Federal Highway Administration’s (FHWA) Freight Mobility Trends (FMT) relies on the National Performance Management Research Data Set (NPMRDS) and Highway Performance Monitoring System (HPMS) data sets, described as follows:

  • NPMRDS—The FMT reflected in this report relies on the NPMRDS for travel time data. The NPMRDS is a historical travel time data set that covers the entire NHS. The NPMRDS includes observed measurements only (collected 24 hours a day) and provides the user with the average travel times in five-minute intervals in three ways: freight trucks, passenger vehicles, and all vehicles combined. The NPMRDS is available to all State Departments of Transportation (DOTs) and Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) for use in their performance management activities and is updated and available for download on a monthly basis.1
  • HPMS—Another key source of data is the FHWA HPMS, collected under 23 CFR 420.105(b). This is a source of volume data. Each State DOT reports Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) volumes, Annual Average Daily Truck Traffic (AADTT) volumes, and other required roadway inventory attributes to FHWA on an annual basis. The Texas A&M Transportation Institute (TTI) has conflated the NPMRDS Traffic Message Channel (TMC) travel times to the HPMS roadway segment (and associated volumes) and has developed analytics to estimate time-of-day traffic volumes from AADT values and speeds.2 These were used to develop the indicators for this report.

Data Processing

The basic spatial unit of analysis is the TMC. This is a relatively short directional roadway segment that is defined by a consortium of commercial traffic information providers. The travel time data were averaged to 15-minute time bins. Then, the FMT indices were calculated for each TMC on the National Highway System (NHS) from the raw NPMRDS data. Further, TMC measures were placed on the segments, and length or volume was used to weight the index measures to obtain aggregate measures.


Segmentation included auto-segmenting the NHS into approximately 3- to 9-mile sections in urban locations (those that contain at least part of an urban area) and 5- to 10-mile sections in rural areas. This provides a better way to visualize problem areas because many of the TMC links are so short they will not show up in a zoomed-out map when analyzed. The longer segment lengths are also more representative of typical freight project limits, rather than the occasional, short TMC lengths that show up (e.g., 0.1 miles). This processing method allows aggregation and the ability to report freight congestion statistics at various geographies, because all calculations are still performed at the TMC level but aggregated to different geographies based on weighting (described later).

Reference Speed

The reference speed (sometimes called off-peak, uncongested, or baseline speed) used for the FMT is based on a calculated free-flow (reference) speed using the NPMRDS travel times. This approach was used rather than using the posted speed limit, because speed limits for all vehicles do not always reflect typical free-flow speeds for large trucks. Reference speed has proven effective because it is a direct measurement of traffic conditions and varies when geometric changes are on the roadway (e.g., added lanes). The reference speed calculation is similar to the method currently used in FHWA’s Urban Congestion Report for the Planning Time Index (PTI) and Travel Time Index (TTI).3 For the FMT, only truck data are used for the reference speed calculation. The FMT includes an index that is similar to the Truck Travel Time Reliability (TTTR) measures States are required to report under 23 CFR 490.607, but the FMT is slightly different. This index, the Truck Reliability Index (TRI), similarly uses the 95th percentile travel time compared to the 50th percentile travel time instead of the free-flow reference speed used by the other indicators.

Measure Weighting

Weighting is reflected in the index calculations. All mobility indices (TTI, PTI, and Buffer Index (BI)) are weighted by Truck Vehicle Miles Traveled (TVMT) to allow for aggregating up to section, area, State, and national values.

Definitions and Calculations

The suite of indicators includes the following:

  • Mobility:
    • Total truck hours of delay—the amount of extra time spent traveling due to congestion.
    • Truck hours of delay per mile—the total vehicle hours of delay for a section of roadway divided by the section length.
    • Travel time index—the ratio of the peak-period travel time to the reference travel time (free-flow travel time).
  • Reliability:
    • Planning time index—the ratio of the 95th percentile travel time to the reference travel time (free-flow travel time).
    • Buffer index—the extra time (or time cushion), expressed as a percentage, that travelers must add to their average travel time when planning trips to ensure on-time arrival.
    • Truck reliability index—similar to the MAP-21 truck travel time reliability performance measure (the ratio of the 95th percentile travel time to the 50th percentile travel time during five time periods of the day).
  • Cost:
    • Congestion cost—the cost of wasted fuel and delay (dollars).
  • Environment:
    • Wasted fuel—a function of wasted time and fuel used while trucks are delayed in congestion.
  • Economic:
    • Commodity value—the value per ton by roadway functional classification (using the Freight Analysis Framework (FAF) in dollars).


Delay represents the amount of extra time spent traveling due to congestion. The FMT uses two measures of delay: total delay and delay per mile.

Total Delay

Total delay is calculated by adding up all the delay (at 15-minute intervals for this example) for each TMC across the area being analyzed for a specific time period (year, quarter, or month) and is defined in figure 61.

Total Delay Formula: Delay per TMC per 15 minute period equals the minimum 15 minutes, max times zero, actual travel time minus travel time at reference speed. Total delay equals the sum of TMC time periods of the delay per TMC per 15 minute period times the volume.

Figure 61. Formula. Total delay calculation.

When calculating delay, rather than just using reference speed for missing values (where no delay is accumulated), missing travel times are estimated from historical observations. The observations come from the last 12 months, starting with the average week of the year, which consists of 96 15 minute periods for each of the seven days of the week (96 × 7).

If there is not a historical value in the 96 × 7 average, an hourly average for each day of the week will be used (24 × 7). This will continue to 96 × 2 (96 15-minute periods by weekday and weekend) and 24 × 2 (24 hourly periods by weekday and weekend) before using just the weekday or weekend average and finally just taking the yearly average.

In summary, the imputed travel times for missing values were assigned in the following trickle-down manner, where each subsequent step is only taken if the data from the current step are not available:

  1. 12-month with 96 15-minute period average time of day by 7 days in the week (96 × 7).
  2. 12-month with a 24-hour average time by 7 days in the week (24 × 7).
  3. 12-month 96 15-minute period average time of day by weekday or weekend (96 × 2).
  4. 12-month with a 24-hour average time by weekday or weekend (24 × 2).
  5. 12-month weekday or weekend average.
  6. 12-month average.
Delay per Mile (for Sections)

Delay per mile is the total delay for a section of roadway divided by the section length. This is calculated for the entire NHS for the FMT.


The following defines and illustrates calculations for the recommended mobility indices.

Travel Time Index

The TTI compares peak-period travel time to free-flow travel time. The TTI includes both recurring and incident conditions. The ratio has components of time divided by time. Therefore, it has no units. This unit-less feature allows the index to be used to compare trips of different lengths to estimate the travel time in excess of that experienced in reference travel time (free-flow travel time) conditions.

The TTI is the ratio of the peak-period travel time to the reference travel time (free-flow travel time). This measure is computed for the AM peak period (6 a.m. to 9 a.m.) and PM peak period (4 p.m. to 7 p.m.) on weekdays.

The TTI is calculated as in figure 62.

Travel time index (for a time period) equals the average travel time (for a time period) divided by the reference travel time.

Figure 62. Formula. Travel time index equation.

To calculate the average TTI across urban areas, road sections and time periods are weighted by vehicle miles traveled using volume estimates derived from FHWA’s HPMS.


Planning Time Index

The PTI is the ratio of the 95th percentile travel time to the reference travel time (free-flow travel time). The measure is computed during the AM and PM peak periods as defined in the TTI.

PTI is calculated as figure 63.

Planning time index (for a time period) equals the 95th percentile travel time (for a time period) divided by the reference travel time.

Figure 63. Formula. Planning time index equation.

The PTI is based on the concept that travelers want to be on time for an important trip 19 out of 20 times. For example, a PTI value
of 1.80 indicates that a traveler should allow 36 minutes (20 minutes × 1.80) to make an important trip that takes 20 minutes in low traffic volumes.

To calculate the average PTI across urban areas, road sections and time periods are weighted by TVMT using volume estimates derived from FHWA’s HPMS.

Buffer Index

The BI represents the extra time (or time cushion) that travelers must add to their average travel time when planning trips to ensure on-time arrival. For example, a BI of 40 percent means that for a trip that usually takes 20 minutes, a traveler should budget an additional eight minutes (20 minutes × 0.40). The eight extra minutes is called the buffer time. Therefore, the traveler should allow 28 minutes for the trip to ensure on-time arrival 95 percent of the time.

The BI is calculated as in figure 64.

Buffer index (expressed as a percentage) equals the 95th percentile travel time minus the average travel time all divided by the average travel time.

Figure 64. Formula. Buffer index equation.

Truck Reliability Index

The TRI calculation is similar to the MAP 21 performance measure for TTTR. The TRI indicator uses the same five time periods as the TTTR performance measure:

  • AM: 6 a.m. to 10 a.m.
  • PM: 4 p.m. to 7 p.m.
  • Midday: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
  • Overnight: 8 p.m. to 6 a.m.
  • Weekend: 6 a.m. to 8 p.m.

The TRI is calculated as in figure 65.

Truck reliability index (for a time period) equals the 95th percentile travel time (for a time period) divided by the 50th percentile travel time (for a time period).

Figure 65. Formula. Truck reliability index equation.

The TRI was generated in accordance with 23 CFR § 490.613 by multiplying the largest ratio of the five time periods by its length and then dividing the sum of all length-weighted segments by the total length (figure 66).4

Truck reliability index (index) equals the sum of all TMC's length times the max TTTR divided by the sum of all TMC's length.

Figure 66. Formula. Truck reliability index.

The TRI in the FMT cannot be used to report the official MAP-21 TTTR performance measure. The FMT tool uses different roadway segmentation with TMCs combined to longer corridors for analysis. Because of this, the TRI generated by the FMT tool will not match the NPMRDS-generated TTTR performance measure. The TRI in the FMT is used to analyze reliability trends and cannot be used to report the official MAP-21 TTTR performance measure.

Bottleneck Identification Criteria

This report also includes information on national bottlenecks. A ranking of roadway sections is based on the FMT calculations for delay per mile. Though it is also possible to rank bottlenecks by any number of the measures and break them out by rural and urban, FHWA uses delay per mile as the primary measure because it includes the full extent of the truck congestion problem for all days throughout the year. This is the primary measure and method in current bottleneck ranking products such as the Texas 100 Most Congested Roadways.5 Delay per mile conveys the magnitude of the problem, captures a 365 day/24-hour/7-day view of the problem, and is normalized by length so that varying-length roads can be compared.6

Corridor Calculations

For analysis of freight corridors (which are defined in the “Locations” section of this appendix), the indicators require some context to the traditional calculations of these indices. For the TTI, there is a comparison of a peak time to a free-flow travel time. For the PTI, there is a comparison of the 95th percentile travel time to the free-flow travel time. Because the freight corridors extend for long distances, defining when peak and free flow occur along the entire corridor is challenging. Additionally, delay is difficult to calculate over a long trip where there are different volumes and free-flow speeds on different sections of the corridor.

To show the corridor performance, travel time traces were computed for the length of the corridor, which is modeling vehicles over time and space that would travel the corridor. Then, a BI was computed from the distribution of the resulting data.


The FMT tool provides a suite of indicators across the entire NHS at a variety of location categories. The location categories include road types nationally, at the State level, and then in urban and rural areas. The categories also include border crossing, metropolitan, and intermodal locations. Having data and indices for the entire NHS provides the flexibility to see performance everywhere and focus on specific locations that may be driving freight performance. For example, if the national roll-up number changes, the user can look at the different spatial levels (zoom in or out) to see where freight mobility may be influencing the national number.

The categories reflected in this report are as follows.

National Roll-Up Measures

National roll-up measures are applied for the entire NHS in aggregate for each of the indicators described previously.

All National Highway System Roads

In addition to the national roll-up, national-level measures are available for the following functional classes:

  • Interstate.
  • Interstate and freeway.
  • Freeway.
  • Arterials.

Urban National Highway System Roads

Urban NHS indices are available by the following functional classes:

  • Interstate.
  • Interstate and freeway.
  • Freeway.
  • Arterials.

Rural National Highway System Roads

Rural NHS indices are available by the following functional classes:

  • Interstate.
  • Interstate and freeway.
  • Freeway.
  • Arterials.

State National Highway System Roads

State NHS indices are available by the following functional classes:

  • Interstate.
  • Interstate and freeway.
  • Freeway.
  • Arterials.

Freight Corridors

FHWA selected 30 freight corridors that are key facilities for freight movement throughout the United States. Figure 67 shows these corridors.


The FMT dashboard and the underlying segmentation of the NHS network allow use of delay per mile to provide an industry-tested ranking of bottlenecks. For this report, the FMT dashboard provided an output of the top-40 national bottlenecks using delay per mile.


There are 20 northern border crossings with Canada and 6 southern border crossings with Mexico, all of which are included in the FMT. The FMT assesses the actual crossing segments into and out of either Canada or Mexico, as well as roads in the surrounding area that feed the border crossing.

Urban Regions

The FMT includes indicators for major urban areas with a population of 50,000 or more throughout the United States.

Metropolitan Planning Organization Regions

The FMT includes indicators for Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) regions throughout the United States.

U.S. map of 30 nationally significant interstate freight corridors.

Source: FHWA
Figure 67. Map. Freight corridors.

National Highway Freight Network

The FMT assesses performance and includes indicators for the National Highway Freight Network (NHFN).

Strategic Highway Network

The FMT assesses performance and includes indicators for the Strategic Highway Network (STRAHNET).


Ports reflected in this report were those aligned with the top ports based on the BTS port performance measures. BTS measures ports for tonnage, twenty-foot equivalent units (TEUs), and dry bulk. BTS uses this information to identify the top 25 locations for tonnage, container, and dry bulk.7 FHWA determined 25 port locations to monitor throughout the United States based on the top locations by selecting the 18 ports that are top ports for tonnage, TEUs, or dry bulk and then high vessel count data and tonnage from the Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS) to rank the remaining ports.

The following port locations are included in this report:

  • Baltimore, MD.
  • Baton Rouge, LA.
  • Chicago, IL.
  • Cincinnati, OH/northern Kentucky.
  • Corpus Christi, TX.
  • Duluth Superior, MN.
  • Honolulu, HI.
  • Houston, TX.
  • Huntington, WV, Tri-State.
  • Jacksonville, FL.
  • Long Beach, CA.
  • Los Angeles, CA.
  • Metropolitan St. Louis, MO.
  • Miami, FL.
  • Mobile, AL.
  • New York/New Jersey.
  • Oakland, CA.
  • Pittsburgh, PA.
  • Port of New Orleans, LA.
  • Savannah, GA.
  • Seattle, WA.
  • South Louisiana.
  • Tacoma, WA.
  • Tampa, FL.
  • Virginia.


For the airport locations, the FMT includes the top 20 cargo-bearing airport locations as provided by BTS.8

  • Memphis International (MEM).
  • Ted Stevens Anchorage International (ANC).
  • Louisville International–Standiford Field (SDF).
  • Miami International (MIA).
  • Indianapolis International (IND).
  • Chicago O’Hare International (ORD).
  • Los Angeles International (LAX).
  • John F. Kennedy International (JFK).
  • Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky International (CVG).
  • Dallas/Fort Worth International (DFW).
  • Newark Liberty International (EWR).
  • Metropolitan Oakland International (OAK).
  • Ontario International (ONT).
  • Hartsfield–Jackson Atlanta International (ATL).
  • Honolulu International (HNL).
  • Philadelphia International (PHL).
  • George Bush Intercontinental/Houston (IAH).
  • Phoenix Sky Harbor International (PHX).
  • Seattle–Tacoma International (SEA).
  • Denver International (DEN).

Railroad Terminals

For railroad intermodal locations, the FMT aligns with publicly available railroad dwell-time measures by including measures for NHS roads around key rail intermodal locations. Selected rail terminal locations include the following:

  • Atlanta, GA: Norfolk Southern/NS-Inman Yard.
  • Barstow, CA: BNSF Railway–Barstow Yard/Burlington Northern Santa Fe.
  • Birmingham, AL: Norfolk Southern.
  • Chicago, IL (northwest of Brookfield Zoo N41.834 W87.8387): Union Pacific (UP) Rail Yard.
  • Cincinnati, OH: Queensgate Yard/CXS Yard.
  • Columbus, OH: Norfolk Southern Buckeye Railyard.
  • Conway, PA (near Pittsburgh, PA): Norfolk Southern Conway Yard.
  • Denver, CO: BNSF Railway, Denver Intermodal Facility.
  • Elkhart, IN: Norfolk Southern.
  • Fort Worth, TX (southwest of Fort Worth Zoo N32.722 W97.378): UP.
  • Houston, TX: UP Englewood Yard and UP Rail Yard.
  • Jacksonville, FL: CSX Transportation.
  • Kansas City, MO: KCS-MILW Joint Agency Yard and UP Jeff Yard/UP Rail Yard.
  • Laredo, TX (N27.5 W99.468): UP Railroad Port Yard.
  • Memphis, TN (east-southeast of airport N35.024 W89.894): BNSF Railway/Illinois Central.
  • New Orleans, LA (N30.006 W90.012): CSX Transportation.
  • North Little Rock, AR: UP Railroad North Little Rock Terminal.
  • North Platte West, NE: UP Rail Yard.
  • Roanoke, VA: Norfolk Southern.
  • Shreveport, LA: Kansas City Southern Railway.

Appendix A References

  1. Federal Highway Administration. NPMRDS. September 9, 2017. [ Return to Reference 1 ]
  2. Schrank, D., B. Eisele, and T. Lomax. 2019 Urban Mobility Report. November 2019. Accessed September 24, 2018. [ Return to Reference 2 ]
  3. Federal Highway Administration. The Urban Congestion Report (UCR): Documentation and Definitions. 2019. Accessed September 23, 2018. [ Return to Reference 3 ]
  4. Margiotta, Richard A., Shawn Turner, and Rich Taylor. National Performance Measures for Congestion, Reliability, and Freight, and CMAQ Traffic Congestion. Federal Highway Administration, 2018. [ Return to Reference 4 ]
  5. Texas A&M Transportation Institute. 100 Most Congested Roadways in Texas, Produced for the Texas Department of Transportation, Methodology and Statistics. 2017. [ Return to Reference 5 ]
  6. Ibid. [ Return to Reference 6 ]
  7. U.S. Department of Transportation, Bureau of Transportation Statistics. Port Performance Freight Statistics Program. February 12, 2018. [ Return to Reference 7 ]
  8. U.S. Department of Transportation, Bureau of Transportation Statistics. Top 25 Airports by Landed Weight of All-Cargo Operations. December 2018. [ Return to Reference 8 ]
  Last modified: September 12, 2022  
Office of Operations