Third Senior Executive Transportation and Public Safety Summit: Final Report
Source: FHWA
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U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
Office of Operations
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20590

May 2020
Table of Contents
[ Foreword ]
Executive Summary
1. Introduction
2. Opening Remarks and Guest Speakers
3. Traffic Incident Management Executive Leadership Group Context Setting
4. "Zero" Safety Initiatives and Traffic Incident Management
5. Accelerating Traffic Incident Management Responder Training
6. Using Data to Improve Traffic Incident Management
7. Partnerships to Advance Local Traffic Incident Management
8. State and Local Traffic Incident Management Laws
9. Building Public Education and Outreach Momentum for Traffic Incident Management
10. Improving Traffic Incident Management Through Technology
11. National Traffic Incident Response Awareness Week Commemoration
12. Participants' Recommendations from the summit
13. Appendix
Summit Agenda—Thursday, November 14, 2019
Summit Agenda—Friday, November 15, 2019
Biographies—Guest and Keynote Speaker
Biographies—Partnerships Accelerating Safety and Innovation, Rapid Fire
Biographies—Opportunities to Advance "Zero" Safety Initiatives and Traffic Incident Management
Biographies—Reaching One Million Responders: Strategies to Accelerate Training.
Biographies—Using Data to Improve Traffic Incident Management Performance
Biographies—Partnership Opportunities Closer to Home
Biographies—State and Local Traffic Incident Management Legislation
Biographies—Building Public Education and Outreach Momentum
Biographies—Improving Traffic Incident Management Through Technology
Biographies—National Traffic Incident Response Awareness Week
Agency and Association List
Participant List
List of Figures
Figure 1. Photo. Summit commenced with posting of colors and included participants from 34 States.
Figure 2. Photo. Summit participants at the National Museum of the U.S. Navy.
Figure 3. Photos. Scenes from National Traffic Incident Response Awareness Week Commemoration and Proclamation signing.
Figure 4. Photos. Summit group photo at the National Museum of the U.S. Navy and the United States Department of Transportation.
Figure 5. Photos. Posting of the colors and the National Anthem open the summit.
Figure 6. Photo. Federal Highway Adminstration Administrator Nicole R. Nason with Traffic Incident Management Executive Leadership Group members addressing the summit.
Figure 7. Photos. United States Department of Transportation leadership sets the context for the summit.
Figure 8. Photos. U.S. Representative Rutherford (top), summit participants (center), Federal Highway Administration's Mark Kehrli (right).
Figure 9. Photo. Chief John Letteney shares history of traffic incident management and the work ahead for summit participants.
Figure 10. Photo. Chief Letteney and Traffic Incident Management Executive Leader Group representatives set the summit context.
Figure 11. Screenshot. Traffic Incident Management Executive Leadership Group members' introduction presentations.
Figure 12. Photos. Federal Highway Administration's Cheryl Walker discussed program with Director Mike Tooley, Montana Department of Transportation (left) and the "Zero" Safety Initiative Panel (right).
Figure 13. Photo. Federal Highway Administration Administrator Nicole R. Nason discusses traffic incident management and safety with National Safety Council Representative Jane Terry.
Figure 14. Graphic. National Traffic Incident Manager Responder Training program implementation progress by training delivery and percent trained by State as of November 10, 2019.
Figure 15. Photo. Accelerating Traffic Incident Management Responder Training panel (left to right: Michael Becar, Jim Austrich, Jay Scott, Chief Joseph Kroboth III, and Chief David Covington).
Figure 16. Photo. "Using Data to Improve TIM" panel.
Figure 17. Screenshot and photo. The Arizona Department of Public Safety crash form asks, "Were any first responders hit?" adjacent to Arizona Department of Public Safety crash involving responders.
Figure 18. Infographic. Oregon Department of Transportation "push, pull, drag" usage and traffic incident management performance.
Figure 19. Graphic. Web-accessible traffic incident management data and analytics platform (Tennessee example shows decline in traffic incident management data from non-Tennessee Highway Patrol Sources).
Figure 20. Photo. "Partnerships to Advance Local Traffic Incident Management" panel members (left to right: Sean Polster, Andrea Eales, Honorable Randy Maluchnik, Peter Voderberg, and State Senator David Marsden).
Figure 21. Photo. Linda Unruh shares her effort to enact Bobby's Law.
Figure 22. Photos. Panel for "Building Public Education and Outreach Momentum"—(left) David Harkey; (center) Richard Patrick, Andrew Guevara, Allan Stanley, and David Harkey; (right) Mike Reynard and Panel Members.
Figure 23. Photo. American Automobile Association Slow Down, Move Over promotion.
Figure 24. Photos. Participants learn about computer-aided dispatch integration (left) and unmanned aerial systems (right).
Figure 25. Screenshot. Unmanned aerial systems scaled outputs for reconstruction.
Figure 26. Map. Levels of computer-aided dispatch integration.
Figure 27. Chart. Integration of HERE, Waze Jams, and Waze alert data.
Figure 28. Photos. Martin Knopp and Robert Bemis at National Traffic Incident Response Awareness Week Commemoration.
Figure 29. Photo. National Traffic Incident Response Awareness Week Commemoration closes the summit.
Figure 30. Photo. National Traffic Incident Response Awareness Week Proclamation.
Figure 31. Photos. National Traffic Incident Response Awareness Week Commemoration and Proclamation signing.
Figure 32. Photos. Mark Kehrli leads group discussions during the summit.
List of Tables
Table 1. abbr list of agencies or associations.
Table 2. List of participants and titles.