Office of Operations
21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

Long Description

Figure 7. Illustration. Comparison of hazard light use regulations by State.

Map shows United States with States highlighted in blue, yellow, green, and gray, indicating levels of hazard light use. Blue indicates 1 - Permitted while driving, green indicates 2 - Permitted while driving unless otherwise posted, yellow incidates 3 - Not permitted while driving, and gray indicates 4 - Not permitted while driving except in certain situations (e.g., emergency, traffic hazard, low speed)

Blue States include Utah, Wyoming, South Dakota, Nebraska, Texas, Missouri, Mississippi, Kentucky, Michigan, Georgia, Washington, DC., Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Vermont, and New Hampshire.

Green States include Oregon, North Dakota, Alabama, North Dakota, Connecticut, and New York.

Yellow States include Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Alaska, Nevada, New Mexico, Kansas, Louisiana, Illinois, Florida, Rhode Island, and Massachusetts.

Gray States include: Washington, California, Idaho, Arizona, Montana, Colorado, Oklahoma, Minnesota, Iowa, Arkansas, Wisconsin, Tennessee, Indiana, Ohio, South Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, and Maine.

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