Office of Operations
21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

Organizing for TSMO
Case Study 9: State Department of Transportation Examples 1 of 2

Chapter 3 - Summary

State agencies have a vital role in developing and implementing transportation systems management and operations (TSMO) programs including: developing the organizational structure and processes, identifying strategies to implement, and collaborating with a wide range of stakeholders. Statewide agencies have the opportunity to provide a framework for how TSMO programs are conducted. The agencies in this case study contributed to the goals of TSMO through initiatives that other agencies can learn from:

  • Defined TSMO organizational structures to support the institutionalized culture change needed to implement TSMO programs. Champions identified for TSMO activities support development of agency planning and project prioritization processes to ensure project development objectives align with agency TSMO goals.
  • TSMO training activities greatly benefit integration of TSMO into day-to-day operations by effectively communicating agency goals and objectives. Knowledgeable staff is empowered to make more informed decisions when their role in implementing TSMO is apparent.
  • Outreach to the public and other local agencies facilitates regional culture shifts needed to maximize the value of TSMO strategies. Regional partners can support TSMO activities when the objectives and benefits are successfully communicated.
  • Clearly identifying goals and objectives, how they will be achieved, and what methods will be used to track them, is critical to ensuring success. The agencies highlighted in this case study identified many opportunities to track progress of their TSMO goals and objectives:
    • Performing multiple capability maturity model assessments over a period of time.
    • Developing action items with deliverable dates for future growth.
    • Using software to track system reliability and performance measures.

State DOTs can help ensure that TSMO program objectives are consistent with existing statewide and regional objectives. In many cases, the DOT will lead the effort to develop a TSMO plan for their State. The DOTs highlighted in this case study have taken varying approaches to integrate TSMO with existing agency processes. Lessons learned in this case study can be used to develop TSMO plans in other agencies.

  Last modified: December 23, 2019  
Office of Operations