Office of Operations
21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

Organizing for TSMO
Case Study 4: Culture - Changing the Culture Towards TSMO in State Departments of Transportation

Chapter 3 – Summary

Improving an agency's or region's transportation systems management and operations (TSMO) culture usually occurs simultaneously with improvement of other TSMO dimensions. As an agency advances business processes and collaboration, the TSMO culture also matures. Traditional methods for improving culture, such as outreach or training specific to TSMO, can also be used. Each agency interviewed used varying methods to advance the TSMO culture in their organization or region. Some of the best practices identified in this case study include:

  • Using a multi-discipline and multi-agency approach to integrate TSMO into existing planning and project development processes promotes agency culture by highlighting and reinforcing agency TSMO goals and objectives.
  • Educational TSMO websites provide information to all stakeholders in an easy to access and easy to understand format. Educational websites promote TSMO culture in agencies by providing access to State TSMO plans, national resources, and general information. They effectively communicate the "when-why-how" of TSMO.
  • The business case for TSMO does not always resonate with multi-discipline staff or varying regional stakeholders. Defining a TSMO language for individual stakeholders promotes TSMO culture by communicating the value and effect of TSMO to each stakeholder using challenges and solutions familiar to them.

A TSMO-focused culture is the backbone for success in all other TSMO components. As the culture advances and improves, so does the progress of other TSMO components. Several methods can be used to improve the TSMO culture within an agency. Organizations should assess their current TSMO culture and identify opportunities for improvement using existing or enhanced processes, organizational structures, and programs. The best practices identified in this case study can inform agency administration and leadership of opportunities to improve and support a TSMO culture within their organization.

  Last modified: December 17, 2019  
Office of Operations