Decision Support Framework and Parameters for Dynamic Part-Time Shoulder Use:
Considerations for Opening Freeway Shoulders for Travel as a Traffic Management Strategy
Appendix A. Part-Time Shoulder Use Questions
- Planning and Preliminary Engineering
- Is there any regional opposition to part-time shoulder use (PTSU)?
- Will physical roadway conditions permit PTSU?
- Is the shoulder pavement strong enough to carry traffic?
- Will the right or left shoulder be used?
- Is the segment long enough to provide meaningful congestion relief?
- Will the PTSU be bus-only, static, or dynamic?
- Has an operating scheme been selected?
- Will vehicle use restrictions (such as a prohibition on large/commercial trucks) be used?
- Is realtime monitoring and incident response in place?
- Does the corridor have supporting transportation systems management and operations (TSMO) and Traffic Incident Management (TIM) capabilities in place?
- Does PTSU significantly reduce cost compared to a traditional capacity expansion?
- Has project been incorporated into Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) and long-range plan?
- If an area has a congestion management process (CMP), is shoulder use a compatible strategy?
- Mobility Analysis
- What is a reasonable estimate of capacity for the shoulder?
- What tools will be used for operations analysis?
- Will part-time shoulder use improve reliability?
- Safety Analysis
- What types of crashes are occurring today?
- Are there congestion-related crashes that PTSU could reduce?
- Environmental Analysis
- Is there concern about the project within the community?
- Should air quality analysis be conducted?
- Is the project in a non-attainment or maintenance area?
- Is the project in a state that requires greenhouse gas analysis?
- Will any sensitive noise receptors be impacted?
- Should noise analysis be conducted?
- Will there be physical widening that potentially impacts water resources, plants and animals, cultural and historic sites, etc.?
- Does the project meet the criteria for a categorical exclusion?
- Costs and Benefits Analysis
- Are operations and maintenance costs being included in cost estimates?
- What benefits will occur and how are they being monetized?
- Does the benefit-cost analysis take into account the ability to deploy PTSU much quicker than adding capacity?
- Roadway Design
- Are there good locations to begin and end shoulder use that don't create bottlenecks themselves or safety issues?
- Has compliance with Controlling Criteria been assessed?
- How wide will the shoulder be?
- Are there bridges or other areas where the shoulder will be narrower?
- Has vertical clearance under bridges been checked?
- Have drainage patterns been checked? Sometimes the shoulder is used to store water or facilitate drainage with irregular cross slopes.
- Has stopping sight distance been checked on curves adjacent to barriers?
- Have fixed object offsets been checked? Guardrails, signs, and other objects may need to be moved further away from the roadway.
- Have clear zones been checked? New guardrails may need to be installed.
- Are there objects such as bridge piers that cannot be moved, and how will shoulder traffic pass through these areas?
- Are ramps taper-style or parallel-style and will any need to be modified?
- Are there any two-lane entrance or exit ramps that exist today?
- Are there system interchanges?
- Will PTSU pass through larger interchanges or terminate on a ramp?
- Are modifications needed at any ramp-freeway junctions?
- Will safety turnouts be provided and have locations been established?
- Should a second edge line be added on the outside of the shoulder?
- Are dynamic signs needed, whether they be supplemental or primary?
- Is signing and pavement marking compliant with the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD)?
- What ITS infrastructure should be added to aid facility operators or provide mitigating strategies?
- Will other TSMO strategies be implemented as a mitigation for design exceptions?
- Implementation
- What design exceptions are needed and have they been processed? At a minimum, an exception for shoulder width is necessary.
- Is an MUTCD Request for Experiment necessary?
- Are stakeholders such as police and emergency responders engaged?
- Have state-specific legal issues such as laws prohibiting driving on the shoulder been addressed?
- Is public outreach plan established?
- Maintenance and Operations
- Are communication mechanisms in place between police, emergency responders, and facility operators?
- Is an incident management plan in place?
- Do police have a plan for conducting enforcement?
- Is there a plan for plowing snow from the shoulder?
- Is there a maintenance plan for aggressive debris removal from the shoulder since it will be used for travel at times?
- Will there be other unique maintenance needs and have they been addressed?
- What specific actions will occur each time the shoulder is opened or closed?
- Have responders established preferred response procedures to incidents when the shoulder is open to traffic?
- Have a protocols been established to decide to close the shoulder during certain incidents?