United States - European Commission Urban Freight Twinning Initiative: Compendium of Project Summaries, Volume II
Overview of 2018-2019 International Urban Freight Roundtables
Research | Policy | Pilot | United States |
Using Goods Delivery Network Data to Drive Policy and Urban Form
The Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) is using new goods delivery network data to drive policy and urban form. The city's Final 50 Feet Program is using an integrated city-wide approach to operations, land use, and public services. Seattle is developing short-term, high-impact solutions and long-term investment strategies. The Final 50 Feet developed rigorous data-collection protocols that support other city functions such as life safety, land use regulations, and utility services. The program used a proactive approach to benefit multiple city missions. Outcomes will include short- and long-term recommendations for transportation operations, land use regulations, and public service improvements.

Urban delivery is most impactful to other modes in the Final 50 Feet.
Source: City of Seattle.
Project Types
Research, Policy, Pilot.
Period of Performance
October 2016 - October 2019.
Project Site
Seattle, Washington, USA.
Chris Eaves
Senior Civil Engineer
Seattle Department of Transportation
Seattle, Washington, USA
(206) 684-4524
Topics Addressed
- Building/road design.
- Curbside delivery and parking.
- Economic competitiveness.
- Land use interaction.
- Last mile delivery.
- Livability/quality of life.
- Mobility/Congestion.
- Public/private collaboration.
- Safety.
- Supply chains.
Key Outcomes
- Demonstrated a direct connection between transportation and economic vibrancy.
- Confirmed through research the scale and scope of delivery system gaps in Seattle's Center City.
- Engaged city stakeholders to begin problem solving under the Final 50 Feet Program.
- Began developing adaptive solutions to avoid a one-size-fits-all or punitive approach.
Stakeholder Involvement
Public agency (SDOT), higher education (University of Washington's Urban Freight Lab), private industry (UPS, USPS, Nordstrom, Costco, Charlie's Produce), community advocates (business and resident representatives, property management associations)