Office of Operations
21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

Advancing Organizational Capabilities for Transportation Systems Management and Operations.
February 2018 Peer Exchange Report

Appendix A – Peer Exchange Agenda

Organizing for Reliability Peer Exchange

Dates and Times:

  • February 7, 2018, 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM
  • February 8, 2018, 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM


National Highway Institute, 1310 North Courthouse Road Suite 300, Arlington, VA 22201

Day 1: February 7, 2018
8:30 AM Welcome and Introductions
9:00 AM Context: Status of Organizing for Reliability Initiative
  • Joe Gregory, Federal Highway Administration
9:15 AM Round-robin: Quick Highlights of Participant Activities
Approximately 8-10 participants will each provide no more than 3-minute quick summaries of current experience
10:00 AM Break
10:15 AM Communicating the Value of TSMO (Making the Business Case)
  • Facilitated Discussion
  • Presentation: Iowa DOT (Willy Sorenson)
11:15 AM Changing Agency Culture
11:45 PM Lunch Break
12:45 PM Business Processes: Integrating TSMO into Planning and Project Development
  • Presentations:
    • Maryland DOT (Subrat Mahapatra)
    • Florida DOT District 4 (Melissa Ackert)
    • Washington State DOT (Monica Harwood)
  • Facilitated Discussion
1:45 PM Break
2:00 PM Business Processes: Breakout Group Discussions
2:45 PM Report-backs from groups
3:15 PM Large Group discussion: Emerging Transportation Technologies
4:15 PM Conclusion
4:30 PM Adjourn
Day 2: February 8, 2018
8:30 AM Recap from Day 1
8:45 AM Round-robin Quick Highlights of Participant Activities
Approximately 8-10 participants will each provide no more than 3-minute quick summaries of current experience
9:30 AM Break
9:45 AM Staffing and Workforce Development
  • Presentations:
    • Tennessee DOT (Jason Oldham)
    • North Carolina DOT (Meredith McDiarmid)
  • Facilitated Discussion
10:45 AM Financial Planning and Funding TSMO
11:15 AM Performance Measurement: Group Discussion
11:45 AM Lunch Break
12:45 PM Breakout Groups based on Morning Topics
1:15 PM Report-backs from groups
1:45 PM Break
2:00 PM Implementation: Making it Happen
  • Presentations
    • Niagara International Transportation Technology Coalition (Athena Hutchins)
    • Maricopa County DOT (Faisal Saleem)
  • Group discussion: How are we going to advance / further implement TSMO
3:00 PM What’s Next? Priorities and Resource Needs
3:45 PM Conclusion and Wrap Up
4:00 PM Adjourn
  Last modified: April 13, 2020  
Office of Operations