Model Systems Engineering Documents for Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) Systems
Appendix A: Concept of Operations Table of Sample Statements
ConOps Reference Number | ConOps Sample Statements |
1 | Chapter 1: Scope |
1.1 | Document Purpose and Scope |
1.1-1 | The scope of this document covers the consideration of a CCTV System for use within [describe the agency and/or geographic area covered by this consideration]. |
1.1-2 | This document describes and provides a rationale for the expected operations of the proposed CCTV System. |
1.1-3 | It documents the outcome of stakeholder discussions and consensus building that has been undertaken to ensure that the system that is implemented is operationally feasible and has the support of stakeholders. |
1.1-4 | The intended audience of this document includes: system users/operators, remote system users/operators, administrators, decision-makers, elected officials, other nontechnical readers and other stakeholders who will share the operation of the system or be directly affected by it. |
1.2 | Project Purpose and Scope |
1.2-1 | A CCTV System provides real-time video feeds and images of current conditions for [describe region, corridors, and sections of roadways]. |
1.2-2 | The purpose of having a CCTV System is to enhance situational awareness of [describe why it is needed, such as verifying incidents, etc.]. |
1.2-3 | This project will allow [specify agency name] to monitor current conditions [describe conditions, such as equipment, traffic, environmental, etc.]. |
1.2-4 | Other agencies [specify which agencies] will be able to access the CCTV System to view camera feeds and images. |
1.2-5 | Other agencies [specify which agencies] will be able to access the CCTV System to control camera PTZ characteristics. |
1.2-6 | The CCTV System will be integrated with [name other systems, such as a traffic management software system]. |
1.3 | Procurement |
1.3-1 | The CCTV System will be procured using [Edit this or choose alternative statement]. |
1.3-1.1 | a combination of best value procurement for software and system integration services, and low-bid procurement for equipment and construction services. |
1.3-1.2 | a best value procurement process based on responses to a request for proposals. |
1.3-1.3 | a low-bid process based on detailed plans and technical specifications. |
1.3-2 | A request for qualifications (RFQ) will be issued to all potential vendors. Responses will be used to develop a short list of suitable systems and a request for proposals (RFP) will be issued to those vendors. The selected system will be the one that provides the best value, subject to financial and schedule constraints. |
1.3-3 | Field equipment (parts and labor) will be procured using a low-bid process based on detailed plans and technical specifications. |
1.3-4 | A detailed procurement plan will be prepared after the system requirements have been determined. |
2 | Chapter 2: Referenced Documents |
2-1 | The following documents have been used in the preparation of this Concept of Operations and stakeholder discussions. Some of these documents provide policy guidance for CCTV System operation in this area, some are standards with which the system must comply, while others report the conclusions of discussions, workshops and other research used to define the needs of the project and subsequently identify project requirements. |
2-1.1 | References Specific to the CCTV System Locations
2-1.2 | Systems Engineering
2-1.3 | CCTV Systems Insert any CCTV Systems used as a reference here. |
2-1.4 | ITS, Operations, Architecture, Other
2-1.5 | NTCIP
2-1.6 | NEMA
2-1.7 | Procurement
3 | Chapter 3: User-Oriented Operational Description |
3.1 | The Existing Situation and Limitations of the Existing System |
3.1-1 | [Explain how the lack of or inadequacy of CCTV is preventing achieving transportation management operational objectives. Describe the problem to be solved by deploying CCTV technologies.] |
3.2 | Vision, Goals, and Objectives for the Proposed System |
3.2-1 | The agencies vision, goals and objectives for the proposed system are: [extract a summary from relevant planning documents. If planning documents do not provide vision, goals and objectives for the role of CCTV in transportation management, summarize that role here]. |
3.3 | Strategies to be Applied by the Improved System |
3.3-1 | A set of use cases describe the strategies applied for a new or improved CCTV System. The use cases defined in chapter three provide the framework for the user needs defined in chapter four of this document. |
3.3.1 | General Actors |
3.3.1-1 | The general actors listed below represent the various roles and systems that interact with the CCTV System. Each actor represents a role, a user can have multiple roles and there can be multiple for the same type of actor. For example, a CCTV System Maintainer and a CCTV System User could be the same person or they could be different people. | | CCTV System Owner | | The CCTV System Owner actor represents the agency or organization that owns the system and sets policy for its use. | | CCTV System Manager | | This actor represents the role of a manager of the CCTV system. The CCTV System Manager is expected to have full control of the system. The CCTV System Manager assigns CCTV System Users, External Systems and CCTV System Maintainers their system permissions and capabilities. | | CCTV System User | | CCTV System Users are granted access to the system for various duties, including viewing, controlling, and configuring the system, as configured by the CCTV System Manager. Users may be local or remote, but have access to the system controlling the camera in question. A CCTV System User also includes external systems such as an ATMS (Advanced Traffic Management System) whose users are not identified as users of the CCTV System. It is left up to the ATMS for example to control the access of the ATMS users. This is distinct from identifying remote users who gain access through an External System, for whom the CCTV System will be responsible for handling their access control. | | External System | | The External System actor represents the role of any type of external system to the CCTV System, through which a remote user may gain access to the system. This includes external video distribution. | | CCTV System Maintainer | | This actor represents the role of a maintainer of the CCTV System responsible for diagnosing and testing the CCTV System. | | CCTV System Designer | | The CCTV System Designer actor represents the role of the designer of the CCTV System taking into account overall system requirements and constraints. |
3.3.2 | Use Cases |
3.3.2-1 | Use cases capture the high-level typical interactions between a user and a computer system. A use case needs to address a discrete goal of the user. Besides the common use cases of system support (e.g., configuration, maintenance, etc.) the CCTV System use cases give the system user the ability to better judge a transportation-related situation. | | Configure CCTV System | | The CCTV System Manager configures the CCTV System to control system access by other users (CCTV System User, CCTV System Maintainer and External Systems). | | Various users will have different access to the CCTV System capabilities such as selecting CCTV cameras, controlling CCTV cameras, controlling CCTV System video distribution and running system diagnostics and testing. | | The CCTV System Manger will set each user's permissions to access these capabilities. | | The CCTV System Manager configures the CCTV System to arbitrate competing user requests for CCTV System access such as particular CCTV cameras. | | The CCTV System Manager configures external video stream performance based on the limitations and capabilities of the CCTV System and its communications capabilities. | | The CCTV System Owner specifies the number of users to be accommodated by the CCTV System at any one time based on CCTV system design and bandwidth considerations. | | Check for Camera in Coverage Area | | Given a location of interest by the CCTV System User, the CCTV System provides the user with CCTV cameras in viewing range of that location. | | CCTV Monitoring | | For general CCTV monitoring, the CCTV System User interacts with the CCTV System performing camera selection, camera control and camera viewing for display on video monitors. | | The CCTV System User configures CCTV System camera preset settings for general location viewing. | | The CCTV System User configures CCTV System camera preset settings to a much higher degree for automatic detection capabilities. | | The CCTV System User programs the CCTV System cameras to perform tours through coverage areas. | | The CCTV System User monitors clear and steady images from the CCTV System cameras. | | The CCTV System User monitors CCTV System cameras in reduced visibility conditions. | | Provide CCTV System Video | | The CCTV System User uses the CCTV System to create low bandwidth copies of CCTV video feeds for both the general public and the media. | | The CCTV System User uses the CCTV System to disable any public video feeds. | | The CCTV System User uses the CCTV System to share video streams and/or images with local and regional users. | | The CCTV System User uses the CCTV System to share video streams and/or images with a regional video clearinghouse. | | The CCTV System User uses the CCTV System to share real-time video streams with traveler information systems. | | The CCTV System User uses the CCTV System to share real-time incident information on major arterials to the public and/or media. | | The CCTV System User configures the CCTV System to direct video streams to individual users of an External System. | | The CCTV System User configures the CCTV System to handle the maximum number of video feeds that can be simultaneously displayed by any one user. | | The CCTV System User uses the CCTV System to direct video from non-camera sources (e.g., broadcast television programming and externally supplied video streams) to video monitors. | | Verify Non-CCTV Field Device Status using CCTV | | The CCTV System User uses the CCTV System to verify the operation of non-CCTV field devices using CCTV cameras. | | Relinquish CCTV Monitoring | | The CCTV System User uses the CCTV System to relinquish their CCTV camera monitoring. | | Based on configuration parameters, the CCTV System can automatically relinquish a CCTV System Users monitoring use based on non-use. | | CCTV Automatic Detection | | The CCTV System notifies the CCTV System User when it automatic detects incidents and wrong-way vehicles. | | Remote Control of a CCTV Device | | Based on configuration parameters, the CCTV System allows an External System to monitor and control its CCTV cameras | | The CCTV System User uses the CCTV System to manually suspend access to External Systems. | | Logging CCTV System Data | | The CCTV System Maintainer specifies what CCTV System events are logged. | | The CCTV System Maintainer specifies the size and timeframe of the CCTV Systems log. | | The CCTV System Maintainer accesses the log of the CCTV System to review it. | | The CCTV System Maintainer accesses the log of the CCTV System to review diagnostic and alarms. | | Recorded Video | | The CCTV System User instructs the CCTV System to record video from one or more CCTV cameras. | | The CCTV System User instructs the CCTV System when to schedule video recordings | | The CCTV System User configures the CCTV System to begin recording based on the presence of a defined condition. | | The CCTV System User instructs the CCTV System to playback a CCTV cameras recorded video feed. | | The CCTV System User instructs the CCTV System to distribute a CCTV cameras recorded video feed. | | The CCTV System User instructs the CCTV System to delete a CCTV cameras recorded video feed. | | The CCTV System User configures the CCTV System to log all CCTV cameras video recordings. | | The CCTV System User configures the CCTV System retention rules for all CCTV cameras video recordings. | | The CCTV System User configures the CCTV System retain specified video recordings in permanent storage. | | CCTV Camera Siting | | The CCTV System Designer will specify the CCTV camera siting characteristics taking into account CCTV System User viewing and system maintenance requirements. | | CCTV System Maintenance | | The CCTV System Maintainer maintains the CCTV System by performing and testing all CCTV System camera capabilities both locally and remotely. | | The CCTV System Maintainer maintains the CCTV System by performing remote updates of the camera, PTZ controller firmware and CCTV system software. | | Interfacing with External Systems | | The CCTV System User interfaces with CCTV cameras from different manufacturers within the CCTV System. | | The CCTV System Maintainer replaces CCTV cameras from different manufacturers within the CCTV System. | | The CCTV System Designer specifies different camera interface standards within the CCTV System. | | The CCTV System Designer specifies the existing camera interfaces in order to integrate new cameras into an existing CCTV System. | | The CCTV System Designer specifies the existing camera interfaces in order to integrate a new CCTV System with existing CCTV cameras. | | The CCTV System User interfaces with external CCTV Systems to specify cameras, direct camera feeds to monitoring displays as well as controlling the cameras. | | The CCTV System User interfaces with external CCTV Systems to allow the External System to specify cameras, direct camera feeds to monitoring displays as well as controlling the cameras of the CCTV System. |
3.4 | Alternative Strategies Considered |
3.4-1 | CCTV systems provide visual surveillance of the transportation system, and meet the needs of users whose processes require visual surveillance, particularly for situations requiring human judgment to assess the situation and determine the appropriate response. CCTV may not be the appropriate technology for data collection or quantified performance monitoring, which may alternatively use other detection and performance measurement technologies. |
ConOps Reference Number | ConOps Sample Statement | System Requirements |
4 | Chapter 4: Operational Needs | ![]() |
4.1 | Control Access to CCTV System (Choose the user needs in this group if you chose the Configure CCTV System use case in Chapter Three) | ![]() |
4.1.1 | The CCTV System Manager needs access to the CCTV System. | The CCTV System shall enforce access control of all users. | | The CCTV System Manager needs access for CCTV System configuration. | Note: Satisfied by sub-requirements | | The CCTV System Manager needs to configure CCTV System User access. | The CCTV System shall allow the CCTV System Manager to assign access control credentials to CCTV System Users. | | The CCTV System Manager needs to configure CCTV System Maintainer access. | The CCTV System shall allow the CCTV System Manager to assign access control credentials to CCTV System Maintainers. | | The CCTV System Manager needs to configure External System access. | The CCTV System shall allow the CCTV System Manager to assign access control credentials to External Systems. | | The CCTV System Manager needs access to the CCTV System to receive distributed video. | The CCTV System shall allow the CCTV System Manager to receive distributed video. | | The CCTV System Manager needs access to the CCTV System to select cameras. | The CCTV System shall allow the CCTV System Manager to select cameras. | | The CCTV System Manager needs access to the CCTV System to control cameras. | The CCTV System shall allow the CCTV System Manager to control cameras. | | The CCTV System Manager needs access to the CCTV System to control video distribution. | The CCTV System shall allow the CCTV System Manager to route input video to designated video outputs. (Outputs are displays or external channels.) |
4.1.2 | The CCTV System User needs access to the CCTV System as configured by the CCTV System Manager. | Note: Satisfied by sub-requirements | | The CCTV System User needs access to the CCTV System to receive distributed video. | The CCTV System shall allow the CCTV System User to receive distributed video. | | The CCTV System User needs access to the CCTV System to select cameras. | The CCTV System shall allow the CCTV System User to select cameras. | | The CCTV System User needs access to the CCTV System to control cameras. | The CCTV System shall allow the CCTV System User to control cameras. | | The CCTV System User needs access to the CCTV System to control video distribution. | The CCTV System shall allow the CCTV System User to route input video to designated video outputs. (Outputs are displays or external channels.) |
4.1.3 | The CCTV System Maintainer needs access to the CCTV System as configured by the CCTV System Manager. | Note: Satisfied by sub-requirements | | The CCTV System Maintainer needs access to the CCTV System to receive distributed video. | The CCTV System shall allow the CCTV System Maintainer to receive distributed video. | | The CCTV System Maintainer needs access to the CCTV System to select cameras. | The CCTV System shall allow the CCTV System Maintainer to select cameras. | | The CCTV System Maintainer needs access to the CCTV System to control cameras. | The CCTV System shall allow the CCTV System Maintainer to control cameras. | | The CCTV System Maintainer needs access to the CCTV System to control video distribution. | The CCTV System shall allow the CCTV System Maintainer to route input video to designated video outputs. (Outputs are displays or external channels.) | | The CCTV System Maintainer needs access to the CCTV System to run system diagnostics and testing. | The CCTV System shall allow the CCTV System Maintainer to run system diagnostics and testing. | | The CCTV System Maintainer needs access to the CCTV System to repair it. | The CCTV System shall allow the CCTV System Maintainer access for repairs. |
4.1.4 | The External System needs access to the CCTV System as configured by the CCTV System Manager. | Note: Satisfied by sub-requirements | | The External System needs access to the CCTV System to receive distributed video. | The CCTV System shall allow an External System to receive distributed video. | | The External System needs access to the CCTV System to select cameras. | The CCTV System shall allow an External System to select cameras. | | The External System needs access to the CCTV System to control cameras. | The CCTV System shall allow an External System to control cameras. | | The External System needs access to the CCTV System to control video distribution. | The CCTV System shall allow an External System to route input video to designated video outputs. (Outputs are displays or external channels.) |
4.2 | Configure CCTV System (Choose the user needs in this group if you chose the Configure CCTV System use case in Chapter Three) | ![]() |
4.2.1 | The CCTV System Manager needs to configure user access to the CCTV system. | Note: Satisfied by sub-requirement | | The CCTV System Manager needs to configure user permissions for configuration. | The CCTV System shall allow the CCTV System User to configure which users have permission to configure the CCTV System. | | The CCTV System Manager needs to configure user permissions for video viewing. | The CCTV System shall allow the CCTV System User to configure which users have permission to view video. | | The CCTV System Manager needs to configure user permissions for camera selection. | The CCTV System shall allow the CCTV System User to configure which users have permission to select a specified camera. | | The CCTV System Manager needs to configure user permissions for camera control. | The CCTV System shall allow the CCTV System User to configure which users have permission to control a specified camera. |
4.2.2 | The CCTV System Manager needs to accommodate [specify] users with access to the CCTV System. [This may be further defined by type of user and their bandwidth consumption.] | The CCTV System shall accommodate [specify number of users] users accessing the CCTV System based on configuration parameters by the CCTV System User. [This requirement can be supplemented to define parameters such as types of users and corresponding bandwidth usage.] |
4.2.3 | The CCTV System Manager needs to configure the system to arbitrate competing requests for access, including providing automatic timeouts, transfer of access, and other camera control user access issues. [Describe the desired operation, and choose the requirements relevant to the desired operation. Options: Camera ownership, last user control, first-come-first-served, etc.] | The CCTV System shall arbitrate competing requests for CCTV System resources based on configuration parameters by the CCTV System User. |
4.2.4 | The CCTV System Manager needs to configure the performance of external video streams based on the capabilities and limitations of the system and communications. | The CCTV System shall accept parameters for controlling the video performance of video streams supplied to external systems. (This control may be provided in the communications or digital video standard being supported.) [Specify the performance requirements for the external video streams] |
4.3 | Check for Camera in Coverage Area (Choose the user needs in this group if you chose the Check for Camera in Coverage Area use case in Chapter Three) | ![]() |
4.3.1 | The CCTV System User needs to identify cameras with a view of a location of interest. | The CCTV System shall identify to the CCTV System User the closest camera(s) based on the location specified by the user. |
4.4 | CCTV Monitoring (Choose the user needs in this group if you chose the CCTV Monitoring use case in Chapter Three) | ![]() |
4.4.1 | The CCTV System User needs to select camera feeds to display on video monitors. | The CCTV System shall allow the CCTV System User to view CCTV cameras available for viewing. |
4.4.2 | The CCTV System User needs to control the camera being viewed | The CCTV System shall allow a CCTV System User to control the camera being viewed. (If so configured by the CCTV System Manager). |
4.4.3 | The CCTV System User needs to request control of a camera. | The CCTV System shall allow the CCTV System User to view CCTV cameras available to be controlled. |
4.4.4 | The CCTV System User needs to reassign control of a camera to different user. | The CCTV System shall allow a CCTV System User to reassign control of a camera to another user. |
4.4.5 | The CCTV System User needs to configure [specify number] camera presets (PTZ settings). | The CCTV System shall allow the CCTV System User to configure individual camera presets [specify PTZ settings]. | | The CCTV System User needs to return the camera to a preset location repeatedly and accurately [define accurate-this will be a much stiffer standard for cameras that are used for detection, versus cameras used just for viewing. This need should describe both to support their separate requirements. For detection, the camera must reset so that the detection zone remains in the correct lane and location, probably with an accuracy in the viewed field of +/- 1 feet. For viewing, the reset field of view needs to be recognizably the correct location at full zoom.]. | The CCTV System shall allow a CCTV System User to return a camera to a preset location with specified accuracy. [Specify the accuracy requirements.] | | The CCTV System User needs to program cameras to tour their coverage area. | The CCTV System shall allow a CCTV System User to direct a camera to tour its defined presets. |
4.5 | Provide CCTV System Video (Choose the user needs in this group if you chose the Provide CCTV System Video use case in Chapter Three) | ![]() |
4.5.1 | The CCTV System User needs to create low bandwidth copies of CCTV video feeds and make them available to the general public via internet sites. | The CCTV System shall allow a CCTV System Manager to create low bandwidth [specify attributes] copies of video feeds. |
4.5.2 | The CCTV System User needs to create low bandwidth copies of CCTV video feeds and make them available to the media and Information Service Providers through a media feed. | The CCTV System shall make available the low bandwidth video feeds to an external interface. [Specify interface requirements. This requirement may need to be repeated for each of multiple external interfaces.] |
4.5.3 | The CCTV System User needs to disable any or all public video feeds at will, such as during emergencies, security events or other events of a sensitive nature. | The CCTV System shall allow the CCTV System User to disable immediately any individual external video feed. |
4.5.4 | The CCTV System User needs to be able to share video streams/images with regional stakeholders (e.g., state and local DOTs, police and fire). | The CCTV System shall allow a CCTV System Manager to create low bandwidth [specify attributes] copies of video feeds. |
4.5.5 | The CCTV System User needs to be able to share video streams/images with other stakeholders. | The CCTV System shall make available the low bandwidth video feeds to an external interface. [Specify interface requirements. This requirement may need to be repeated for each of multiple external interfaces.] |
4.5.6 | The CCTV System User needs to be able to share video streams/images through a regional video clearinghouse. | The CCTV System shall make available the low bandwidth video feeds to an external interface. [Specify interface requirements. This requirement may need to be repeated for each of multiple external interfaces.] |
4.5.7 | The CCTV System User needs to provide real-time video feeds to the traveler information system. | The CCTV System shall make available the low bandwidth video feeds to an external interface. [Specify interface requirements. This requirement may need to be repeated for each of multiple external interfaces.] |
4.5.8 | The CCTV System User needs to provide real-time incident information to the public/media for major arterials. | The CCTV System shall make available the low bandwidth video feeds to an external interface. [Specify interface requirements. This requirement may need to be repeated for each of multiple external interfaces.] |
4.5.9 | The CCTV System User needs to configure the CCTV system for individual users of external system to which the video will be directed. | The CCTV System shall be configured by the CCTV System User to provide direct video to individual users of an External System. |
4.5.10 | The CCTV System User needs to configure the maximum number of video feeds that can be simultaneously displayed by any one user. | The CCTV System shall be configured by the CCTV System Manager to set the maximum number of simultaneous video feeds directed to a single user. |
4.5.11 | The CCTV System User needs to direct video from non-camera sources to video monitors managed by the system. | The CCTV System shall allow the CCTV System User to direct video from non-camera sources to the video displays. | | The CCTV System User needs to direct broadcast television programming to video displays managed by the system. | The CCTV System shall allow the CCTV System User to direct broadcast television programming to the CCTV System video displays. | | The CCTV System User needs to direct externally supplied video streams to video displays managed by the system. | The CCTV System shall allow the CCTV System User to direct externally supplied video streams to the CCTV System video displays. | | The CCTV System User needs to display external base-band video. (Base-band video is an analog video signal.) | The CCTV System shall allow the CCTV System User to direct externally supplied base-band video signals to the CCTV System video displays. |
4.6 | Verify Non-CCTV Field Device Status using CCTV (Choose the user needs in this group if you chose the Verify Non-CCTV Field Device Status use case in Chapter Three) | Verification of Field Device Status |
4.6.1 | The CCTV System User needs to select displayed camera feeds of field devices to display on video monitors. | The CCTV System shall allow the CCTV System User to select a CCTV camera feed assigned to a field device to be displayed on specified video monitors. |
4.6.2 | The CCTV System User needs to verify transportation asset operation using CCTV. | The CCTV System shall allow the CCTV System User to select a CCTV camera feed verifying transportation asset operation to be displayed on specified video monitors. | | The CCTV System User needs to verify DMS status and message display. | The CCTV System shall allow the CCTV System User to select a CCTV camera feed verifying transportation asset operation to be displayed on specified video monitors. | | The CCTV System User needs to verify roadway gates (e.g., HOV, HOT, Hurricane evacuation). | The CCTV System shall allow the CCTV System User to select a CCTV camera feed verifying transportation asset operation to be displayed on specified video monitors. | | The CCTV System User needs to verify ramp meter operation. | The CCTV System shall allow the CCTV System User to select a CCTV camera feed verifying transportation asset operation to be displayed on specified video monitors. | | The CCTV System User needs to verify traffic signal operation. | The CCTV System shall allow the CCTV System User to select a CCTV camera feed verifying transportation asset operation to be displayed on specified video monitors. | | The CCTV System User needs to verify toll plazas operation. | The CCTV System shall allow the CCTV System User to select a CCTV camera feed verifying transportation asset operation to be displayed on specified video monitors. | | The CCTV System User needs to verify lane control signal operation. | The CCTV System shall allow the CCTV System User to select a CCTV camera feed verifying transportation asset operation to be displayed on specified video monitors. | | The CCTV System User needs to verify variable speed limit sign operation. | The CCTV System shall allow the CCTV System User to select a CCTV camera feed verifying transportation asset operation to be displayed on specified video monitors. | | The CCTV System User needs to verify operation of other general devices [specify others]. | The CCTV System shall allow the CCTV System User to select a CCTV camera feed verifying transportation asset operation to be displayed on specified video monitors. |
4.7 | Relinquish CCTV Monitoring (Choose the user needs in this group if you chose the Relinquish CCTV Monitoring use case in Chapter Three) | Relinquish Camera Control |
4.7.1 | The CCTV System User needs to relinquish monitoring via the CCTV System. | The CCTV System shall allow the CCTV System User to relinquish control of the CCTV cameras. | | The CCTV System User will need to manually relinquish control of a camera to make it available for other users. | The CCTV System shall relinquish control upon CCTV System User command. | | The CCTV System User needs to relinquish control automatically after a period of non-use, which the user needs to configure. | The CCTV System shall allow the CCTV System User to configure a period of non-use after which the system will automatically relinquish control of a camera to make it available to other users. |
4.8 | CCTV Automatic Detection (Choose the user needs in this group if you chose the CCTV Automatic Detection use case in Chapter Three) [Model document users must expand on further details, and related requirements.] | 3.1.5 CCTV Automatic Detection |
4.8.1 | The CCTV System User needs to provide automatic identification and notification of incidents on mainline lanes. Incidents include disabled vehicles, crashes, unplanned work zones, and other unplanned events that require viewing. | The CCTV System shall automatically detect incidents on mainline lanes. Incident identification includes disabled vehicles, crashes, unplanned work zones and other unplanned events requiring viewing. |
4.8.2 | The CCTV System User needs to provide automatic identification and notification of incidents on ramps. Incidents include disabled vehicles, crashes, unplanned work zones, and other unplanned events that require viewing. | The CCTV System shall automatically detect incidents on ramps. Incident identification includes disabled vehicles, crashes, unplanned work zones and other unplanned events requiring viewing. |
4.8.3 | The CCTV System User needs to provide automatic identification and notification of incidents on shoulders. Incidents include disabled vehicles, crashes, unplanned work zones, and other unplanned events that require viewing. | The CCTV System shall automatically detect incidents on shoulders. Incident identification includes disabled vehicles, crashes, unplanned work zones and other unplanned events requiring viewing. |
4.8.4 | The CCTV System User needs automatic identification and notification of wrong-way vehicles. | The CCTV System shall automatically detect wrong way vehicles. |
4.8.5 | The CCTV System User needs the camera with a field of view that includes the detected incident to be automatically positioned for viewing the incident. | The CCTV System shall automatically position the field of view camera to the detected incident for viewing. |
4.9 | Remote Control of a CCTV Device (Choose the user needs in this group if you chose the Remote Control of a CCTV Device use case in Chapter Three) | Remote Control |
4.9.1 | The External System needs to request a change to the parameters of a CCTV device, such as camera position, operated by another center in order to view an event, see real-time traffic conditions, or verify an incident. | The CCTV System shall allow an External System to request a change in the parameters of a CCTV camera. |
4.9.2 | The External System needs to monitor cameras from external locations. | The CCTV System shall allow an External System to monitor cameras. |
4.9.3 | The External System needs to control cameras from external locations. | The CCTV System shall allow an External System to control cameras. |
4.9.4 | The CCTV System User needs to manually suspend an external video feed in real time for any reason. | The CCTV System shall allow the CCTV System User to disable immediately any individual external video feed. |
4.10 | CCTV System Logging (Choose the user needs in this group if you chose the Logging CCTV System Data use case in Chapter Three) | System Logging |
4.10.1 | The CCTV System Maintainer needs to access and review the CCTV System log(s). | The CCTV System shall allow the CCTV System Maintainer to access and review the CCTV System log(s). |
4.10.2 | The CCTV System Maintainer needs to specify what CCTV System events are logged. | The CCTV System shall allow the CCTV System Maintainer to specify what CCTV System events [specify, events may be alarms, user actions, or diagnostic] are logged. |
4.10.3 | The CCTV System Maintainer needs to specify the log size and/or duration for the CCTV System. | The CCTV System shall allow the CCTV System Maintainer to specify the size of the CCTV System log(s). |
4.10.4 | The CCTV System Maintainer needs to access and review a history (log) of the following diagnostic information [specify] and alarms [specify] for a period of [specify] days. | The CCTV System shall allow the CCTV System Maintainer to configure diagnostic reports of logged information for a period of [specify] days. [Specify pre-configured reports that may be needed by the maintainer.] |
4.11 | Recorded Video (Choose the user needs in this group if you chose the Recorded Video use case in Chapter Three) | Recorded Video |
4.11.1 | The CCTV System User needs to record video for later use. | The CCTV System shall allow the CCTV System User to record video for later use. |
4.11.2 | The CCTV System User needs to initiate recording of a particular camera's video feed. | The CCTV System shall allow the CCTV System User to initiate recording of a particular camera's video feed. | | The CCTV System User needs to schedule and set the start and duration of the video recording. | The CCTV System shall allow the CCTV System User to schedule and set the start and duration of the video recording. | | The CCTV System User may initiate the recording based on a configured time-of-day schedule. | The CCTV System shall allow the CCTV System User to initiate the recording based on a time of day schedule. | | The CCTV System User may initiate the recording based on the presence of a defined condition [user must define these trigger conditions, which may include such events as detected incidents]. | The CCTV System shall allow the CCTV System User to define a trigger condition at which the CCTV System will commence recording. [Specify the trigger condition(s)]. |
4.11.3 | The CCTV System User needs to initiate playback of a particular camera's recorded video feed. | The CCTV System shall allow the CCTV System User to play back a particular camera's recorded video feed. |
4.11.4 | The CCTV System User needs to be able to distribute a particular camera's recorded video feed. | The CCTV System shall allow the CCTV System User to route a particular camera's recorded video feed to any available video destination controlled by the system. |
4.11.5 | The CCTV System User needs to delete recordings of a particular camera's recorded video feed. | The CCTV System shall allow the CCTV System User to delete recordings of a particular camera's video feed. |
4.11.6 | The CCTV System User needs a log of all video recordings. [to include location, camera, timestamp, duration, and whatever else the user specifies] | The CCTV System shall allow the CCTV System User to log all video recordings [specify location, camera, timestamp, duration, anything else]. |
4.11.7 | The CCTV System User needs to apply retention rules [must be defined by the user] to recorded video. | The CCTV System shall allow the CCTV System User to apply retention rules to the recorded video. [Specify the retention rules, or reference the appropriate retention policy document.] |
4.11.8 | The CCTV System User needs to automatically delete videos in accordance with retention rules. | The CCTV System shall automatically delete videos in accordance with the retention rules specified by the CCTV System User. |
4.11.9 | The CCTV System User needs to mark recordings for permanent storage. | The CCTV System shall allow the CCTV System User to mark video recordings for permanent storage. |
4.11.10 | The CCTV System User needs to store the video efficiently. [Describe the preferred standard compression algorithm.] | The CCTV System shall store the video recordings according to a specified compression algorithm. [Specify preferred standard compression algorithm(s)]. |
4.12 | CCTV Camera Characteristics (Choose the user needs in this group if you chose the CCTV Camera Siting use case in Chapter Three) | 3.1.7 CCTV Camera Characteristics |
4.12.1 | The CCTV System User needs to view images in reduced visibility conditions. | The CCTV System shall allow the CCTV System User to view images in reduced visibility conditions. [The CCTV System Designer will be expected to design features of cameras that fulfill these requirements, including heaters, wipers, infrared sensitivity, lighting, etc.] | | The CCTV System User needs to view images at night. | The CCTV System shall allow the CCTV System User to view images at night. | | The CCTV System User needs to view images in fog. | The CCTV System shall allow the CCTV System User to view images in fog. | | The CCTV System User needs to view images in rain. | The CCTV System shall allow the CCTV System User to view images in rain. | | The CCTV System User needs to view images in snow conditions. | The CCTV System shall allow the CCTV System User to view images in snow conditions. | | The CCTV System User needs to view images in other reduced visibility conditions [specify]. | The CCTV System shall allow the CCTV System User to view images in other reduced visibility conditions [specify conditions]. |
4.12.2 | The CCTV System User needs to view steady, clear images. [Leads to requirements for bandwidth, latency, image reliability, pole stiffness, camera imaging standard, vibration reduction/image stabilization, digital zooming, etc.] | The CCTV System shall allow the CCTV System User to view clear, steady images. |
4.12.3 | The CCTV System User needs to program cameras to return to preset angle, zoom and focus [at the needed specified accuracy] when not under active CCTV System User control. | The CCTV System shall allow a CCTV System User to return a camera to a preset location with specified accuracy. [Specify the accuracy requirements.] |
4.12.4 | The CCTV System User needs to store the following information in the CCTV System:
| The CCTV System shall allow the CCTV System User to store information about each CCTV camera. |
4.13 | CCTV Camera Siting and Viewing (Choose the user needs in this group if you chose the CCTV Camera Siting use case in Chapter Three) | 3.1.8 CCTV Camera Siting and Viewing |
4.13.1 | The CCTV System User needs to monitor segments of the transportation environment requiring multiple CCTV cameras. | The CCTV System Designer shall locate CCTV cameras to provide [specify] coverage of segments of the transportation environment. | | The CCTV System User needs to view contiguous segments of roadway [This need should be addressed by the agency in preparing the plans, not necessarily as a requirement on the CCTV system vendor. Need to reconcile.]. | The CCTV System Designer shall locate multiple CCTV cameras that view contiguous segments of roadway. [Specify roadway segments.] | | The CCTV System User needs CCTV cameras with overlapping coverage to prevent coverage gap due to a single camera failure. [This need should be addressed by the agency in preparing the plans, not necessarily as a requirement on the CCTV system vendor. Need to reconcile. Leave a place for the agency to specify, with instructions for tailoring the related requirements.] | The CCTV System Designer shall locate multiple CCTV cameras with overlapping CCTV camera coverage to prevent camera gaps resulting from a single camera failure. [Specify extent of required coverage area.] | | The CCTV System User needs to place cameras in specific locations. [Depending on whether we support just vendor requirements or also consultant design requirements, this need may replace all the others in this group]. | The CCTV System Designer shall determine CCTV camera placement based on other user requirements. [Specify other requirements.] | | The CCTV System User needs to monitor regular lanes. | The CCTV System Designer shall determine CCTV camera placement to allow the CCTV System User to monitor regular lanes. | | The CCTV System User needs to monitor express lanes. | The CCTV System Designer shall determine CCTV camera placement to monitor express lanes. | | The CCTV System User needs to monitor reversible lanes. | The CCTV System Designer shall determine CCTV camera placement to monitor reversible lanes. | | The CCTV System User needs to monitor shoulders and/or shoulder running lanes. | The CCTV System Designer shall determine CCTV camera placement to monitor shoulders and/or shoulder running lanes. | | The CCTV System User needs to monitor freeways and arterials with [specify] allowable gaps. | The CCTV System Designer shall determine CCTV camera placement to monitor freeways and arterials with [specify] allowable gaps. | | The CCTV System User needs camera coverage of all lanes in both directions. | The CCTV System Designer shall determine CCTV camera placement for camera coverage of all lanes in both directions. | | The CCTV System User needs to monitor the condition of alternate routes during an incident. | The CCTV System Designer shall determine CCTV camera placement to monitor alternate route conditions during an incident. | | The CCTV System User needs to monitor an interchange. | The CCTV System Designer shall determine CCTV camera placement to monitor an interchange. | | The CCTV System User needs to monitor toll facilities. | The CCTV System Designer shall determine CCTV camera placement to monitor toll facilities. | | The CCTV System User needs to monitor interchange merge areas. | The CCTV System Designer shall determine CCTV camera placement to monitor interchange merge areas. | | The CCTV System User needs to monitor interchange diverge areas. | The CCTV System Designer shall determine CCTV camera placement to monitor interchange diverge areas. | | The CCTV System User needs to monitor interchange weave areas. | The CCTV System Designer shall determine CCTV camera placement to monitor interchange weave areas. | | The CCTV System User needs to monitor events. | The CCTV System Designer shall determine CCTV camera placement to monitor events. | | The CCTV System User needs to visually verify events. | The CCTV System Designer shall determine CCTV camera placement to visually verify events. | | The CCTV System User needs to monitor for incidents. | The CCTV System Designer shall determine CCTV camera placement to monitor for incidents. | | The CCTV System User needs to visually verify incidents. | The CCTV System Designer shall determine CCTV camera placement to visually verify incidents. | | The CCTV System User needs to monitor bridges, including drawbridges. | The CCTV System Designer shall determine CCTV camera placement to monitor bridges, including drawbridges. | | The CCTV System User needs to monitor tunnels. | The CCTV System Designer shall determine CCTV camera placement to monitor tunnels. | | The CCTV System User needs to monitor for stalled vehicles in HOV lanes. | The CCTV System Designer shall determine CCTV camera placement to monitor for stalled vehicles in HOV lanes. | | The CCTV System User needs to tour HOV lane cameras and determine lane clearance. | The CCTV System Designer shall determine CCTV camera placement to tour HOV lane CCTV cameras and determine lane clearance. | | The CCTV System User needs to monitor HOT lane entry and exit points. | The CCTV System Designer shall determine CCTV camera placement to monitor HOT lane entry and exit points. | | The CCTV System User needs to monitor managed lanes. | The CCTV System Designer shall determine CCTV camera placement to monitor managed lanes. | | The CCTV System User needs to monitor part-time shoulder use. | The CCTV System Designer shall determine CCTV camera placement to monitor part-time shoulder use. | | The CCTV System User needs to monitor planned events. | The CCTV System Designer shall determine CCTV camera placement to monitor planned events. | | The CCTV System User needs to monitor planned lane or interchange closures or diversions, including long-term construction, parades and festivals. | The CCTV System Designer shall determine CCTV camera placement to monitor planned lane or interchange closures or diversions, including long-term construction, parades and festivals. | | The CCTV System User needs to detect and monitor traffic conditions due to unplanned events such as early school closures. | The CCTV System Designer shall determine CCTV camera placement to detect and monitor traffic conditions due to unplanned events such as early school closures. | | The CCTV System User needs to observe and note overall traffic conditions on the arterial network. | The CCTV System Designer shall determine CCTV camera placement to observe and note overall traffic conditions on the arterial network. | | The CCTV System User needs to observe the effectiveness of arterial signal timing. That effectiveness includes queuing, intersection blockage, traffic signal faults and excessive delays. | The CCTV System Designer shall determine CCTV camera placement to observe the effectiveness [specify queuing, intersection blockage, traffic signal faults and excessive delays, etc.] of arterial signal timing. | | The CCTV System User needs to observe and monitor key "high accident" locations. | The CCTV System Designer shall determine CCTV camera placement to observe and monitor key 'high accident' locations. |
4.13.2 | The CCTV System Designer needs to have camera siting take into account maintenance needs. [specify] | The CCTV System designer shall site the camera to accommodate maintenance activities. [Specify activities.] |
4.13.3 | Special Operational Viewing Needs | Special Operational Viewing Requirements | | The CCTV System User needs to read hazmat placards. | The CCTV System shall allow the CCTV System User to read HAZMAT placards. | | The CCTV System User needs to read license plates. | The CCTV System shall allow the CCTV System User to read license plates. | | The CCTV System User needs to determine incident severity. | The CCTV System shall allow the CCTV System User to determine incident severity. | | The CCTV System User needs to identify individuals. | The CCTV System shall allow the CCTV System User to identify individuals. |
4.13.4 | The CCTV System User needs to view a minimum of [specify] video feeds at any one time. | The CCTV System shall allow the CCTV System User to view a minimum [specify number] of video feeds simultaneously. |
4.13.5 | The CCTV System User needs to manage a minimum of [specify] cameras. | The CCTV System shall allow the CCTV System User to manage a minimum [specify number] of cameras. |
4.14 | CCTV System Maintenance (Choose the user needs in this group if you chose the CCTV System Maintenance use case in Chapter Three) | 3.1.9 CCTV System Maintenance |
4.14.1 | The CCTV System Maintainer needs to maintain CCTV System operations. | The CCTV System shall allow the CCTV System Maintainer to maintain CCTV System operations. | | The CCTV System User needs durable equipment. [Add descriptions of what this means] | The CCTV System shall provide the CCTV System User with durable equipment [specify description of what durable equipment means]. | | The CCTV System User needs equipment designed for environmental conditions. Specify what this entails. [Description needs to include conditions under which the equipment will be operated. Does it need to withstand rain? Inundation? High-pressure hose-down? High wind? High (or low) temperatures? IPC67? IEC 60529? NEMA (Type R, Type X, etc.)? Ground cabinets versus cameras.] | The CCTV System Designer shall provide field equipment that complies with environmental standards. | | The CCTV System User needs to monitor cameras from multiple locations. | The CCTV System shall allow the CCTV System Users to monitor cameras from multiple locations. | | The CCTV System Maintainer needs serviceable field equipment. | The CCTV System shall provide the CCTV System Maintainer with serviceable field equipment. | | The CCTV System Maintainer needs to have access to replacement parts for the life of the system [specified period of time]. | The CCTV System shall have replacement parts [specify type and quantity] available through the CCTV System Owner to provide to the CCTV System Maintainer for the life of the system [specified period of time]. | | The CCTV System Maintainer needs to remotely test devices via IP protocol. | The CCTV System shall allow the CCTV System Maintainer to remotely test devices [specify] via IP protocol. | | The CCTV System Maintainer needs diagnostic information that the camera collects about itself at the direction of the Maintainer. | The CCTV System shall allow the CCTV System Maintainer to access CCTV camera current diagnostic information. | | The CCTV System Maintainer needs the following failure conditions to trigger alarms visible to the CCTV System User. Failure conditions may include failure of zoom, focus, aperture control, or temperatures outside of environmental limits. | The CCTV System shall allow the CCTV System Maintainer to setup the following [specify, such as loss of communication, failure to zoom, focus, aperture control or temperatures outside the environmental limits] failure conditions to trigger alarms visible to the CCTV System User. |
4.14.2 | The CCTV devices in a CCTV System need to be uniquely identifiable and locatable. | The CCTV System shall allow the CCTV System User to store the unique identifier of the CCTV camera. |
4.14.3 | The CCTV System Maintainer needs to have safe access to CCTV locations for maintenance. | The CCTV System camera siting shall accommodate parking a maintenance vehicle off the highway. |
4.14.4 | The CCTV System Maintainer needs to update camera and PTZ controller firmware remotely. | The CCTV System Provider shall provide the CCTV System Maintainer with remote updates of camera and PTZ controller firmware. |
4.14.5 | The CCTV System Maintainer needs to update CCTV system software remotely. | The CCTV System Provider shall provide the CCTV System Maintainer with remote updates of CCTV System software. |
4.15 | Interfaces (Choose the user needs in this group if you chose the Interfacing with External Systems use case in Chapter Three) | 3.1.10 Constraints/External Interfaces |
4.15.1 | The CCTV System User needs to interface with cameras from different manufacturers within the same system, while satisfying all the user needs. [specify what cameras are being used] | The CCTV System shall allow the CCTV System User to interface with cameras from different manufacturers within the same system, meeting the same user needs. [Specify the different products to be supported by this requirement.] |
4.15.2 | The CCTV System Maintainer needs to replace cameras with cameras from different manufacturers. | The CCTV System shall support cameras from different manufacturers. [Specify manufacturers and products.] |
4.15.3 | The CCTV System Designer needs to adopt ONVIF IP-based camera interface standards, which may require coexisting with NTCIP-based interfaces on the same IP network [specify]. | The CCTV System shall support ONVIF IP-based camera interface standards [specify]. |
4.15.4 | The CCTV System Designer needs to integrate new cameras with an existing CCTV System [specify existing system interface]. | The CCTV System shall allow the CCTV System Maintainer to integrate new cameras with an existing CCTV System [specify existing system interface and standards]. |
4.15.5 | The CCTV System Designer needs to integrate a new CCTV System with existing cameras, which may include analog video feeds from an existing analog CCTV System. [Specify existing camera interfaces]. | The CCTV System shall allow the CCTV System Maintainer to integrate with existing cameras. Existing cameras may include analog video feeds from an existing analog CCTV System [specify existing camera interfaces]. |
4.15.6 | The CCTV System Designer needs to accommodate existing communications interfaces [specify]. | The CCTV System shall accommodate existing communications interfaces [specify]. |
4.15.7 | The CCTV System Designer needs to follow agency IT policies. [specify] | The CCTV System shall accommodate agency IT policies [specify]. |
4.15.8 | The CCTV System User needs to interface with an external system to identify incident locations and direct a camera with appropriate coverage area to the incident. | The CCTV System shall allow the CCTV System User to interface with an external system to identify incident locations and direct a camera with appropriate coverage area to the incident. |
4.15.9 | The CCTV System User needs to interface with external CCTV Systems to direct the display of video from the other system, to control the cameras on the other system, or to configure the other system. | The CCTV System shall allow the CCTV System User to interface with an external CCTV System to direct the display of video from the other system. |
4.15.10 | The CCTV System User needs to interface with external CCTV Systems to allow the other system to direct the display of video, to control the cameras, or to configure the user's CCTV system. | The CCTV System shall allow external CCTV Systems to route video within the CCTV System. |
4.15.11 | The CCTV System User needs to interface with existing NTCIP system components [specify], such as for automatic camera selection or control, or automatic video feed display assignment. The NTCIP components may have to coexist with ONVIF-based interfaces. | The CCTV System shall interface with NTCIP system components [specify], such as automatic camera selection or control, or automatic video feed display assignment. (The NTCIP components may have to coexist with ONVIF-based interfaces.) |
4.16 | CCTV System Performance | 3.1.11 CCTV System Performance |
4.16.1 | The CCTV System Owner needs to accommodate [specify] users at any one time. (This may be defined by bandwidth consumption per user.) | The CCTV System shall accommodate [specify, this may be defined by bandwidth consumption per user] users at any one time. |
ConOps Reference Number | ConOps Sample Statements |
5 | Chapter 5: Envisioned CCTV System Overview |
5.1 | Operational Objectives |
5.1.1 | An objective of the agency is to use the CCTV System to monitor traffic conditions in order to better manage the transportation network. |
5.1.2 | An objective of the agency is to use the CCTV System to provide users with visibility of the environmental conditions affecting the transportation network in order to better manage the transportation network. |
5.1.3 | An objective of the agency will be to verify non-CCTV field device status using the CCTV System. |
5.1.4 | An objective of the agency is to have the CCTV System automatically detect adverse traffic conditions and notify the users. |
5.1.5 | An objective of the agency is to allow External Systems to remotely monitor and control CCTV System cameras. |
5.1.6 | An objective of the agency is to provide CCTV System recording features of the camera video feeds for user playback. |
5.2 | Operational Policies and Constraints |
5.2.1 | The operation of the CCTV System will enforce user access control based on the user's role and permissions as specified by the CCTV operational policy. |
5.2.2 | External Systems will be given lower priority for camera monitoring and control when there is a conflict with the CCTV System users. |
5.2.3 | The CCTV System will have a limitation of [specify number] of system users at a given time. |
5.2.4 | The CCTV System will have a limitation of [specify number] of video monitors on the video wall. |
5.2.5 | The CCTV System users (and by extension the External System users/operators) will follow the CCTV System policy guidelines for appropriate display of video feeds/snapshots to the public. |
5.3 | Description of the Proposed System |
5.3.1 | User/Operator Access | | Users/Operators and maintenance staff will be assigned different levels of authority, and access to equipment for which they are authorized, based on their roles and responsibilities. This will allow them to control, view, monitor, analyze and maintain the operation of the CCTV System as appropriate. | | The CCTV System will be connected to the agency's LAN/WAN, allowing access to all authorized users. | | The CCTV System will allow access by authorized users outside the agency via a firewall. |
5.3.2 | Operational Environment | | The CCTV System will be housed in a facility with suitable environmental characteristics based on the requirements of the procured CCTV System equipment. | | The CCTV System cameras will meet the environmental condition requirements of the region where they are deployed. | | The CCTV System facility will provide physical access control. | | The CCTV System facility will provide access to communication system(s) from the CCTV System to the CCTV cameras. | | The CCTV System facility will provide access to communication system(s) from the CCTV System to other External Systems. |
5.3.3 | Major CCTV System Components | | The CCTV System will include CCTV System software running on one or more computer servers. | | The CCTV System will include one or more user workstations containing [specify number] of user workstation displays. | | The CCTV System will include a video wall containing multiple monitors. | | The CCTV System will include a LAN connecting the CCTV System server(s), workstation(s) and video wall. |
5.3.4 | External System Interfaces | | The CCTV System will communicate with External Systems over the following communications systems [specify]. | | The CCTV System will communicate with External Systems following standardized communication protocols [specify]. |
5.3.5 | Estimated Cost of CCTV System Operation | | The estimated annual cost of CCTV System operations is [specify]. |
5.3.6 | Operational Risk Factors | | A CCTV System operational risk factor includes providing inappropriate, as defined in the CCTV System policy guidelines, video feeds or snapshots to the public. | | A CCTV System operational risk factor includes malicious usage of the CCTV System by authorized and unauthorized users. | | A CCTV System operational risk factor includes the loss of electrical power. | | A CCTV System operational risk factor includes the loss of communications. |
5.3.7 | Performance Characteristics | | The CCTV System will provide the CCTV System user with camera monitoring response throughput times of [specify]. | | The CCTV System will provide the CCTV System user with camera control capabilities without noticeable lag between camera commands and camera video response. | | The CCTV System will support [specify number] simultaneous displayed camera feeds. | | The CCTV System will support [specify number] simultaneous users. |
6 | Chapter 6: CCTV System Operational Environment |
6-01 | The system will be operated and monitored from the [specify agency] [specify overall system name such as TMC]. |
6-02 | The system will be operated and monitored from workstations located [specify who will have workstations and where they will be located]. |
6-03 | The central server equipment will be housed at [specify location] in an [air-conditioned or non-air-conditioned] environment. |
6-04 | The [in-house operators and/or on-call contract staff] will handle complaints or requests for changes in operation on an as-needed basis. |
6-05 | Maintenance of all field equipment will be performed by [in-house and/or contract] staff |
6-06 | Maintenance of the following field equipment will be performed by [in-house and/or contract] staff. [specify what equipment will be maintained by whom] |
6-07 | Funding for maintenance of the CCTV System will come from [specify funding program or source]. An increase of [specify $] per year will be required to accommodate the additional equipment installed for the CCTV System. |
6-08 | Additional communications equipment and annual fees will be incurred with the CCTV System. This will amount to approximately [specify $] per year, and will be covered by the [specify program or budget allocation details]. |
6-09 | Replacement or repair of defective or failed equipment will be covered for [specify years] by the manufacturers' warranties. The labor cost of replacement during this period will be included in the purchase price. |
6-10 | The agency expects maintenance of parts and equipment for a period of [specify years] will be included in the purchase price. |
6-11 | The agency expects maintenance of all CCTV system management software for a period of [specify years] will be included in the purchase price. |
6-12 | The agency expects to operate this system using the latest software for a period of [specify years]. |
6-13 | The agency will seek technical support from the vendor for assistance in using the CCTV system management software for [specify years]. |
6-14 | Operations and maintenance staff will have the ability to log in to the system from remote locations via the internet, and have full functionality consistent with their access level. |
6-15 | Include any additional needs for support or information from the vendor that will be needed by your agency, and that will become requirements in the contract or purchase documents. |
6.1 | ![]() |
6.1-1 | The central server will be a standard platform maintained by the [specify agency department] and able to be replaced independently from the software. |
6.1-2 | The agency selection of CCTV cameras will not be constrained by the CCTV System software. |
7 | Chapter 7: CCTV System Support Environment |
7.1 | Institutions and Stakeholders |
7.1-1 | Existing stakeholders of the CCTV System include: [list all stakeholders, such as:
7.1-2 | The stakeholders who will be affected by or have a direct interest in the CCTV System are: [list existing and include new stakeholders]. |
7.1-3 | The activities that will be undertaken by the CCTV System stakeholders include: system operation, system monitoring and adjustment, system performance monitoring and evaluation. |
7.1-4 | The organizational structures of the units responsible for installation, operation and maintenance are illustrated in the attached organization chart. The roles, responsibilities and required qualifications and experience are described below. [Describe as appropriate] |
7.2 | Facilities |
7.2-1 | Describe the current and/or proposed [TMC or CCTV System Center]. |
7.2-2 | Will there be a satellite and/or backup [TMC or CCTV System Center]? |
7.2-3 | Describe the locations elsewhere within the agency, such as on a LAN or WAN, from which access to the system will be required? |
7.2-4 | Is air-conditioning required? |
7.2-5 | Describe the location where a separate server will be located. (e.g., IT server room, TMC back room, remote hub) |
7.2-6 | Describe who is responsible for providing and maintaining staff facilities (e.g., personnel, public works, building services, etc.?) |
7.2-7 | Describe who is responsible for fire control facilities (e.g., part of operating group's responsibility, or the responsibility of another group, such as building services?) |
7.2-8 | Describe who is responsible for secure access to the TMC, workshop, or office with CCTV system workstations? (e.g., Is it the responsibility of the operating group or another group, such as building services?) |
7.3 | System Architecture Constraints |
7.3-1 | The CCTV System processor/server will be protected within the agency's firewalls. The IT Department will provide resources, equipment and system management so that users/operators will have appropriate access to the system locally, from within the agency's LAN and from remote locations. |
7.3-2 | The communications media available for use by the system will be: [List Available Media, Provide a map or block diagram as appropriate. Show locations of any gaps, bandwidth and latency constraints, protocols and available alternatives.] |
7.3-3 | The [specify which State or Region] [Statewide or Regional] ITS Architecture provides the context for the CCTV System project. The CCTV System project fits within the ITS Architecture as illustrated in Figure XX. [Explain each architectural element and information flow in the CCTV System project. If additional elements or interfaces are added, explain why]. |
7.4 | Utilities |
7.4-1 | Are utilities the responsibility of the operating group, or are they the responsibility of another group, such as building services? |
7.5 | Equipment |
7.5-1 | Describe what test equipment is required to support the CCTV system (e.g., communications testers, fiber testers, CCTV camera and switch testers). Is this currently available or is additional equipment required? |
7.5-2 | Will vehicles be the responsibility of the operating group or another group within the agency? What types of vehicles will be required, and how many? |
7.6 | Computing hardware |
7.6-1 | Describe the additional computing equipment required to support CCTV system operation, such as printer, copier, additional monitors, and scanner. |
7.6-2 | Describe who is responsible for maintenance and repair of the computing equipment? |
7.6-3 | Describe who is responsible for replacement of the computing equipment when it reaches the end of its useful life? |
7.7 | Software |
7.7-1 | Who is responsible for keeping software up to date? |
7.7-2 | Who is responsible for keeping software licenses current? |
7.7-3 | What controls are proposed governing software use and availability on workstations and other support computers? |
7.8 | Personnel |
7.8-1 | Describe how many users/operators will be available for routine operations. Will this be provided by existing staff or will additional staff be required? |
7.8-2 | Describe what hours users/operators will be available. |
7.8-3 | Describe what training users/operators will need. |
7.8-4 | Describe what maintenance staff will be required. Will this be provided by existing staff or will additional staff be required? |
7.8-5 | What qualifications and training will the maintenance staff require? |
7.9 | Operating procedures |
7.9-1 | Describe who will be responsible for backing up databases. How often will backups be required? Will backups be stored off-site? |
7.10 | Maintenance |
7.10-1 | Describe the arrangements for maintenance. (E.g., is it done in-house or contracted out? Is it 24/7? Is equipment repair done in-house or externally?) |
8 | Chapter 8: Operational Scenarios |
8.1 | Overview |
8.1-1 | The following operational scenarios describe how the system is expected to operate under various conditions. The proposed CCTV system is expected to be able to manage the following operational scenarios and issues envisioned for both the current and future project locations. Scenarios are described for the following operational conditions: [Edit to suit your situation.]
[For each scenario, describe the following elements:
8.2 | Configure CCTV System |
8.2.1 | Operational Objectives |
8.2.1-1 | The operational objectives for the configuration of the CCTV System are to:
8.2.2 | Users |
8.2.2-1 | The users involved with the configuration of the CCTV System are:
8.2.3 | Summary of Operations |
8.2.3-1 | The CCTV System Manager will prepare and monitor the CCTV
System operation by controlling access of the various users and External Systems to the CCTV System. Specifically the CCTV System Manager configures who can select particular cameras, control these cameras, receive distributed video, and control video distribution. Additionally, the CCTV Manager gives CCTV System Maintainers the ability to run diagnostics and tests on the CCTV System in order to enact repairs.
The CCTV Manager also configures the CCTV System by setting the number and types of users allowed access to the CCTV System at any given time. The CCTV Manager also sets other parameters to handle competing user access to shared capabilities as well as camera ownership, permissions, etc. In addition, the CCTV System Manager monitors and configures the performance of external video streams based on usage and communications limitations. |
8.3 | Check for Camera in Coverage Area |
8.3.1 | Operational Objectives |
8.3.1-1 | The operational objective for checking for cameras in a coverage area is to:
8.3.2 | Users |
8.3.2-1 | The user involved with checking for cameras in a coverage area is:
8.3.3 | Summary of Operations |
8.3.3-1 | Given a location of interest entered by the CCTV System User, the CCTV System returns a list of cameras to view that location within a specified coverage area. For example, an incident is reported and needs to be visually verified to determine if the incident is valid and what resources are needed. |
8.4 | CCTV Monitoring |
8.4.1 | Operational Objectives |
8.4.1-1 | The operational objective for CCTV monitoring is to:
8.4.2 | Users |
8.4.2-1 | The user involved with CCTV monitoring is:
8.4.3 | Summary of Operations |
8.4.3-1 | The CCTV System provides CCTV System Users the ability to monitor area conditions for incident detection, current traffic conditions, current weather conditions, etc. in order to have a better understanding of the state of the transportation network. The CCTV System User can select particular cameras to be displayed on video monitors, set camera PTZ presets and program a set of cameras to perform a tour of a given coverage area. For automated incident detection, the CCTV System User can program cameras to return to preset locations repeatedly and accurately. |
8.5 | Provide CCTV System Video |
8.5.1 | Operational Objectives |
8.5.1-1 | The operational objectives for providing CCTV System video are to:
8.5.2 | Users |
8.5.2-1 | The users involved with providing CCTV System video are:
8.5.3 | Summary of Operations |
8.5.3-1 | With video-sharing agreements in place, the CCTV System User initiates provision of CCTV System video feeds and/or video snapshots based on external system requests. These requests for a common video data distribution channel can come from the media, traveler information providers, state and local DOTs, emergency services agencies and other users with a need for video. The CCTV System User can selectively disable any and all video feeds to one or more users for any reason. The CCTV System User can also configure the maximum number of video feeds allowed to each user. In addition, the CCTV System User can select and direct video from non-camera sources, such as broadcast television video feeds, to the CCTV System video monitors. |
8.6 | Verify Non-CCTV Field Device Status using CCTV |
8.6.1 | Operational Objectives |
8.6.1-1 | The operational objective for verifying Non-CCTV field device status using CCTV is to:
8.6.2 | Users |
8.6.2-1 | The user involved with CCTV monitoring is:
8.6.3 | Summary of Operations |
8.6.3-1 | Based on a request or known change of state of a field device, the CCTV System User selects camera feeds of the field device to display on one or more video monitors. The CCTV System User verifies that the field device (e.g., DMS, roadway gates, ramp meter, traffic signal, toll plaza, lane control signals, variable speed limit signs and other devices) is working properly. |
8.7 | CCTV Automatic Detection |
8.7.1 | Operational Objectives |
8.7.1-1 | The operational objective for automatic detection by the CCTV System is to:
8.7.2 | Users |
8.7.2-1 | The user involved with CCTV monitoring is:
8.7.3 | Summary of Operations |
8.7.3-1 | Cameras controlled by a CCTV System are configured by the CCTV System User to be trained on fixed locations in order to identify and notify the CCTV System User about roadway incidents, incidents on ramps and shoulders as well as wrong-way vehicles. |
8.8 | Remote Control of CCTV Devices |
8.8.1 | Operational Objectives |
8.8.1-1 | The operational objective for remote control of CCTV devices is to:
8.8.2 | Users |
8.8.2-1 | The users involved in remotely controlling a CCTV device are:
8.8.3 | Summary of Operations |
8.8.3-1 | External Systems can access the CCTV System's cameras to monitor their video feeds and control them. For example, the External System may need to view an event, see real-time traffic conditions or verify an incident. The CCTV System User can manually suspend the external video feed and camera access for any reason. Conversely, the CCTV System can monitor and control External System cameras. |
8.9 | Logging CCTV System Data |
8.9.1 | Operational Objectives |
8.9.1-1 | The operational objectives for logging CCTV System data are to:
8.9.2 | Users |
8.9.2-1 | The user involved in logging CCTV System data is:
8.9.3 | Summary of Operations |
8.9.3-1 | The CCTV System Maintainer specifies which CCTV System events are logged along with the size of the log(s) and each logs duration. The CCTV System Maintainer accesses the logs and reviews the history for general system oversight and to perform diagnostics testing due to triggered alarms. |
8.10 | Recorded Video |
8.10.1 | Operational Objectives |
8.10.1-1 | The operational objectives for recorded video are to:
8.10.2 | Users |
8.10.2-1 | The user involved with recorded video is:
8.10.3 | Summary of Operations |
8.10.3-1 | The CCTV System User can initiate recording of particular CCTV camera feeds. They can also setup a schedule of recordings based on time-of-day or start and duration. The recorded video can be played back by the CCTV System User including fast forward and rewind capabilities. The recorded video can be distributed to other users and/or External Systems. The recorded video is logged as an event in the system. The recorded vide can be deleted which also is logged as an event. Retention rules for the recorded video can be set by the CCTV System User whereby the recorded video is deleted based on the rules. Video recordings can be marked by the CCTV System User for permanent storage. The CCTV System may use a standard video compression method to store the recorded video. |
8.11 | CCTV System Maintenance |
8.11.1 | Operational Objectives |
8.11.1-1 | The operational objectives for CCTV System maintenance are to:
8.11.2 | Users |
8.11.2-1 | The users involved in CCTV System maintenance are:
8.11.3 | Summary of Operations |
8.11.3-1 | Maintaining CCTV System operations requires equipment designed for their location. Based on a CCTV System User request or CCTV System failure notification, the CCTV System Maintainer can remotely test the CCTV System including running diagnostics and updating device firmware and system software. It is important that the CCTV System Maintainer has safe access to all aspects of the CCTV System for repairs. |
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