Office of Operations
21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

Maryland State Highway Administration Pilot of the Data Business Plan Guide for State and Local Departments of Transportation: Data Business Plan

Appendix E. Glossary of Data Management and Governance Terms

This appendix provides a glossary of terms related to data coordination, management, and governance.

Connected Vehicle Data—Data collected via a vehicle that has an independent onboard wireless capability to establish a two-way data linkage between a system onboard and another system not onboard, for the purpose of transferring information.

Data Business Plan—Describes a systematic process for Maryland SHA to follow while conducting activities related to the collection, management, and maintenance of mobility data.

Data Catalog—A catalog of information about the data used by stakeholders involved with mobility data programs in the Maryland SHA region. The data catalog includes a list of relevant data programs, data business owners, data stewards, and instructions for accessing data standards and definitions with that program.

Data Custodian—IT staff including IT security, network administrators, Database Administrators, server administrators, and Business area staff who are responsible for the "technical application" support for data systems. This may include application programmers and systems analysts who work in business areas other than the IT Office or Division.

Data Governance—The execution and enforcement of authority over the management of data assets and the performance of data functions. The management of data assets is accomplished through the Data Management Board. This role is critical in successfully managing data programs that meet business needs and in supporting a comprehensive data business plan for the organization.

Data Governance Charter—Sets forth the purpose, mission, vision, goals and objectives, and data management policies for implementation of the Data Management Board.

Data Governance Manual—Provides comprehensive guidance to the Data Management Board in implementing the Data Governance Model and Charter.

Data Governance Model—A diagram depicting the relationship between mobility data programs, the various individuals/agencies responsible for implementing data governance, and the users/stakeholders for the data programs.

Data Management—The development, execution, and oversight of architectures, policies, practices, and procedures to manage the information lifecycle needs of an enterprise in an effective manner as it pertains to data collection, storage, security, data inventory, analysis, quality control, reporting, and visualization.

Data Management Practices—Activities necessary to acquire, update, describe, standardize, analyze, store, and protect data to ensure it can be used.

Data Stewards—Individuals within Maryland SHA and external agencies who are subject matter experts and points of contact for the data programs they oversee. They are responsible for managing their data programs in accordance with common processes and procedures.

Data Stewardship—The formalization of accountability for the management of data resources. Data stewardship is a role performed by individuals within an organization known as data stewards. The functions of data governance and data stewardship typically are part of an overall data management program within an organization.

Mobility Data—On-time performance for transit, bike/ped counts, and travel time/speed and VMT for vehicles and truck freight.

Department Director's Meeting—Senior level managers from Maryland SHA. This group would provide executive level support for data governance, including dedicating resources as needed and establishing memorandums of understanding for data sharing with other partner agencies.

Data Management Board—The designated individuals from Maryland SHA's offices responsible for the oversight of data programs to support the business functions of their offices. This group dictates the policies, procedures, and business practices associated with mobility data programs.

Data Management Board Charter—Charter document that formally establishes the Data Management Board and sets forth the objectives, membership, structure, and operating framework for implementing the Data Management Board.

Mobility Data Program—A formal or informal program for the collection, analysis, or reporting of mobility data.

Mobility Data Users and Stakeholders—Any persons or agencies that use or interface with, access, benefit from, or are otherwise affected by mobility data.

Rules of Engagement—Practices followed or behavior displayed by the participants in situations of opposing interests such as negotiations. Unwritten rules of engagement determine what information is given, at what time, to whom, and in what manner; and what concession is granted and what is demanded in return. For work in a team, rules of engagement typically define the protocols of communication, conflict, decisionmaking, and meetings.

  Last modified: November 20, 2019  
Office of Operations