Office of Operations
21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

Hillsborough Metropolitan Planning Organization Pilot of the Data Business Plan for State and Local Departments of Transportation: Data Business Plan

Appendix C. Stakeholder Survey

1. Please identify the organization under which you are employed, and what your title is.:Organization

Count Response
1 City of Plant City
2 City of Tampa
1 DOH-Hillsborough
1 Environmental Protection Commission
1 FDOT District 7
1 Florida's Turnpike
1 Hillsborough Area Regional Transit Authority
1 Hillsborough County City-County Planning Commission
1 Hillsborough County Public Works
1 Pasco MPO
1 Pinellas County
1 Pinellas PPC/MPO

1. Please identify the organization under which you are employed, and what your title is.:Title

Count Response
1 Analyst
1 General manager II
1 ITS Coordinator
1 Planning Consultant
1 Planning Director
1 Planning Manager
1 Senior Planner
1 Sr. Human Services Program Specialist
1 Street Stormwater Traffic Superintendent
1 TMC Manager
1 Traffic Management Center Operations Manager
1 Traffic Studios and Safety
1 Transportation Director
1 Transportation Engineer

2. Does your organization directly collect, develop, or maintain any mobility databases or data systems? If yes, please list the types of mobility data For the purposes of this study, mobility data is defined as volume, speed, lane occupancy, or connected vehicle data for vehicle, freight, bicycle/pedestrian, and transit modes.

Pie Chart for question 2.  Yes (60%) (Count 9); No (40%) (Count 6); Total Responses 15.

Please specify

Count Response
1 Bluetooth Travel Time Data (vehicle) Computerized Signal System Sensor data (vehicle)
1 System counts for ATMS Traffic system. local speed, volume, counts for safety and development.
1 Volume Speed Travel Times
1 We don't collect mobility data, as a Toll Road we collect transaction data.
1 Annual Traffic Count Program Special Counts for PD&Es, Corridor Studies, etc. Travel Time/Speed Studies Transit Routes/Ridership for Model Base Years OD Bluetooth Data for Special Studies
1 APC data tracks ridership and related data as well as bicycle rack usage. Real Time data tracks speed and on-time performance.
1 The Florida's Turnpike Enterprise collect data on volume, speed, system reliability and freight.
1 We have some sample data on all the types of mobility data listed above except data specifically for connected vehicles.
1 Speed, distance, fuel usage, route and stop ridership, wheelchair usage, TSP requests, transit fare collection. Modes: Fixed route, paratransit, and streetcar

3. What is your role with respect to the mobility databases or data systems within your organization? (select all that apply)

Chart for question 3. Values: I use and/or analyze mobility data 69.25% (count 9), I generate metadata and/or resolve data quality issues for mobility data 7.7% (count 1); I am an IT professional responsible for technical application support, data security, backup, and/or storage of mobility data 0% (count 0); I am an administrator and/or designer for mobility databases and systems 23.1% (count 3); Other (please specify) 30.8% (count 4), Total 13.

Responses "Other (please specify)" Count
Left Blank 11
Don't use mobility data currently 1
I do not work with mobility data, but work with other health/determinant data 1
No mobility database 1
We use transaction data for toll user billing. 1

4. How do you obtain travel time or speed data? Check all that apply

Chart for question 4.  Value - We collect it internally (please specify) 53.3% (count 8); We obtain it from another agency (please specify) 26.7% (count 4); We purchase it from vendors (please specify) 6.7% (count 1); Other (please specify) 20% (count 3); We don't work with travel time or speed data 26.7% (count 4); Total 15.
Responses "We collect it internally (please specify)" Count
Left Blank 8
Bluetooth and loop sensors 1
Clever Devices Real Time Systems 1
Consultant Contracts' Tasks 1
Pasco Traffic operations 1
We install road counters and collect from system loops. 1
We use machine counters and laser/radar devices 1
traffic count, toll data, Origin and Destination studies, preference surveys 1

Responses "We obtain it from another agency (please specify)" Count
Left Blank 11
Albeck Gerken Inc. 1
FDOT District Offices, Comparisons with other states, i.e. Georgia 1

Responses "We purchase it from vendors (please specify)" Count
Left Blank 14
additional freight information is purchased through FDOT Central Office 1

Responses "Other (please specify)" Count
Left Blank 12
Central Office Inrix purchase 1
Google Traffic/Waze 1
If we need travel speed, we will do traffic engineering studios. 1

5. What is the source of data? Check all that apply

Chart for question 5. Values: Probe - 0% (count 0); GPS - 27.3% (count 3); Bluetooth - 54.6% (count 6); Other (please specify) - 45.5% (count 5); Total 11.
Responses "Other (please specify)" Count
Left Blank 10
Counters collect speed data 1
Crowd sourcing 1
Loops and road tubes 1
machine counter and laser radar devices 1
tube counts 1

6. On what network? Check all that apply

Chart for question 6. Values: Freeways 44.4% (count 4); Highways 66.7% (count 6); Arterials 77.8% (count 7); Total responses 9.

7. On what geographic boundary? (e.g. within the city of St Petersburg)

Count Response
1 City of Tampa, FL
1 County wide - Pinellas
1 Hillsborough County
1 Lee Roy Selmon Expressway, Meridian Avenue, and Brandon Parkway
1 Statewide
1 Throughout District and Statewide
1 US19 Hwy which is the north/south spine of our county.
1 Within the city of Plant city limits
1 Within Pasco County
1 Within the City of Tampa and adjacent surrounding areas.
1 Within Pinellas County, anywhere the PSTA buses run. Limited parts of Hillsborough County, where PSTA bus routes run.

8. For which time period? Check all that apply

Chart for question 8. Values: Ongoing 81.8% (count 9); Samples 45.5% (count 5); One time 27.3% (count 3); Total Responses 11.
Responses "Other (please specify)" Count
Left Blank 15

9. How is it aggregated? Check all that apply

Chart for question 9. Values: Real time 72.7% (count 8); Archive 90.9% (count 10); Total Responses 11.

10. What is it used for? Check all that apply

Chart for question 10. Values: Operations 90.9% (count 10); Planning 90.9% (count 10); Other (please specify) 18.2% (count 2); Total Responses 11.
Responses "Other (please specify)" Count
Left Blank 13
Design 1
Safety 1

11. Are current speed/travel time data collection efforts meeting your business needs?

Pie Chart for question 11. Values: Yes 63.6% (count 7); No 36.4% (count 4); Total Responses 11.

Why not?

Count Response
1 Need additional work to make better use of expanding data sources for performance management
1 need additional travel data mainly turning movement counts at intersections on a continuous basis
1 HR intensive work to set out machine counters not to mention exposure to traffic which call be unsafe
1 Trying to obtain travel time data of more facilities. Specifically SR60 which was discontinued. It is a main beach access arterial.

12. Are data quality data collection standards in place for travel time/speed?

Pie Chart for question 12. Values: Yes 45.5% (count 5); No 54.6% (count 6). Total Responses 11.

Are they adequate?

Pie Chart for are they adequate. Values: Yes 80% (count 4); No 20% (count 1); Total Responses 5.

Responses "Other (please specify)" Count
Left Blank 14
There is always room for improvement 1

13. Are you currently sharing travel time/speed data with other organizations in the region?

Pie Chart for question 13. Values: Yes (please specify) 54.6% (count 6); No 45.5% (count 5); Total Responses 11.
Responses "Yes (please specify)" Count
Left Blank 9
Anyone can obtain the data 1
OneBusAway 1
Only for specific traffic studies 1
Other FDOT Districts and MPOs 1
Regional CMP 1

Are these external users easily able to access the data?

Count Response
1 As they are from specific studies, there is no reusable method.
1 No
1 Typically share the data as an exported excel sheet or other type of data base
2 Yes
1 Yes, via website or CD

Would you be willing to do so?

Pie chart for would you be willing to do so.  Values: Yes 100% (count 5); No 0% (count 0); Total Responses 5.

14. What are the obstacles to sharing this data?

Chart for question 14. Values: Data sharing platform (please specify) 16.7% (count 1); Other (please specify) 83.3% (count 5); Total Responses 6.
Responses "Proprietary restrictions (please specify)" Count
Left Blank 15

Responses "Data sharing platform (please specify)" Count
Left Blank 14
links 1

Responses "Other (please specify)" Count
Left Blank 10
No obstacles that I know of. 1
None 1
Not aware of any at this time 1
Site specific studies 1
We have nothing to share. FDOT shares with us. 1

15. Do you see a benefit to having access to travel time/speed data collected by others?

Pie chart for question 15. Values: Yes 100% (count 15); No 0% (count 0); Total Responses 15.

Why not?

Count Response

16. Are you aware of travel time/speed data that other agencies in the region have?

Pie Chart for question 16. Values: Yes (please describe) 42.9% (count 6); No 57.1% (count 8); Total Responses 14.
Responses "Yes (please specify)" Count
Left Blank 10
Aware of Travel Time/Speed studies done by FDOT for modeling purposes 1
BlueToad devices, microwave devices 1
FDOT D7 / Planning /MPO 1
ITS, Sun guide 1

Do you have access to that data?

Pie chart for do you have access to that data question. Values: Yes (please specify) 66.7% (count 4); No (why not?) 16.7% (count 1); Not sure 16.7% (count 1); Total Responses 6.
Responses "Yes (please specify)" Count
Left Blank 12
By request and not sure how old it is 1
some limited 1
via web app 1

Responses "No (why not?)" Count
Left Blank 14
It hasn't been publicly advertised. 1

17. Are you aware of any untapped opportunities for sharing speed/travel time mobility data wi1h internal or
external stakeholders, thereby reducing costs associated with data collection?

Pie chart for question 17. Values: Yes 13.35 (count 2); No 86.7% (count 13); Total Responses 15.

What are they?

Count Response
1 Companies like are willing to install a device in a signal cabinets that gather roadway performance measures. These measures are available to the municipality, but the company may also sell that information to OEMs. We are currently evaluating the same.

18. Do you collaborate with other organizations in the region on other topics? (e.g., sharing best practices, plans, or RFPs for data collection for mobility data programs)

Pie chart for question 18.  Values: Yes 40% (count 6); No 60% (count 9); Total Responses 15.
Count Response
1 FDOT - should be expanded to other regional partners
1 ITS MPO, meetings and seminars
1 Meetings like TranStat as well as collaboration through other technical groups
1 Technology committees, professional workshops, and governmental meetings.
1 We work with FDOT-D7, City of Tampa and MPO on data as needed.
1 Yes through TRT and other regional meetings.

19. Do you have additional comments that would clarify any of your responses or help us better understand your data needs?

Count Response
1 More origin and destination data would be useful to have for planning purposes.
1 Pedestrian and bicycle activity data is the most needed.
1 We don't currently use mobility data that I am aware of but the idea sounds most promising.
1 This sounds like you are really looking at roadway travel speeds/times so not sure if the transit related responses I submitted were appropriate.
1 Our data needs are limited at this time ... as needed, we occasionally request MPO for transportation figures but they are typically more historical figures such as VMT.
1 Travel speed and time data is done based on site specific needs through our GEC. We do not have a systematic way to gather such data.
1 Managing and analyzing this data is time intensive. We are currently doing it with same staffing level as before.
Office of Operations