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Developing and Sustaining a Transportation Systems Management & Operations Mission for Your Organization: A Primer For Program PlanningChapter 3. The Evolution and Current Practice of Transportation Systems Management and Operations Program PlanningOver the past decade, the transportation community has advanced different approaches to organizing for and creating a program structure for transportation systems management and operations (TSMO). The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, and the Transportation Research Board have developed several TSMO resources designed for metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs) and State departments of transportation (DOT), including guidebooks and reference manuals to share best practices. Through these various efforts, the state of the practice has evolved significantly and provides a context for the key elements of the approach to TSMO program planning identified in this primer. Strategic Highway Research Program 2: Reliability Research and Self-Assessment WorkshopsResearch conducted under the second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP2) in the Reliability focus area played a pivotal role in the concept of TSMO program planning by examining both technical and organizational support needed to enhance highway operations and travel time reliability at State DOTs and MPOs. The research developed a capability maturity model (CMM) consisting of six key dimensions to help transportation agencies improve the effectiveness of their TSMO activities (Figure 1). ![]() The CMM is used as part of an assessment process by a transportation agency. This capability improvement process begins with a self-evaluation of the agency's current level of capability in the key dimensions, and provides strategies and actions to reach a higher level of capability. Building on this effort, the FHWA document Creating an Effective Program to Advance Transportation System Management and Operations Primer (January 2012) provided high-level guidance focused on key program, process, and organizational capabilities that are essential to the development of more effective TSMO strategy applications. As shown in Figure 2 below, reaching full TSMO program potential requires that business and technical processes as well as supporting institutional arrangements be put in place and managed. The Basis of Improvement ![]()
Figure 2. Diagram. Relationship among program, processes, and the institutional framework.2
Through the SHRP2 program and with support from FHWA, over 40 States and regions have conducted CMM self-assessment workshops focused on TSMO using the six dimensions of organizational capabilities. As a part of their resulting Action Plans, many have identified the value of developing a structured TSMO program plan to further advance their TSMO programs. National Cooperative Highway Research Program Project 20-07/345 Program Planning and Development for Transportation Systems Management and Operations in State Departments of TransportationThe National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Project 20-07/345: Program Planning for Transportation System Management and Operations in State Departments of Transportation (June 2014) set out to explore the state of the practice in TSMO program planning and to begin defining alternative approaches to develop and administer a TSMO program plan. Based on an extensive scan of documents, including TSMO-related plans developed by several State DOTs and MPOs, interviews with key personnel, and a workshop with State and regional practitioners, it recommended five interrelated elements for consideration in TSMO program planning (See Table 1).
Source: M.E. Baird, Ph.D., P.E. and P. Noyes, National Cooperative Highway Research Program Project Number 20-07/345: Program Planning and Development for Transportation System Management and Operations (TSM&O) in State Departments of Transportation, National Cooperative Highway Research Program (Washington, DC: NCHRP 2014). Available at: http://onlinepubs.trb.org/onlinepubs/nchrp/docs/NCHRP20-07(345)_FR.pdf.
National Cooperative Highway Research Program Project 20-07/365: Transportation Systems Management and Operations Program Planning – Experiences from the Second Strategic Highway Research Program Implementation Assistance ProgramMost recently, building on the earlier NCHRP study, the NCHRP Project 20-07/365, Transportation System Management and Operations Program Planning – Experiences from the SHRP2 Implementation Assistance Program (July 2016), documented the experiences, lessons learned, challenges, and best practices in TSMO program planning. This study involved a national survey of transportation agencies and held a workshop of leaders from State DOTs and MPOs in February 2016 to evaluate and validate program planning frameworks from the NCHRP 20-07/345 and CMM efforts. The result was a unified TSMO program planning framework, as shown in Table 2.
Source: NCHRP, Transportation Systems Management and Operations Program Planning – Experiences from the SHRP 2 Implementation Assistance Program, NCHRP 20-07 TASK 365 Final Report.
Available at: http://onlinepubs.trb.org/onlinepubs/nchrp/docs/NCHRP20-07(365)_FR.pdf.
Leading State and Metropolitan Planning Organization EffortsMeanwhile, over the past several years, a number of States and MPOs have undertaken efforts to develop TSMO program plans, which provide good examples of effective and emerging practices. For instance, Virginia DOT developed a statewide operations program plan using the TSMO capability improvement approach based on the six dimensions and levels of capability. Similarly, Tennessee DOT developed a TSMO program plan building off of the SHRP2 CMM self-assessment. Some agencies have developed TSMO strategic plans, such as Florida DOT, which developed the Florida TSMO Strategic Plan, completed in 2013, laying out key goals and objectives for its TSMO Program. At the regional level, MPOs such as Metro in Portland, Oregon, the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission (DVRPC) in Philadelphia, and the Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission (SEWRPC) in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, developed regional TSMO plans. These plans generally identify key TSMO goals and objectives as well as program and project investment priorities for funding. One notable example of a TSMO program plan, which provides a critical basis for recommendations in this primer, is the plan developed by Iowa DOT in 2015-16. Iowa DOT developed a three-layer TSMO plan (as shown in Figure 3) to improve the capability of the agency to manage the State's transportation system. The three major components of the Iowa TSMO planning effort reflect a tiered approach and include three sets of planning documents:
![]() Note: DOT = department of transportation. ITS = intelligent transportation systems. Figure 3. Diagram. Structure for the Iowa transportation systems management and operations plan.3 Development of this PrimerThis primer builds upon the NCHRP 20-07/345 and NCHRP 20-07/365 resource documents, as well as lessons from effective State and MPO practices. It also draws from input gathered through a workshop of representatives from several leading State DOTs, MPOs, and a regional operations organization, convened by FHWA in April 2016 to identify key elements of an effective TSMO program planning process. Specifically, the primer is designed as a practical, user-friendly resource to help State DOTs, MPOs, and other organizations understand the benefits of and effective practices associated with TSMO program planning. It takes the research-based information from the national survey and unified TSMO program planning framework discussed in the NCHRP 20-07/365 report and organizes the components into three key elements of TSMO program planning: strategic, programmatic, and tactical. The Iowa TSMO Plan, with its three levels of TSMO documents—a strategic plan, program plan, and service layer plans—provided a strong basis for the program planning approach discussed in this document. The validity and applicability of this approach was verified through discussions with leading State DOTs and MPOs, who helped to shape the content into this primer. In addition, the primer provides examples to help agencies advance their practices, and includes questions for consideration to prompt thinking concerning issues to assist agencies in advancing their program planning efforts. 2 Federal Highway Administration, Creating an Effective Program to Advance Transportation System Management and Operations Primer, FHWA-HOP-12-003 (Washington, DC: January 2012). Available at: https://ops.fhwa.dot.gov/publications/fhwahop12003/. [ Return to note 2. ] 3 Iowa Department of Transportation, Iowa Transportation Systems Management and Operations Program Plan, February 2016. Available at: http://www.iowadot.gov/TSMO/TSMO-Program-Plan.pdf. [ Return to note 3. ] |
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United States Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration |
Last modified: April 22, 2020 |