Office of Operations
21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

Developing and Sustaining a Transportation Systems Management & Operations Mission for Your Organization: A Primer For Program Planning


FHWA would like to thank the following individuals for their important input and contributions to this document:

Erik Alm, Senior Transportation Planner, California Department of Transportation

Matt Edelman, Former Executive Director, TRANSCOM

Brad Freeze, Director, Traffic Operations Division, Tennessee Department of Transportation

Sarath Joshua, Senior Program Manager, ITS and Safety, Maricopa Association of Governments

Subrat Mahapatra, Division Chief, Maryland DOT State Highway Administration

Scott Marler, Director, Office of Traffic Operations, Iowa Department of Transportation

Laurie Matkowski, Manager, Office of Transportation Operations Management, Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission

  Last modified: April 22, 2020  
Office of Operations